From the course: Using Video to Convey Your Passion and Personality

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The essentials for creating on a budget

The essentials for creating on a budget

- Most camcorders sold today shoot in high definition, HD. Even most smartphones and tablets are claiming to produce HD video. And they can be a life savior. If your camera is out of commission, or even if you just don't have the budget for one. By using your smartphone, it's a great option even if you're just planning on posting short clips from your phone directly to social media. Especially for live events. So use your phone. Smartphones can only take you so far if you're planning on using features like zoom, manual focus, or installing an external microphone. Even though smartphones can record HD video, the quality isn't always the same as a dedicated camera. So if you're looking to product high quality videos for your website or even social media, you should invest in a camera for this purpose. Or invest in a videographer. For limited budgets, you could purchase a point and shoot camera with HD video capabilities.…
