From the course: SQL for Data Analysis

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Introduction to data manipulation

Introduction to data manipulation - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL for Data Analysis

Introduction to data manipulation

- [Instructor] All of the syntax we've covered so far in this course are geared toward data retrieval. We've mainly used the select statement to retrieve data that we want to display. As a developer, you'll also have to create processes for creating, updating, and removing data. This is part of the SQL language called data manipulation. Data manipulation language or DML allows you as a developer to change the actual values of the data that is stored within the database tables. Common data manipulation functions include insert, update, and delete. The insert, update, and delete operations, along with select, are used to do CRUD operations, create, read, update, and delete. The select statement is a read or retrieval operation. We have used this operation in several examples already. It returns a result set of data from our database. The insert statement allows us to add new records to our tables, like adding a customer or…
