Recovering Sims Mobile account

by SugarBean_77

Original Post

Re: Recovering Sims Mobile account

★★★ Novice
@SugarBean_77 Hi, I know this was years ago, but how did they help you recover your game. I am experiencing the same thing.
Message 11 of 14 (778 Views)

Re: Recovering Sims Mobile account

★ Novice

Did you get your account back? If yes then how? 

Message 12 of 14 (411 Views)

Re: Recovering Sims Mobile account

★★★ Newbie

Omg! The exact same thing happened to me, and I tried following the instructions, but I don't have me player id from the account I lost.... 


What do I do ? 

Please help

Message 13 of 14 (51 Views)

Re: Recovering Sims Mobile account



Unfortunately, we can't solve your problem through the forums.


Please contact support. Follow the instructions in this post: [Guide] Finding your Player ID / How to send a Help Ticket In-Game.


If you can't access the game, contact support through this link:


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 AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 14 of 14 (48 Views)