From the course: Using Video to Convey Your Passion and Personality

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Clothes and makeup

Clothes and makeup

- Whatever you choose to wear in front of the camera, the most important thing is that you have to feel comfortable. But here are some tips of the trade when it comes to choosing those clothes that make you feel comfortable. First up, no stripes, checked, neon colors, or optical illusions in your clothing. No white or too much black. They don't really work well in front of camera. Solid colors but not uniformed and get out the iron. Honestly guys, wrinkles show up. Dress appropriately for the occasion and make sure that it fits your brand. As for makeup, ladies, use it sparingly. Avoid a lot under the eyes. Choose a shade of powders slightly lighter than your skin tone and use it throughout the shoot as you tend to get shiny in front of the light. Gents, a little powder takes away some of the shininess. So always be good to have it on the side. And if you button your suit, it will keep your tie in place. That…
