From the course: Using Video to Convey Your Passion and Personality

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Become an authentic storyteller

Become an authentic storyteller

- What does it mean when I say the best on-camera personalities are authentic? Well, it means that they're comfortable, natural, and nothing is forced about their delivery. Now, is that easy? The hell no. If you ever attempted to create content and put yourself in front of the camera, you may have remembered the following. Your mouth quivering as you stare into the camera. Or the voice that comes out, it doesn't sound like you. Or maybe just talking at the camera feels weird, as there's no physical energy. There's no one there to talk to you. Or even worse, there's no response. You're told to turn on the camera and smile. Breathe, relax, act naturally, be yourself, have fun, but that still doesn't help. I know, because I, too, have been there. This is the same generic advice that didn't work for me when I began appearing on camera. And then I taught myself to invite the camera into my conversations as another…
