Remember When, Chattanooga? Redfords was a popular five-and-dime chain

Chattanooga News-Free Press archive photo via / This 1965 photograph of a soon-to-open Redfords 5&10 Cent Store in Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., was taken when the local store chain was near its peak of popularity.
Chattanooga News-Free Press archive photo via / This 1965 photograph of a soon-to-open Redfords 5&10 Cent Store in Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., was taken when the local store chain was near its peak of popularity.

For people of a certain age, Woolworths, Kress and (in the Chattanooga area) Redfords were the go-to variety stores for inexpensive household goods before Kmart, Walmart and Costco stores took over.


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