From the course: Working with Your Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

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Angie McArthur: Collaborate intelligently

Angie McArthur: Collaborate intelligently

(soft music) - A strategy to build your collaborative intelligence is thinking talents. And this is really understanding the specific ways of thinking that light you up. The brain uses an immense amount of energy. 30% of our total energy is used by our brains. And the only way to give your brain energy is thinking in the ways that are most natural to you that actually excite you. And this is what prevents burnout. We live in a culture where we expect everyone to be good at everything, and it's just not true. So the more you can understand about the specific ways that your mind generates energy, the better appreciation you will have for the value you bring, but also you'll begin to recognize again diversity with other people because they may be so different from you. (soft music) There's four general domains in which we've organized these thinking talents into: analytic, procedural, relational and innovative.…
