Climate Change

Climate change could retrigger trauma in Sri Lanka

Climate Change

Sri Lanka’s civil war ended 15 years ago, but for many, the trauma of decades of fighting hasn’t been adequately addressed. And now, climate change poses new risks, and some observers say people who acquired a disability during the conflict are most vulnerable.   

Panama has relocated islanders affected by rising sea levels — and says many more villages also need to be moved

Climate Change

As flood waters drop, Brazil faces a waterborne disease outbreak

Natural disasters

Rising temperatures in India are pushing those who have to be outdoors to adapt to a new reality

Climate Change

A city in southern Brazil is forced to adapt after floods shut down a major airport


How do you save a vanishing lake? Kazakhstan has a plan.

The Big Fix

Lakes all over the world — like the Aral Sea in Central Asia — are receding because of climate change and dwindling water resources. But Kazakhstan managed to save part of the Aral Sea. The successes and shortcomings of the achievement can provide lessons for other lakeside communities.

Floodwaters in southern Brazil remain a threat​​


Large parts of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil are still waterlogged three weeks after heavy rains flooded the state. Local and federal governments have promised to rebuild homes and businesses. But people are still digging out and, as Michael Fox reports, more rain is in the forecast.

Capitalists Anonymous: Weary French seek help in buying and polluting less

Lifestyle & Belief

There are many addiction support groups out there — from alcohol and drugs to pornography. In France, there’s one called Capitalists Anonymous, for people who can’t stop buying stuff or worry that their daily actions, like commuting in gas-guzzling cars, are hurting the planet. 

Scientists study why some of Central Asia’s glaciers are resilient to climate change


Scientists are racing to learn why some glaciers in a remote part of Central Asia’s mountains seem unaffected by climate change. Their efforts are bolstered by new strategies they’re developing to better understand how climate change will impact the world’s water resources.

Once the epicenter of hydraulic engineering, Mexico City is now running out of water


Water supplies in Mexico City are at a historic low due to low rainfall, rising temperatures and outdated infrastructure. The World’s Tibisay Zea reports on the paradox of a sinking, thirsty city that was once surrounded by lakes.