The student decision journey isn’t linear. It’s rife with influences from all of the opinionated adults in their circle of influence. You want to work with a partner that understands how to engage your next student, increase applications, enrollment yield, student retention and alumni engagement.

Marketing for Education Has Changed

Changes to Institutions Are Applying Creative Strategies for Results

Amidst state funding increases for colleges and universities across the nation in 2023, the decline of college applicants remains consistent. While examination of college affordability, possibilities of tuition freezes and gaps between financial aid and tuition rates are happening, the slowing of enrollees may be a stark predictor. Institutions are applying the marketing principles of business to best impact recruitment, some with impressive results.

Unprecedented Challenges Face Higher Ed

Today’s universities, colleges, certificate programs and other institutions must combat emerging alternative learning environments, enrollment declines, rising costs, and new, virtual and hybrid teaching methods. Sluggish enrollment existing before the pandemic was sped by the crisis. Low birth rates during the period of the Great Recession means competing for fewer students, come 2025. Reinvention is critical, and the time is now. A professional marketing team, crafted to address the specific needs of your industry may be a necessity.

What We Do


Business Consultants

Our consultants make your internal team stronger, without adding staff.

Media Specialists

Placing your marketing messages within Michigan’s number one news source is just the beginning. We do digital at the local, state and global levels, targeting audiences by geography, demographics and behavioral characteristics.

Lead Generators

We grow businesses we partner with, and marketing isn’t the only way. Lead Generation is a specialty, using data you already have to create your next best customer.

Accelerate Intent

Students are researching programs, schools, even reputation. Every search provides hints about the questions they have. Your site and marketing materials must answer those questions, and harvest information to advise your marketing.

Digital & Traditional Marketing Methods

It’s tempting to buy billboards, after seeing your competition in premium placements. But a smarter strategy places the bulk of your messaging in the palm of your future student, best using the technology to reach them and only them, eliminating unnecessary waste in spend. There’s a place for billboards. But there’s a wiser way to use them.


in the Era – and Aftermath of a Pandemic

This global health crisis will have lasting effects on how you do business. It will also change how you reach your students and what will influence their parents. We work with dozens of universities and educational institutions. We can help you make wise decisions based on real campaigns that are working.

We Generate Results

How we do business matters. We use technology to make us smarter and our campaigns sharper. We deploy omni-channel strategies that outperform and underspend what schools have used in the past. And we do it with expert teams, organized by your account executive so you have the answers to questions quickly.



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