How to start a new world but keep everything I’ve purchased or earned?

by OliverDecemberr

Original Post

How to start a new world but keep everything I’ve purchased or earned?

★★ Novice

Hey all! 

So I started playing TSM several several years ago. Probably around 2017… 

I also stopped playing around mid 2020 which means I haven’t been on or in the game for 3+ years. 

I went to download it again and luckily my whole world was still there; everything I earned and everything I purchased. 

this was, of course, also sort of overwhelming. There has been A LOT added to the game since I last played and I honestly don’t remember much about how to play it in the first place…


What I would like to do, ideally, is start over- that way I can get the entire walk through and pointers and tips and tricks, etc. However, I don’t want to lose all of the cool hairstyles and clothes and furniture I unlocked and/or purchased (and I do remember spending big money irl) 


anyone know how I can do this? 

Message 1 of 3 (639 Views)

Re: How to start a new world but keep everything I’ve purchased or earned?

@OliverDecemberr That is unfortunately not possible. Your purchases and unlocked content can't be transferred to a new game save.

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Message 2 of 3 (609 Views)

Re: How to start a new world but keep everything I’ve purchased or earned?

★★★★ Expert

Totally sympathise! You could start slowly, and set yourself goals? Also, make friends so you can visit other houses!

Message 3 of 3 (567 Views)