Re: New cheater just arrived

by Midnight9746

Original Post

New cheater just arrived

[ Edited ]
★ Novice

Beware of this thing in the lobbies - [REMOVED]


New account, it's probably testing the cheat it bought.


It just killed 3 of us almost instantly with a blatant aim lock, but then lost to a team that figured it out fast and outplayed it.


Couldn't save the video cuz the software crashed.


Stay safe.




Edit: Player ID removed per our rule on "naming and shaming". Please report players using the instructions here. -CM

Message 1 of 2 (192 Views)

Re: New cheater just arrived

★★★★★ Expert
@averageeee There's also a player who somehow found out how to use game symbols again, and they're running around with the Respawn logo as their username, beaming everyone.
Message 2 of 2 (103 Views)