My Front Yard!

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an image of a garden with rocks and flowers on it, in the foreground
What is a Dry Stream Bed
What is a Dry Stream Bed - Wicki Wholesale Stone, Inc.
there are many rocks and flowers in the garden
Dry streams: small-scale, empty versions of actual rivers. You’ve likely seen them before, but perhaps haven’t really noticed. That’s by design: the best dry streams fit seamlessly and naturally with the landscape, appearing as though they’ve always been there, effortlessly demarcating garden beds with their rugged appeal and alpine beauty. So, how do you install one? And how do you make it look natural?
a garden with rocks and flowers in the center, along side a path that leads to a house
95+ Most Beautiful DIY Garden Path and Walkway Ideas (with Pictures)
65+ Most Beautiful DIY Garden Path and Walkway Ideas (PICTURES)
a small pine tree is in the middle of some rocks and grass with other trees behind it
15 Beautiful Dwarf Trees for Small Gardens and Landscapes
15 Beautiful Dwarf Trees for Small Gardens and Landscapes
a garden with rocks and flowers in the center, along side a path that leads to a house
Dry River Beds: Possibly Your Property's Best Feature - Ecological Landscape Alliance
a garden plot with rocks, gravel and grass
7 DIY Dry Creek Landscaping Ideas
a garden with rocks and plants in the center, along side it is a gravel path
front flower border