Leveraging new and existing tech to improve the clinician experience

Clinician Experience

Clinician Experience

Transforming clinician experiences

Struggling to reduce clinician burnout and improve clinical workflow efficiencies?

To improve the clinician experience, healthcare organizations must look beyond EHR and point solutions.

Clinicians struggle to balance patient care with the myriad of routine tasks they are asked to perform each day. They are frustrated by an inability to access meaningful, patient-specific data that is aggregated and presented in an actionable format at the point of care. Inefficient, manual workflows prevent clinicians from working top of license and are contributing to increasing levels of burnout and dissatisfaction.

To remove common friction points and improve the quality and timeliness of care, health systems need digital solutions that leverage existing technology investments in intelligent ways.

Automation and simplification

Many of the technologies implemented by health systems over the past decade have inadvertently created hours of burdensome administrative tasks for clinicians. While EHR optimization and the addition of point solutions have provided some relief, most workflows are still predominantly manual.

Health systems can alleviate clinicians' most time-consuming and repetitive workflows by augmenting existing IT investments with next-gen technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and IoT. Leveraging these technologies to automate and simplify routine tasks allows clinicians to work top of license.

Leveraging the data

Despite the influx of data floating within health system walls, clinicians struggle to access meaningful patient information at the right time and place. 

WWT's Data Analytics and AI/ML teams work with healthcare organizations to aggregate data across multiple, disparate sources and deliver proactive insights to clinicians at the point of care.

Harvesting discrete and narrative data from sources like the EHR, sensors, devices and laboratory systems provides a holistic view of the patient in real time.

Clinical decision support

As digital innovation continues to flourish in healthcare, new diagnostic and treatment approaches are continuously identified. Traditional clinical decision support tools cannot keep pace with these advances, and clinicians are struggling to stay afloat.

WWT is working with leading healthcare organizations to implement next-generation clinical decision support solutions leveraging technologies like computer vision, AI/ML that enable clinicians to significantly improve speed and accuracy to diagnosis while achieving better patient outcomes.

Outcomes spotlight

Explore some of the ways we've helped clients transform the clinician experience.

Using Machine Learning to Assist Radiation Oncology Treatment Ordering for Cancer Patients

Washington University School of Medicine and WWT collaborated to leverage machine learning (ML) to develop methods to predict radiation treatment plans for cancer patients.
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