Operating in Your Zone of Genius as a Creator

Operating in Your Zone of Genius as a Creator

I won’t lie to you — I’m a very factual person.

Believing in the power of things that aren’t cut and dry and tangible right in front of me is something that I’m working on a lot lately.

A few months ago, I hosted a networking event and met a new friend, Bri Garnica .

She told the group that she was an energy coach, and at first, I’m thinking “what does an ‘energy coach’ even do?”

The more we chatted, the more I loved what Bri explained her job to be. She is on a mission to help people understand their personality, strengths, and superpowers to help them make their dreams a reality in a sustainable way.

Which, if we think about it, is really what I do too as a coach.

So, I wanted to learn more about her methods.

I started listening to her podcast.

I even purchased a coaching session with her where she did a tarot card reading and interpreted my cards to help me in my business but also as a human.

I’m sure, like me, you’ve let your job as a content creator and entrepreneur completely drain your energy, leaving you feeling burnt out or unfulfilled.

Even if creating is your “dream job”, it won’t always feel that way everyday.

There’s so much that goes into staying inspired and always feeling the need to create. I’ve been struggling with this in 2023.

So, I was happy to hear from Bri that there are things we can do to protect our energy and capitalize on our strengths so we can consistently create great content without getting to the point of feeling burnt out.

We just need to understand how to get to that space so we can find inspiration and take advantage of our individuality.

So how do we get to this state of flow and start living our dream lives?

On this week’s episode of Soulcial Scoop, we’re giving you the scoop on what our “Zone of Genius” is and how we can operate in it as creators.

Your Biz BFF, Kristen

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