$11.2 million municipal
budget at Town Meeting

The Buxton Town Meeting will convene at 9 a.m. Saturday, June 15, at Town Hall to decide on a $11.2 million municipal budget that does not include cost of schools or the York County tax assessed the town.

Town Treasurer William Hall said Monday the proposed budget rises 9.8% from the $10.2 million for the current year.

Voting on the budget is in person only. For more information, call Town Clerk John Myers at 929-6171 or email jmyers@buxton.me.us.

History’s ‘Factory Girls’
topic of guest speaker

Professor Elizabeth DeWolfe of the University of New England will speak when Buxton-Hollis Historical Society meets at
7 p.m. Tuesday, June 18, at society headquarters, 100 Main St. in Bar Mills.

The topic is “Dangerous Temptations: Factory Girls in Fact and Fiction,” about girls working in shoe and textile mills in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

DeWolfe is co-founder of Women’s and Gender Studies at UNE and is an award-winning author. The suggested donation is $10, $8 for seniors and $5 for students. For more information, call 929-1684.

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