From the course: SQL for Data Analysis

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Creating data visualization

Creating data visualization - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL for Data Analysis

Creating data visualization

- [Instructor] Now it's your turn to create. In the repository for the course, you'll run the code for Create a dashboard.ipynb. This Jupiter Notebook contains the code to create a new dashboard from the V customer order summary view that contains the total sales, minimum due, maximum due and average due by state. Run through each step in the Jupiter notebook and note how we can incorporate SQL from this course into Python, Pandas and plot with Plotly to create a new web-based dashboard. I've updated the header to H plus Sport Sales Dashboard, and you can also look at the Plotly documentation if you're more interested in more ways that we can format the dashboard and make it even more interactive. Click on the link again from Jupiter notebook, and you've created your own web-based dashboard that you can share with the sales team for H Plus Sport. We can see that our webpage now includes the dashboard with our SQL queries…
