From the course: Using Video to Convey Your Passion and Personality

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Dry runs make technology

Dry runs make technology

- Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. To produce the best possible content, you have to be prepared. You can't do enough rehearsals of your live video event. Whether your brand is planning a professional production, or just a smartphone video and you're recording something live, this step is equally important. Technology can and will fail. Once upon a time, I was responsible for producing a series of live Google Plus Hangouts for a handful of brands. On one nightmare-ish occasion, the tech completely failed me less than a minute into what was supposed to be the studio quality production that I had promised the clients. Thousands of dollars were wasted. Hours upon hours of prep all went for naught and the brand's image was slightly tarnished as a result. However, if you prepare for as many things that could possibly go wrong, generally there is always some solution that you can go to very quickly when those failures…
