Living the Word

These 1-minute devotions encourage us to live according to the principles of God's Word, the Bible.
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a woman with her hand on her chin looking up at the sky and text that reads, you can't negotiate more legally or can you? 3 important conversations bible love notes
YOUR VOTE: Can You Legislate Morality? 3 Important Considerations
Christians should consider these 3 things when dealing with political issues.
a man in a white shirt and blue tie with his hand out to the side, which says did jesus confront people about their sin?
Jesus Confronted Sin—What that Means for Us
People would like to think that Jesus was non-confrontational, but Scripture tells a different story.
a woman holding a red coffee cup and pointing to the side with her finger up
One Day at a Time: A Biblical Principle
Matthew 6 contains some important principles for dealing with our daily challenges.
a wooden cutting board with a knife next to it and the words, why the old testament
All or Nothing: Christ's Fulfillment of the Law
The Hebrew Roots Movement is gaining popularity and deceiving genuine believers. We need to be aware of the way this movement misuses Scripture.
a woman standing with her arms crossed and the words bible love notes written on it
Blessed are You When People Insult You
This devotion addresses the second half of the 8th Beatitude and it's well worth a further look.
a wreath with the words, the promise and reward of persection
Blessed are Those Who are Persecuted for Righteousness
Do you understand the beatitude about being persecuted for righteousness? It's very pertinent to our lives today!
a woman holding a coffee cup with the words what the lord considers generous or stingy
When a Stingy Poor Man Becomes Rich
When a man is poor and stingy, what does he become when he gets rich? This 1-minute devotion explores what Scripture teaches about generosity.
a woman smiling with her arms crossed in front of the words, the meaning of biblical modest
What Is Biblical Modesty?
This short Bible study explains what Scripture teaches about modesty.
a cup of coffee next to a bible on a marble surface with the words accurate news & accurate understanding of scripture
Avoid Misunderstandings about Scripture
This short Bible study talks about the importance of being prepared so we aren't taken in by false presentations of Scripture.
a man reading a book with the words being transformed in front of him and an image of
A Practical Way to Deal with Specific Sins
This short devotion shares a practical way you can deal with your sins by focusing on Scripture.
two pictures of jesus and the sheep with text that reads, amazing contradictions dallas jenkins and the chosen bible love notes
Amazing Contradictions: Dallas Jenkins and The Chosen
If you want to maintain your discernment and respect for God's Word, beware of these contradictions in Dallas Jenkins' claims.
a man sitting at a table with a laptop and book in front of him that says, some things that the chosen gets seriously wrong wrong
Be Careful that You Don't Let "The Chosen" Affect Your Discernment
Please be very careful when watching The Chosen. Some of the author's beliefs and some of his additions to the script are unsettling.
the true story of st patrick is better than the legend's bible love notes
St. Patrick - Better than the Legends
Did you know that the story of the real life St. Patrick? It's better than the legends!!
a woman with her eyes closed and the words 8 steps to overcome bitterness
8 Steps to Overcome Bitterness - Dealing With Offenses Biblically
These are 8 Scriptural ways to overcome bitterness presented in this concise 1-minute devotion.