Will rooms from house templates add to the number of previously owned rooms?

by smoothPEACHES

Original Post

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

Community Manager (retired)

Hey everyone!


We have seen there has been some confusion about the number of rooms when buying a house template. To clear things up, we had added this section to our House Templates FAQ:


Q – When purchasing a house template, will the rooms add to the number of previously owned rooms?


 Not exactly, applying a House Template will just unlock the amount of rooms you need for applying it. Take note of how many rooms you own in total on a house lot before you purchase a house template. That's number of rooms placed on the lot plus rooms in your inventory. So, if you own two rooms in total and the template has three rooms, you only gain one extra room.


This hopefully helps. Standard smile 


- Leeloo


Stay and Play.png
Message 11 of 22 (2,089 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

This information has only been added to the faq sheet in last 2 weeks there was no such answer 3 weeks Ago 




that still doesn’t answer the fact that heaps of people have been compensated for there loss of rooms when placing a house template 


Thats why I checked with a EA team member in a case before I bought any template , had this information been available before ,

I wouldn’t of had to ask , and I wouldn’t have bothered buying a house template or the season pass for the  manor house template ,


in the paragraph above this in faq it says what’s included in your house templates land items rooms wall covers , we’ve already worked hard and paid for the rooms we own and you are make us pay twice for them 


people have been pay out for rooms even last week 



there is no consistency and a huge lack information about how new stuff works when there is an update 


still my question is unanswered why have others even up to last week been paid out for their rooms


why do I have confirmation from a team member 3 wks ago it adds rooms  

Message 12 of 22 (876 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

★★★★★ Apprentice

It clearly says what’s included,


we should get the rooms on first placement and absorbed on any placement after that , like you can’t gain a second floor for a second time , you shouldn’t get additional rooms on second placement ( if you choose to place again ) 



Message 13 of 22 (845 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

It was confirmed to me before buying a house template it would add rooms ,that’s why I bought it and also bought a season pass for same reason 

Message 14 of 22 (844 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

★★ Novice

I've been in a frustrating communication with EA over this for more than a week now.  It was certainly not made clear ahead of time that rooms we'd already paid for would no longer be available. And whether that's their official answer now is irrelevant. The fact is, if that's how it's going to work, then we will always be paying twice for rooms if we ever decide to buy a template and place it on a lot we've previously  built on. And that's simply not right. Those of us who've lost rooms deserve compensation, and the procedure needs to change. I have zero incentive to buy any templates in the future otherwise.  I already have rooms on all of my lots, and I'll either just be losing them, or I'll be buying them over again, so I may as well just design my own houses.

Message 15 of 22 (813 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

★★★★★ Apprentice
@EA_Leeloo My question still hasn’t been answered
Message 16 of 22 (737 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

★★★★★ Apprentice
@EA_Leeloo Today Again I was told by ea Help that is not meant to absorb the rooms

Message 17 of 22 (711 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

★★★★★ Guide
@smoothPEACHES Well..think of it like this.The smallest template is 27000 simoleans and comes with 5 rooms. As you build more and more rooms for your home,the maximum cost of a room comes to 15000 simoleans and 10 Llama tokens.Now,if the templates are supposed to add rooms,any sane player would simply keep buying the Modern Two Bedroom over and over again for 27000 simoleans ,covering almost 75000 simoleans and 10 llama tokens each time in just 27000.Hence,the absorption.
Message 18 of 22 (668 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

Community Manager (retired)

Hey folks!


I get that this isn't doing anything for those of you who didn't have this info before they bought the templates.

As @smoothPEACHES correctly said, this bit was added to the FAQs recently because there was a need to clarify this because of the confusion there has been around the rooms. This was not ideal so I'll pass your feedback about the communication on to the team.


About the compensation that some players seem to have got for this, I'll check with the team to make sure everyone is on the same page. 



For now, this is all I can say about this but should I get any other details, I'll update this thread. Standard smile 


- Leeloo


Stay and Play.png
Message 19 of 22 (656 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

@GhostFreeekBuying a house template gives you land if you don’t own and a second level as well if you don’t own it , when placed for a second time ( idk why you would want to place a second time ) it’s not going to clear even more or give you a third level that it’s already given

Rooms should be given on first placement and anytime you place again rooms should be absorbed
( that’s how I see it )

@EA_Leeloo Ive just been reading in group , that once you remove the house template , you loose those rooms again from room count ,

Does that include the cleared land and second lvl too ?

If you choose to tear down your house template to rebuild your own style the only thing you get to keep is the items and wall coverings ,
The rooms land and lvls disappear ?

Is that correct ?

Message 20 of 22 (629 Views)