Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

by Asmodeus566

Original Post

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★ Pro

Solo imho is a pure Aim Assist s*** show and should have never replaced duos without and option for unassisted lobbies,
its just a cluster f*** catering to the assisted input.
This leaves us with trios and its wonderful matchmaking, which gets you 2 concrete boots 99% of the time instead of only one in duos, great work !
Promenade imho was one of the better POI on Broken Moon, now its gone ... but stupid Core and Eternal Gardens still there.
But that was to be expected, most of the map changes in the past don't strike my taste, not on KC,WE, Olympus nor Broken Moon.
Especially bitter to me when they remove POI i really liked (eg. slum lakes,shattered forest/wetlands, capitol city, Train yard, drill site, sorting factory, the bunkers ... ) , but leave aweful ones untouched (barometer,skyhook.grow towers, docks,repulsor, artillery, to name a few)
That time and effort would have been better invested in a fresh new map, but hey ... never let a chance go to waste to make smth worse.

Message 11 of 76 (970 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★★★ Guide

How appropriate someone named rigged game just posted since that's exactly what solos is.  It's a straight up cheat fest.  I poured a whole clip from a rampage plus filled the person up with an L star until it beeped and it didn't even Crack the person's shield, yet they downed me with TWO HITS (it said this on the kill screen) with a hemlock.


If you are just going to allow cheating like this without stopping it then why not start selling those cheat boxes people plug their controllers into and just advertise it anything goes.


This season is so bad you must get 5 hits on someone before it starts registering them as hits unless you are an advantage player that has the hacks.  


Why do this to people who were dedicated to a game enough to put in hundreds of hours of practice to master it (My switch has me logged at 1,100 hours)?   Even the champion players have confessed to cheating all over the internet now.  This needs to stop.


I know, just quit the game and play something else is what everyone will say.  Well, I want to play this game, the game I worked hard to master for a thousand hours.  The game I started in season 17 is not this game at all.  


If this stuff is just the norm in apex now then I want the health and defense buffs, ability to "swim in the air," shoot through walls and crates, and kill everyone with 1 or 2 hits no matter the gun.  75% of the game can, so why can't I? 


If not, at least fix solos.   I am just in shock after all the complaints flooding in about season 20 they kept the problems and made them worse. 

Message 12 of 76 (895 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert
  1. @Asmodeus566Well I'd like to report that I'm loving it so far! Wona game in my 1st 3 tries! Like it so much I'd like a Solo Ranked already 😂! Since the tms in my 1st 3 ranked games all died within 1 min of dropping while facing 3 stacks.
Message 13 of 76 (937 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

@Lord_Scorpion34 @r1ggedgame @fullAK47 @Rastigani @TheRedLion93 

Thank you all for the feedback. 

Great stuff in there.

Lets keep it coming as the weeks progress with the Solo mode and what we think/experience moving forward.


My first insights for Solo are thus:

It feels a little to campy I am not a hot dropper but I also do not drop in the Arctic. It was hard to find fights.

MM is way out of wack me playing against at least 1 pred type player with over 10K kills. That is way above my skill level.

Towards the last ring it does get interesting and position is key.

Again the MM is not so good getting sent by a player with 13kills in the match that goes on to get 14 and 15 to win the match. 


There needs be more balance.



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Message 14 of 76 (916 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★ Pro
@Asmodeus566 Tried my first Solos yesterday.

It was fun at first and actually won my first game with 10 kills I believe. I do agree it does get a bit campy because I was scouting every area possible. I do however, like the set-on attachments that the weapons come with and gives you some sort of advantage depending on what you have.

I believe the game definitely need some changes to make it more reliable for most players. I think the ring needs to be closing at all times but at a slow pace. (Gives player the rush that the clock is ticking) and possibly a smaller map size as well.

Other than that, I give it a 7/10
Message 15 of 76 (882 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★★★★★ Novice

1. We need additional signal for 3rd player(or counter for few of them) entering 50m range. 
2. Inability to properly report cheaters(well that's what entire game suffers from) makes mode frustrating. You can't even find player who killed you 10s after death if you din't find him through kill log on purpose. Tons of players today could report cheaters with quality videos recorded via ShadowPlay or analogues, but reports sent via EA Help page is not being really considered(why the f this option even exist then?) Also killcam must capture couple of seconds before moment it starts showing rn. 
3. Punishment to the campers must be implemented to avoid turning LTM into some PUBG-like experience. The players staying in the same spot for too long without real activity(fighting, looting, healing etc.) must be hinted to the others more accurate than 50m radius presence warning.
4. SBMM definitely needed. 

Message 16 of 76 (851 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]
★ Pro

also all the legends that have passives which work only in Trios/Duos are pretty much useless now (eg. Conduit)
Solos as is , is just not well thought ... ppl soon will start to loose interest bcs of the many flaws the mode has.
Its not a good idea to have the same beta testers over and over again, this only brings a biased input and doesnt reflect the real world as we saw so many times.
I predict the mode to be shelfed, never to be brought up again. most of the famous streamers opt to play ranked , so the mode doesnt even get the exposure i could have had.
I never cried for Solos anyway, so it wouldnt hurt me a lot if it vanishes, but  its yet another missed opportunity ... as i mentioned in a post before :
those developer hours would have been better spend on other more pressing issues.

And another respawn statement that didnt age well are the changes for the lootbins (eg. Guaranteed weapons).
i remember this being a huge issue for so many seasons .) ,  but the statement always boiled down to that it would be impossible to implement ... 

Thats why we got equiped with a pistol on drop at one point, which was also scrapped later to protect new players ... an issue which should have been dealt with the Matchmaking to begin with ..

Message 17 of 76 (838 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★★★★★ Pro
@r1ggedgame Any legend with abilities based on helping teammates is gonna have a zero pick rate in Solos, for sure. Lobbies will be all Assault and Skirmisher classes.
Message 18 of 76 (828 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★★★★★ Novice

Oh and also: for almost 5 years we were told solos never comes back, cuz it's hard to balance such mode and it will harm the game. Now it did, but instead of some rework suitable to mentioned lot of times before mode peculiar properties we see the same Iron Crown LTM, but on new maps and with pile of things, persisted in the main game for long now. So what was the point of such delay? Was that just attempt to get some playercount spikes no matter what?

Message 19 of 76 (820 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★★★★ Expert

It's getting to be a t-shirt with me: "I'm glad if other people like it, but...."

I know I openly championed the return of solos, and I AM glad it's back. But this definitely isn't at all what I pictured. The entire game type is skewed toward gunplay and away from the things I like most about battle royale, like looting, positioning, working the clock, etc.

Whoever said that the mode maybe needs smaller maps didn't, apparently, notice that the map IS smaller. Significantly smaller by starting with a half-closed first circle. Like dropping cool and taking your time to find the right gear? Not here, my friend. Grab whatever you can and run for the first close. Forget trying to pick good position. There aren't any when the game tells everyone where everyone else is. It's just target practice for the players with the best aim. A-hem.

Oh, and the respawn mechanic. I disliked it when the game launched. I hated it when it became "respawn with shield and weapon." And I hate it here even more. "Hey, aimbotter who just killed me? Want another try? Here I come!" Yeah, good times.

If there's any good news here it's that the developer listens to what players think they want. Well, I think I want a single player PvE game mode. Anyone listening?
Message 20 of 76 (798 Views)