Hargis: National title the cure for ‘Battered Vols Syndrome’

Tennessee's Zander Sechrist, left, hugs Drew Beam as they celebrate their 6-5 victory against Texas A&M in Game 3 of the NCAA College World Series baseball finals in Omaha, Neb., Monday, June 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Rebecca S. Gratz)
Tennessee's Zander Sechrist, left, hugs Drew Beam as they celebrate their 6-5 victory against Texas A&M in Game 3 of the NCAA College World Series baseball finals in Omaha, Neb., Monday, June 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Rebecca S. Gratz)

The procedure now demands instant reaction — hot takes — to whatever we just witnessed on the sports stage. But if age has taught me anything, sometimes allowing enough time to pass to digest it all and let a wider overview dictate our perspective is better than a reflex tweet.


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