From the course: Using Video to Convey Your Passion and Personality

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Shooting the basics

Shooting the basics

- Typically there are three types of stable shots using videography. Wide, medium, and close-up. Wide, medium, and close-up. Each type of shot refers to how far the camera is from your subject. For best quality of close-up shots, avoid using zoom. Instead, physically move the camera closer to your subjects. As you try and maintain the sharpness and quality of your footage. Try to shoot all three kinds of shots to make your final video more dynamic and interesting. And give your editors something to work with if that's what you're going to end up doing. Have a few wide shots to give the audience some context. Where they are, where the event's been held. Then focus on a medium and close-up shots, especially on people's facial expressions and emotions. Unless you're shooting an interview, try shooting some of the footage from a position other than eye-level. Get on the ground, or get up high. This makes your video…
