New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

by E9ine_AC

Original Post

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

★★★ Novice

@E9ine_AC Thanks this is really helpful BUT you really did my boy Crypto like that and put him in C tier. :

Message 21 of 61 (4,659 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

★★★★ Guide
@E9ine_AC I think this section is missing the part about "how to spot hackers" which is a big part of the gameplay Standard smile

Honestly, I would be less pissed about the experience in Apex if I would have a clear-cut info about how to distinguish skill from hacks e.g. no recoil macro vs recoil control, pre-aiming and wallhacking etc.
Message 22 of 61 (4,464 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

@E9ine_AC For players new to Apex, when dropping from the drop ship at the start of a match, you can "swoop" repeatedly in order to maintain a faster flight speed and cover more distance. I get an alarming amount of randoms, that seemingly don't know this, and just fly in a straight line at a slow speed.

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Message 23 of 61 (4,230 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

Champion (Retired)

@dSKyNafinchin  I still don't get how seasoned players don't know this one, this is literally a super easy tech that's been around since s1 lol.



It's worth noting that along with swooping you should confidently pick a drop location and not deviate unless you have absolutely zero confidence in surviving said location, and if that it the case make the decision to go elsewhere early.



A poorly executed drop almost always ends in a short or unproductive match.

Message 24 of 61 (4,150 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

@MandatoryIDtag Most people still don't know the ideal drop distance so not knowing the wavy drop technique is not surprising. I have a friend who insists 650 meters is it. I've purposely detached before he dropped and easily beat him multiple times. He still drops from that distance. lol
Message 25 of 61 (4,137 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

★★★★★ Expert

In my opinion, the dolphin dive during the drop should be taught in the tutorial.

Message 26 of 61 (4,126 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

[ Edited ]
Champion (Retired)

@Cheese9Man  The whole tutorial needs overhauling. Tongue out


It's useless.

Message 27 of 61 (4,109 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

@Cheese9Man Nah it is a skill people need to figure out. It helps you beat them to the spot.
Message 28 of 61 (4,097 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Guide

@Cheese9Manhonestly I still don't get the mechanics of the jump in the game.

Ok dolphin dive gave me an opportunity to drop very far, almost 2x as far as I did before realizing this mechanic.

Yet the thing about how people who drop first but say 1000m from the spot beat me to the point when I instead drop straight down / max speed from the ship with lesser distance to the point is still a mystery same as crazy last moment acceleration (when you are almost dead stop, but suddenly manage to cover a major distance in the point of interest e.g. diving closer to Gaiser but managing to go all the way to the tunnels from an almost dead stop, which actually is not possible from taking the actual Gaiser jump when in game), bouncing and sliding on the map...

If someone can explain that I would be very grateful Standard smile as I don't get it after 1500h in the game.

Message 29 of 61 (4,025 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

[ Edited ]
Champion (Retired)

@Eshshshss  because while you're waiting to leave the ship, they're already on the decline towards the ground, likely using said dolphin technique to optimise speed and distance so it does still work it quicker.


That being said anybody dropping from 1000m out will never get there before you lol, 450 is the optimum. Tongue out

Message 30 of 61 (4,022 Views)