
Discover the fascinating world of metamodernism and its impact on art, culture, and society. Dive into the theories, examples, and key features of this emerging artistic movement.
Metamodernism Education, Modernism, Philosophy, Metamodernism, Postmodernism, Mind And Heart, Liberal Arts, Ibm Logo

Metamodernism refers to a broad range of developments in art, culture, society, philosophy, as a historigraphical between-ness that appears after and gestures beyond postmodernism, and at the same time attempts to meaningfully render emerging periodized post-postmodernism coherent.[citation needed] One definition, in the domain of culture, characterizes the metamodern as an oscillation between aspects of both modernism and postmodernism; others see it as an integration of these as well as…

Metamodernism, Postmodernism, Martin Wittfooth, Vice Magazine, Surrealism Painting, Night Photos, Modern Artists, Artist Paint, Animal Planet

A lot of post-apocalyptic fiction shows men surviving the apocalypse. A confident assumption if you ask me: are we humans strong enough to survive the end of the world? Brooklyn based artist Martin Wittfooth has a different approach on the dark future: his work shows what will happen if animals are the surviving life in […]

Georgie Underwood
Metamodernism, Competition Painting, Springboard Diving, Artist Palettes, Water Woman, Palettes Color, Element Water, Spring Boards, Swimming Diving

Water is, of all the elements, the most clearly transitional, between fire and air (the ethereal elements) and earth (the solid element). Water as a symbol of the collective or of the personal unconscious. Secondary symbolisms are derived from associated objects such as water-containers, and also from the way - Diving competition

Postmodernism, Metamodernism, Metamodernism Art, Beyond The Horizon, Upcoming Books, Rare Breed, Knowledge And Wisdom, Infiniti Logo, Art Movement

The basic stage theory proposed here is: modernist -> postmodernist -> metamodernist. So don’t skip past postmodernism, that especially goes out to the integral community, because you will end up with a cheap, empty tin version of metamodernism. Here’s a list of five key insights that make you metamodern.The basic stage theory proposed here is: modernist -> postmodernist -> metamodernist. So don’t skip past postmodernism, that especially goes out to the integral community, because you will…

Snezhana Makarevich