Re: There NEEDS to be a leave match penalty in quads!

by reconzero

Original Post

There NEEDS to be a leave match penalty in quads!

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Every single game I play my teammates drop hot (I drop with them) and they instantly die and leave. What fun is a four-player mode if you literally don't get a team. At least let me craft and respawn you. I just don't get how ppl are so impatient



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Message 1 of 3 (199 Views)

Re: There NEEDS to be a leave match penalty in quads!

[ Edited ]

@raghuwar2 100% agree. No leaver penalty really can take some fun out of the game having to 2v4 because the first got knocked and decided screw it, I have faith in no one I'm out. haha

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Message 2 of 3 (155 Views)

Re: There NEEDS to be a leave match penalty in quads!

★★★★ Expert

Solo queue with randoms and get random results.

No penalties in an unranked mode in a free-to-play game.

I agree that it's sad everyone thinks battle royale is team deathmatch without respawns, but there it is. People are looking for a glory reel they can post to wherever but apparently didn't get the message that they're Joe Average and hot dropping leads to hot dying and hot re-queueing.
Message 3 of 3 (95 Views)