Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

by WTF_Huitzo

Original Post

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

ask again:

1. is it possible to group charms together by season? scrolling down is becoming more and more complicated!

2. is it possible to add a tag with the number of the season of the first appearance (example: [s00, s01, etc.] to each cosmetic which is not craftable? (no season name, season number!)

Message 611 of 617 (464 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★★ Guide

Please implement the ALGS POI drop system to ranked. 

Being a below average skilled soloQ player trying to enjoy ranked for the more tactical gamemode (as opposite to pubs which I too enjoy occasionally) my game experience is constantly ruined by smurfs hotdropping for kills and throwing the games. I am not trying to dictate how anyone should play the game but I would prefer some playstyle difference between the two gamemodes. 

Now there is no difference in pubs & ranked on the ranked matches I play. How do I know they are smurfs? Low level account with the best badges and low stats. Dude has 4K badge and under 100 kills on the stat tracker. They might be cracked and squad wipe the first one and crack some of the second squad but cant do anything against the 4 & 5th party. So we go back to the lobby with his 4 kills & -15RP or something. Playing this way the smurf can keep destroying lower rank lobbies throughout the season without their rank ever improving.
So its an exploit to get to lower skill lobbies.

Previously when placement mattered more than the kills there was a significant difference in playstyles which to me is refreshing. 
Please fix. 

Message 612 of 617 (406 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★★ Guide

@Airish85 wrote:

Please implement the ALGS POI drop system to ranked. 

Being a below average skilled soloQ player trying to enjoy ranked for the more tactical gamemode (as opposite to pubs which I too enjoy occasionally) my game experience is constantly ruined by smurfs hotdropping for kills and throwing the games. I am not trying to dictate how anyone should play the game but I would prefer some playstyle difference between the two gamemodes. 

Now there is no difference in pubs & ranked on the ranked matches I play. How do I know they are smurfs? Low level account with the best badges and low stats. Dude has 4K badge and under 100 kills on the stat tracker. They might be cracked and squad wipe the first one and crack some of the second squad but cant do anything against the 4 & 5th party. So we go back to the lobby with his 4 kills & -15RP or something. Playing this way the smurf can keep destroying lower rank lobbies throughout the season without their rank ever improving.
So its an exploit to get to lower skill lobbies.

Previously when placement mattered more than the kills there was a significant difference in playstyles which to me is refreshing. 
Please fix. 

Please implement the ALGS POI drop system to ranked. 

Message 613 of 617 (375 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★★ Apprentice
@Cabowse Why this thread is here? Only to have iron proof that Respawn/EA ignoring us on every step possible?
Message 614 of 617 (287 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★★ Guide

@Dzikusek94 Trust me some of the ideas discussed on these forums have been implemented into the game.
Could also be a coincidence or devs lurking around I dont know for sure. Its the best you can do trying to influence the game. 
Whenever Respawn tries to have AMA in reddit it just goes bananas due to people venting and ideas get lost in between so why not try it here if you have some improvement ideas. 

Message 615 of 617 (273 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★★ Guide


"Future is now old man"
These new players pick up the game so fast. So much skill badges so quickly. 

Message 616 of 617 (266 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★★★ Guide

Bring back Solo/duo and make it permanent already please.

Message 617 of 617 (103 Views)