Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

by EA_Blueberry

Original Post

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★ Novice

I've filed an appeal for my account to be unbanned twice and got denied twice. I literally didn't do anything and my ultimate team and all other online modes are gone. They have been gone for over 2 weeks now. I don't understand this as other people literally have the same issue... I spend so much money on this game and have missed all the latest content. Also, I haven't even had an explanation why I was banned. You guys said I botted or something which I don't even know what that means. 

Message 61 of 135 (3,339 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★ Novice

Experiencing this same issue for over 2 weeks now, yet no one at EA has been able to offer any fundamentally sound advice on the issue OR for what reason (specifically) my account had received sanction except for one of the last EA reps I spoke with (which said it appeared to be for coin distribution)!!! Then the last rep I spoke with today said it just said it was from a “Privacy violation” which leads me to think of the 1,230,698 CAPTCHAS I had been asked to do every 5 minutes using the Companion App… NEVER have I ever distributed coins?!! My only  cardinal sin was messing up some captchas on the companion app while playing Squads (which I have soon discovered that the app is a trap thanks to many forums, tweets and Youtubers talking about this exact issue with EA!!) When you use the Companion App you SHOULDN’T BE ASKING FOR CAPTCHAS EVERY 5 MINUTES!! It defeats the purpose of having this subpar app in the first place. People will fail a few CAPTCHAS over the span of a few days (playing Madden/checking auctions in bed/etc) and needing to redo them from time to time! Is that honestly something to suspend someone’s account for over 2 weeks?? AND does the FIFA team need to give the MADDEN team a hand over there at EA?? Geeezz guys build a better app or do everyone a favor and remove this from the app store until you can solve this issue and offer us a premium app (like FIFA’s) for what people are paying for on packs!

Message 62 of 135 (3,311 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★★★ Novice

Still locked out of the game. No ban showing on my account and now EA seem to be ignoring my emails. Really poor customer service.

Will be trying to get a refund through my bank if this continues in the next couple of days 

Message 63 of 135 (3,227 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★ Novice

It's been about 20 days since I was banned and still no progress. The customer support from EA's end is so bad. They still haven't told me what I did wrong and have just told me to wait for an email on my appeal. Which I have got denied twice and will most likely keep getting denied even though I didn't do anything wrong. At this point, if you don't want to unban me I would at least like a refund of the game as I can't even play anything. I wish EA's communication was better than this it's ridiculous. Just get rid of the companion app so people stop getting banned. 

Message 64 of 135 (3,193 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★ Novice

How long does it take for terms of service to get back to you on your case? My case hase been in progress for a while and my account was disabled without email contact of any kind and today its been 2 weeks since it happened. I wasnt even playing the game when it got banned and its really frustrating that i havent even been given the courtesy of letting me know whats going on...

Message 65 of 135 (3,175 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

Community Manager


Time frames can vary to where we are not able to give you a specific estimate. It all depends on the amount of cases they may suddenly receive and time of the year. For example, during the holiday season with more staff likely to take time off when compared to other parts of the year. It can range from 24 hour turnarounds to weeks depending on volume.

If you want to follow up with our Support to team verify your case is still pending, I recommend opening up a new case and reference your current one. Our Support team can help guide you through any questions you have pertaining to your account.

We understand this is not an easy situation to remain patient on. Please continue to check your email address and case number for updates when the Terms of Service team has concluded their investigation.


EA Help on Twitter




Message 66 of 135 (3,169 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★★★ Novice



that’s exactly same as me and now EA are simply ignoring me on chats and emails. 

Message 67 of 135 (3,146 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★ Novice

It took a week or so the first time but now Idk it's been 2 and a half weeks with no response pretty sad by EA. Again doesn't really seem like they care. 

Message 68 of 135 (3,098 Views)

Keep getting "sending coins" emails. Now 14 day ban. 1 acct for 10 years.

★★★★★ Novice

Just here to add another falsely banned player/ Got a ban warning two weeks ago after i bought Haynes for 400k. Then this past week i was actually scared to buy woodson but needed him badly for the team. I even joked with my friend like "I hope i dont get banned for this LOL" and i wake up to a 14 day ban for "sending coins". Will you guys look at your ban bots? You cant tell me everyone on twitter,reddit, and here every day are buying and selling coins. Theres obviously something wrong with the detection. I'm seeing power ups and team builders being bought for 200k and more with nothing being done about that. But me buying cards that are actually ON MY TEAM on my ONE ACCOUNT is triggering me sending coins. I said after the warning im done with giving money to this game but i did a dumb thing and bought more points for most feared thinking the warning was just a one time thing. 


Can you guys let me know exactly what card or purchase triggered the ban? I've talked to a real human before about a missing card i had and he was able to look at all my auction house purchases so i know you guys can do that. I've only bought two overpriced cards and those are on my team and the only reason they are overpriced is because the pack odds are so bad there was only like 2 or 3 on the market. I've had one account for 10 years. Exactly WHO am i sending these coins to? You guys let youtubers break TOS all the time promoting BS coin seller sites and thats clear on TOS. Im just using the market as intended. What a mess. I have a full time career. If i did something wrong i'd take it on the chin and move on. But i need to know what i did to trigger the bot so i can stay away from it forever. Please and thank you. 

Message 69 of 135 (3,071 Views)

Re: Keep getting "sending coins" emails. Now 14 day ban. 1 acct for 10

★★★★ Novice

Y’all I been banned for a month and a half for using a “bot” literally just a dad that uses the companion app at night when I can’t play some times. Only play at night when my family is asleep so not very much. I haven’t heard anything back except they are looking at my case lol. No denials, nothing. A month and a half of just being told to please be patient

Message 70 of 135 (3,035 Views)