Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

by Asmodeus566

Original Post

Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]

Ok Legends only a few hours to go, lets share are experiences here about:


What many have been craving to come back or have: The Solo game mode.


Well, well, well…looks like Solos is coming back after all! Replacing Duos from the beginning of the season, take on the Outlands by yourself in this revamped variant. We’ve taken aspects of some of our most popular modes and integrated them to keep things interesting: use your Battle Sense to detect nearby enemies, tear things up with pre-kitted weapons and attachments, and keep the fight going with auto heal and Second Chance mechanics. We get it–sometimes you want to drop hot and heavy without having to carry the squad. It’s every Legend for themselves…for now. Solos Takeover is live May 7, 2024 to June 24, 2024.



Six week Duos takeover 

50 players

Second Chance Respawn

Automatically respawn once if you die in the first 4 rounds

Second chance converted to EVO if unused by the round cutoff


Battle Sense: HUD indicator when enemies are within 50 meters

Auto Heals

Health regenerates out of combat

Auto heal starts after each kill

Additional adjustments to loot pool, circle sizes, and round times to accommodate solo play  



For me so far just looking at the patch notes etc I hope that we have a great playable mode and not the hot mess that happened the last time we had a Solo game mode.


One negative thing that stands out is the removal of Duo's for six weeks, I think that this is a bad move since their are many players that play this mode because they do not have a third dedicated player to play trios with but like the team mechanics. 


Lets see what the mode brings and post here the Good, Bad and or Ugly about it.



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outweigh the needs of the few or one. --Spock--

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Message 1 of 76 (1,733 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★ Pro
@Asmodeus566 This will be an interesting topic for solos XD

*I'm Back!*
Message 2 of 76 (1,698 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread


Welcome back.


I hope it will be interesting.


I am going to give the Solo mode a spin tonight.



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outweigh the needs of the few or one. --Spock--

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Message 3 of 76 (1,694 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]
★ Pro

@Asmodeus566Yea same here! (what's your gamertag if you don't mind me asking) Need some good players in my team 

I feel like it will give a nice warm-up before going to rank mode.

I know there will be other game modes that players can warm-up as well. But, I do believe that this game mode will a success for the time being since it's limited for this season.

Message 4 of 76 (1,690 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread


You might be right about it being a possible place to warm up before going to play ranked.


I appreciate the reach out and am truly flattered by the invite for gaming together but, 1. I am not at all that good at the game and 2. I have 2 very dedicated squad mates and 3 alternates for when they cannot make it. 

These are people I know IRL not just via the net and gaming we are a tight knit crew and if they came out with a mode that allowed for more team members I could consistently play Quads and or even 6 Legend teams.


With that all said and done lets keep the thread focused on the upcoming (a few hours away) Solo Mode

The needs of the many,
outweigh the needs of the few or one. --Spock--

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Please note: I am a community volunteer – I do not work for EA.
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XP – For helpful comments (and to help others 'level up').
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Message 5 of 76 (1,685 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★ Pro
@Asmodeus566 No problem at all!

A lot of players have been waiting for this moment. Now, we just have to wait till they do Duo Ranked xD
Message 6 of 76 (1,679 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Guide

@TheRedLion93how about bring duos back?.... man i really love the solo mode, its super fun but why did it have to replace duos? duos was my main mode i played before update, always with a friend nothing else.... when he wasnt online i quit apex.... now its exactly the opposite: when im alone im playing solo mode and when my friend comes online we go into another game...

as much as i love the solo mode... just because duos is gone its the worst season in a long time for me....

PLS PLS PLS just bring both modes, both permanent....

Message 7 of 76 (1,593 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★ Pro
@Rastigani I feel like it gives an opportunity for players who play Duos most of the time to at least try solos.

I never done solo in Apex Legends in my entire time playing this game
Message 8 of 76 (1,583 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★★★★ Guide
@TheRedLion93 opportunity? you are not forced to play duo... people should be able to play what they want and can with their party size of friends online. if there is no friend online you go solo, 1 friend online duo and 2 friends trio... other games can do that why cant we have that in apex? it just blows my mind

well we only had solo mode 2 weeks in the beginning, best two weeks in my apex carreer xD so its not like you had that many chances xD

finally solos is back.... although im missing duo so much... friend and i got fed up with randoms after just two games of ranked and went to play something else
Message 9 of 76 (1,532 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★★★ Newbie

Watching cheaters dominate an unskilled based match Making as I type. Solos is awful without sbmm. Report system is garbage

Message 10 of 76 (1,503 Views)