New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

by E9ine_AC

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Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

@Eshshshss It totally depends on how the ship is traveling. Plus you don't want to drop where you are max speed. 450m seems to be the sweet spot and you'll notice you aren't totally max. You are close but it seems that the little time it takes the ship to travel further to get you to max is not worth it.
Message 31 of 61 (6,602 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

★★★★ Guide
@MandatoryIDtag yes, but when you compare speeds, ship is much faster than any dive, so even though we can compare the situation with the right triangle where the first team takes the shortest route (hypotenuse) while I travel both sides, the speed of the ship and my max drop speed (you can't drop with constant max speed in dolphin as far as I know) should greatly outway the longer route that I am taking, yet game constantly proves me wrong on that one.

Example case - yesterday shop was going from East to West across Kings Canyon. My goal was to land at Crashsite (top floor). I dropped around the level of Containment, maybe a bit later to get ~90 degree angle and mentioned 450-600m distance. Yet upon landing I realized that 2!!! teams that dropped around Broken relay was already landing with me... like HOW?!

Picture for illustration, ignore in game player pointer (just a random image I found online of the map) - my route green, enemy route orange:
Message 32 of 61 (6,593 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

@Eshshshss I typically maintain 140+ mph while doing dolphin dive. I see your example scenario in my own lobbies all the time, but it makes sense.

Say the dropship flies over at an elevation of 1,000m. The team that dropped earlier than you, they are already at a lower elevation (lets say 300m) before you even exit the dropship. While you are flying at a faster rate of speed (different angle of attack), it is not enough to offset the difference in elevation (700m in this example). When you exit the ship at that point, you still have to drop the full 1,000m but they only have to cover the final 300m of their dive. Basically, they get lower, faster, and you cant drop at a fast enough rate of speed to overcome it.

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Message 33 of 61 (6,582 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Guide

@dSKyNafinchinI don't agree / would need data of the ship's speed to prove the math.

But my point is that the elevation is irrelevant as we calculate the length of the path that includes it.
Plus we both drop from the same elevation.

Meaning that the total distance for:

the enemies are = Ships altitude + distance between ship and dropsite
my team = Ships altitude + distance that I travel in a ship between the points enemy dropped and I did (this distance can't be covered faster in flight as ship is moving much faster than top 150? mph) + distance between ship and dropsite for me.

As I see it in these both equations Ships altitude is the same thus can be ignored.

Message 34 of 61 (6,564 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

★★★ Newbie

Great - simple and legible. I wish I had read this before

Message 35 of 61 (5,052 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex


Season 12 changes have been made. 

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Message 36 of 61 (4,990 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

★★★★ Novice

I got a better one, just don’t install the game that simple. You’ll be saving so much money and stress you guys have no idea please trust me when I say APEX IS NOT WORTH IT!!

Message 37 of 61 (3,489 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

★★★ Newbie

How to record a good quality videos of game, I tried one but not a better qualtiy


Message 38 of 61 (3,366 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Thanks for sharing!



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Message 39 of 61 (3,356 Views)

Re: New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

★ Guide
@E9ine_AC For new players I think they need more than just numbers, and legend abilities with the same descriptions as you can just find in game. Would be nice if you included things new players should know about utilizing cover, rotating with the map and a general idea of when to engage/not engage a fight.
Message 40 of 61 (3,056 Views)