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Kingdom of Kush
Quiz by Patrick Goodman

Kingdom of Kush

Kush, Meroe, Napata, Kerma, Kush Economy, Kush Geography, Kush pyramids, Candaces
Egyptian Pyramids, Hieroglyphics, & Art
Quiz by Patrick Goodman

Egyptian Pyramids, Hieroglyphics, & Art

Egyptian Pyramids, The Sphinx, Egyptian Art, Egyptian Symbols, Egyptian Architecture, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, The Rosetta Stone
Gods of Ancient Egypt
Quiz by Patrick Goodman

Gods of Ancient Egypt

Amun-Ra Anubis Bastet Geb Hathor Heka Horus Isis Ma'at Nephthys Nut Osiris Ptah Set Sobek Thoth
Religion in Ancient Egypt
Quiz by Patrick Goodman

Religion in Ancient Egypt

Amun-Ra Clergy Heka High Priest Horus Isis Ma'at Mummification Negative Confessions Osiris Ostraca Set Wab Wedjat Weighing of the Heart of the Soul
Daily Life & Afterlife in Ancient Egypt
Quiz by Patrick Goodman

Daily Life & Afterlife in Ancient Egypt

Afterlife Book of the Dead Canopy Class Coffin Texts Domestic Cult Field of Reeds Heka Kites of Nephthys Ma'at Nomarch Pyramid Texts Rite Scribe Senet Shabti Dolls Silo Veneration Vizier
Government in Ancient Egypt
Quiz by Patrick Goodman

Government in Ancient Egypt

Akhenaten Amarna Avaris Dynasty Empire Expedition Heresy Hyksos Kadesh Khafre Khufu Memphis Menkaure Mentuhotep II Nomarch Nome Pharaoh Predecessor Pyramid Ramesses II Reunification Successor Thebes Vizier
Geography, Economy, & Trade in Ancient Egypt
Quiz by Patrick Goodman

Geography, Economy, & Trade in Ancient Egypt

Akhet Barter Bureaucracy Canal Caravan Cataract Deben Delta Famine Memphis River Nile Peret Shaduf Shemu Silt Thebes/Luxor
Warfare & Battles in Ancient Greece
Quiz by Patrick Goodman

Warfare & Battles in Ancient Greece

Darius I Cosmopolitan Delian League Diadochi Hoplite Hoplon Ionian Revolt Leonidas I Mardonius Miltiades Oblique Infantry Deployment Peace of Callias Pelopponesian League Phalanx Satrap Successor Themistocles Trireme Xerxes I
Daily Life & Religion in Ancient Greece
Quiz by Patrick Goodman

Daily Life & Religion in Ancient Greece

Arete Eusebia Ethos Oracle Panhellenic Perseverance Greed Vanity Fidelity Helot Stadion The Titans
Government in Ancient Greece
Quiz by Patrick Goodman

Government in Ancient Greece

Acropolis Agora Greek Archaic Period Archon Areopagus Aristocracy Assembly Boule City-State Greek Classical Period Democracy Demos Diarchy Ephor Gerousia Helot Hetaireiai Labyrinth Laconicism Minoan Monarchy Mycenaean Oligarchy Ostracism...