
internal, man vs. man, man vs. society
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an extreme close up shot of someone's eye
El hueco en el que anido
CHAPTER 22: "'Is he all right?' Aunty asked, indicating Jem. 'He'll be so presently,' said Atticus. 'It was a little too strong for him.'" (Lee 284) Internal Conflict for Jem.
a woman sitting in front of a fountain with water shooting up into the air from her back
45 Creative Forced-Perspective Photos
CHAPTER 22: "Mr. Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he'd get him if it took him the rest of his life." (Lee 290) Man vs. Man conflict. Mr. Bob Ewell vs. Atticus.
there is a lot of trash in the air and it looks like they are flying through the sky
Why Did This Blue Whale Swim Into the Red Sea?
CHAPTER 23: "'You'll see white men cheat black men every day of your life... that white man is trash.'" (Lee 295) Man vs. Man. Whites vs. Blacks.
an unmade bed with a poem written on the bottom right corner and a window in the background
CAHPTER 19: "'Got in a fight with another man, he tried to cut me.'" (Lee 254) Man vs. Man Conflict. Tom Robinson vs. another man he fought with.
a close up of a leopard with its mouth open
50+ Colorful Animals Photography
CHAPTER 19: "'Shut your mouth, sir!' Judge Taylor was wide awake and roaring. He was also pink in the face." (Lee 261) Man vs. Man Conflict. Judge Taylor vs. Mr. Link Deas. Judge Taylor is upset when he is interrupted.
a close up of a person with their hands on her face and the other hand holding something
CHAPTER 21: "'Hush your mouth, sir! When you oughta be hangin' your head in shame you go along laughin'...If Mr. Finch don't wear you out, I will-get in that house, sir!'" (Lee 278) Man. vs. Man Conflict. Calpurnia vs. Jem, Scout, and Dill.
a crowd of people walking across a tiled floor
Lost in movement.
CHAPTER 14: "Although we heard no more about the Finch family from Aunt Alexandra, we heard plenty from the town... we would squirm our way through sweating sidewalk crowds and sometimes hear, 'There's his chillun,' or, 'Yonder's some Finches.' ... 'They c'n go loose and rape up the countryside for all of 'em who run this county care.'" (Lee 180) Man vs. Society. Jem and Scout (the Finches) vs. the rest of the town.
two children are laughing and having fun with each other in the park, while one child is holding his head up
CHAPTER 12: "Jem yanked my hair...he kicked me. I lost my balance and fell on my face." (Lee 137) Man vs. Man. Jem vs. Scout.
a green button with a balance scale on it
CHAPTER 9: "'There's been some high talk around town to the effect that I shouldn't do much about defending this man.'" (Lee 100) Man vs. Society. Atticus vs. the rest of the people in Maycomb county.
a hand holding up an ice cream cone with chocolate chunks on top, in front of a grassy area
Toasted Marshmallow Brownie Malt Ice Cream
CHAPTER 7: "He had been on the verge of telling me something all evening; his face would brighten and he would lean toward me, then he would change his mind. He changed it again. 'Oh, nothin'.'" (Lee 82). Internal Conflict. Jem vs. himself.
an older woman wearing glasses leaning on a table with a ruler in front of her face
CHAPTER 2: "'Jean Louise, I've had about enough of you this morning,' she said. 'You're starting off on the wrong foot in every way, my dear. Hold out your hand.'" (Lee 28) Man vs. Man --- Miss Caroline vs. Scout.
two pairs of scissors sitting next to each other on a white surface with one pair missing
CHAPTER 1: "Boo drove the scissors into his parent's leg, pulled them out, wiped them on his pants, and resumed his activities." (Lee 13) Man vs. Man --- Boo vs. Mr. Radley