Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

by Asmodeus566

Original Post

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★ Pro
@hayhor regarding the vanishing items, i noticed its likely those boxes that appear to have a purple orb in the center of the bin
Message 61 of 76 (368 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]

@r1ggedgameI'm not saying it's right but a friend and I studied the different bins after I noticed I dropped on a blue, didn't get a gun and died. From what I can see it's not a bug. It's either designed that way or an oversight.

Blues and reds can give a gun but don't fit the guaranteed rule. So my advice is not to drop on them.

Message 62 of 76 (346 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]
★★★ Guide

honestly is it wasn't for aim assist it would be the best mode , but playing non stop against cheaters and aim assisted players in solo is ruining the experience.

Message 63 of 76 (325 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

For those of you that like to read news articles. 

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outweigh the needs of the few or one. --Spock--

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Message 64 of 76 (284 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]
★ Pro

@Asmodeus566solos mode and that article are yet another good example of how Respawn tries to cater to the wrong audience.
If they really didnt like to do solos mode, why spend time and effort in doing it "half bottom'd" without addressing the issues that will make it fail 100% ... just to proof a point ?!? That time and money would have been better spend on fixing bespoken issues (Matchmaking, Aim Assist, ect ... and in case of SoloMode : Adjusted Legend Balance).
From what i read over the past years on THIS forum (and i bet ppl over here are way more dedicated to Apex than your typical twitter/reddit troll) ... only a handful of people wanted the Solos mode (me excluded, Apex is a BR Team game ... when i want to play solo i better boot up a real AFPS game like the Quake Series or alike) ...
A long time major issue players on this board pointed out wont be touched with a 10 foot pole ... the way Apex is assembling teams for the SoloQueue , matching up beginners with veteran players will lead to frustration for both parties ... and fuel the speculation of a rigged MM (hence my name)
Also the unbalanced AimAssist was only acknowledged years after a lot of MnK players left the game for good with the statement it would take years to balance it right ... so why not give MnK players the option to optout like the console players got there optout from the start of Crossplay ? Would have been an easy fix, likely would have prevented players leaving the game and spared us those endless discussions on that topic. The queue times would have not been an issue , ppl that dislike playing against assisted players would have gladly waited a few minutes just to get a quality game instead of quantity

Message 65 of 76 (270 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread


I do not think it is a case of catering to the wrong audience.

I think it is/was a case of enough people wanting it back and EA/Respawn finally deciding lets give it a go and see if it works this time around.


I was not fond of Solo's the first time around because of the blatant "Teaming" etc.


That is why I have been against it coming back, to much Cheating and Teaming. 


However I was not against it coming back as an LTM so that EA could get more data and see how and if it works as a mode that is good for the game and the company.


If EA could get a handle on all of the "Teamers" in Solo mode and get a better handle on cheaters in general it could be a perfectly good mode. I just do not see that happening since it happens in Ranked Trios as well. 



The needs of the many,
outweigh the needs of the few or one. --Spock--

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Please note: I am a community volunteer – I do not work for EA.
Me Too – If you also have this problem – first post on thread has this button.
XP – For helpful comments (and to help others 'level up').
Mark As Solution – To help others find the answer to the issue now & in the future.
Message 66 of 76 (255 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]
★ Pro

@Asmodeus566ok i take the steam data as an example ... if Solos would have been the "demanded" Mode , the "Player Gain" at Season 21 start should have been way higher ... like with any other Season Start ... but it was one of the worst in Apex History according to the steam numbers ... so i guess it kinda was "catering to the wrong audience".
The Goal should have been : ok we had 625K players in Peak on Steam , now its 430K (April, before s21 start) ... lets get those 200K players back into the game.
The result was not gaining players ... the game lost quite a chunk of players due to S21 (nearly 80K Peak players from May until today).1Capture.JPG

Message 67 of 76 (239 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]
★ Pro

i bet 100$ if they would have announced one of the following :
1) we overhauled the netcode/server quality
2) we changed the Matchmaking to something meaningful

3) we now have unassisted lobbies as an option.

the game would have gained some ten-thousand players back 

edit :
ofc ... 4) support EAC with internal gamefunctions to spot cheats a tiny bit better (cmon Respawn ... , you guys have the realtime data on the server, not too hard to spot fishy stats or recurring 100% pixel perfect macros for antirecoil,ect.)

To lure my former apex buddies back into the game bcs there is now SOLO Mode would be a hard sell ... not to say impossible.
But im 100% sure they all would have given the game another shot if the points above would have been met.

Message 68 of 76 (229 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

@Asmodeus566 wrote:

For those of you that like to read news articles. 

Yes all according to their plan




As mentioned before there is cheating & teaming in regular BR. So what difference does it make? I'd rather they fix these issues & keep the mode!

Message 69 of 76 (202 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★★★★ Expert

Just another self-fulfilling prophecy. If the dev doesn't do anything to stop cheating then the mode will be ruined by cheaters. And somehow that's perfectly okay in mixtape, tdm, even br, but in solos all we get is an "I told you so?" What a load of garbage.

Ditto teaming. There is teaming in every single game mode in Apex and yet with solos it's somehow game-breaking so they need to take it away instead of coming up with a mechanism to prevent or punish it.

None of which I even care about because all the things they DID introduce into the mode ruined it for me on the first match and I haven't played one since. But I have to stand on principle here. They put about as much thought into this mode as I put into moon landings and the Great Wall of China. And when it all goes poorly it's because we're bad people for wanting bad things, not because they can't be bothered to anticipate the most obvious problems and do something, anything at all, to address them.
Message 70 of 76 (191 Views)