Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

by EA_Blueberry

Original Post

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★★ Novice

I currently have 2 game modes and have been redirected here by ea support I am told I am not banned and it has been a week since I’ve been able to play madden 


error messages I get 

we are having trouble processing your content 


your account has been denied access to these features 

Message 71 of 135 (2,744 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

Community Manager


Those messages indicate your account received an action. We unfortunately have a delay on when account actions will reach our Support team, so if you contacted them right after it happened that could be why they didn't see anything. I recommend reaching back out again and check your email address to see if you received an email from our Terms of Service team. 

Message 72 of 135 (2,701 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★★★ Novice

@EA_Blueberry  I still haven’t received a ban on my account on my pending bans/suspensions. I did get a email for using a bot which I did not do. This was September 7th. I still haven’t received anything as to why I was banned after filing a appeal. The only email I received was that they are investigating my ban. It’s been like 45 days since my account was auction house banned and I haven’t heard anything back…. I’ve even been told that I don’t even have a ban on my account and when I ask more they just resubmit it to the TOS team after telling me that. What is the expected turn around point? By the time I get my account the season will be complete I’ve literally missed everything this game has released. When I know for a fact I did nothing wrong. Not to mention if I don’t get my coins back I’ll be even more behind. Why is this taking so long?

Message 73 of 135 (2,690 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★★ Novice

I contacted them and did not receive any ban 

Message 74 of 135 (2,679 Views)

Re: [Support] Suspended or Banned? Rules of Madden NFL 22

★ Novice

me too. I just want answers and it takes 2 months or longer just to get them

Message 75 of 135 (2,618 Views)

Re: Banned for no reason!

★★★★★ Novice

Im curious have you gotten anywhere with you so called ban? My account has been locked recently (auction house) I contacted EA and get the same story over and over "I have no ban,broke no rules,but yet my account is locked (auction house). I for one am tired of EA taking our money for services rendered but not recieve those services. I understand their user agreement and they can pretty much do as they please but like them we the paying customer can also take legal action. Again I would LOVE to get together with all these banned players ( legitimate ones who broke no rules of use) and get together as ONE and see if we THE PLAYERS can take legal action of our own. I know this post will not bee seen and blocked but it's getting old EA gets away with to much esp BANNING/LOCKING accounts for no reason (they use bots to block players if they seem like they are cheating/breaking rules) but EA takes their time to get back to that player/account and just lie to the player and say "it's a bug,you have no ban,were working on it"all while not really work on it and leave your account as if it was locked or banned for the time period. Again EA I read your user agreement but its as if EA feels they don't have to go by the same terms and that's give the player what they are paying for,blame a 3rd party for refunds,and not give those services rendered but still take the money...for 3 days now 10-27/10-30 21 accounts are banned for no REASON and EA says it's a bug if so then why only selected accounts and NOT ALL if it's a bug it would affect ALL not just few

Message 76 of 135 (2,534 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★★★★ Novice

So I have this happening right now.  It started this past Thursday.  Contacted customer support and they assured me no actions had been taken on my account and it was in great standing and not to worry.  They would get it fixed right away.  So I waited.  Friday comes around and I get an email stating…








so I sue the link on that email to appeal this warning as I have done nothing against the TOS to even deserve a warning let alone a ban.


I attempt to play the game and nope.  Still locked out of everything.  So I contact customer support again because that’s what the in game message says to do.  They tell me the same thing that they told me the first time.  My account has no actions against it and is in great standing and they will get it fixed as I am a valued customer.  I ask to speak to a supervisor who escalates my case and tells me they will get it fixed ASAP.  

on to Saturday morning and I get an email response about my appeal stating…



Thanks for contacting us about your account action.

We got your note and did a full investigation of your account. After reviewing your case, we determined that we took the correct action in accordance with EA policies and procedures.

What this means

We have confirmed that your account was in breach of our rules. Because of this, we will not be removing the actions taken on your Madden account.
You can read our rules here: https://www.ea.com/terms-of-service#section6

You break our rules if you:
• buy Coins.
• farm Coins.
• distribute or sell Coins.
• take part in comfort trading.
• promote Coin buying and selling.
• promote, encourage, or take part in any prohibited activity described above.
• use macros, cheat tools, or any other game hacking, altering or cheating software or tool.
• abuse exploits, cheats, undocumented features, design errors or problems in a game mode.
• impersonate another person or falsely imply that you are an EA employee or representative.
• improperly use in-game support or complaint buttons or make false reports to EA staff.
• attempt to obtain, or phish for, a password, account information, game content, or other private information from anyone else on EA Services.

Any questions?

If you think we sent this to you by mistake, you can get in touch with our Terms of Service team. Find out how to contact the team in our article: https://help.ea.com/en/help/account/information-about-banned-or-suspended-accounts/


After reading it through I go to check my ban history and nothing is there.  At this point I feel like I’m getting the runaround being told by your customer support staff that my account is perfect and have many years of no issues and yet I get this.  Locked out of the only content I am interested in for a game I spend way to much money on.  I did nothing to even get a warning let  alone a ban.  I play the game the same as I have for years.  This is the thanks I get from EA for spending my hard earned money over the years.  I’m honestly not sure there is anything EA can do at this point to resolve this on my eyes.  I am done.  I have cancels my EA play.  I will be deleting every EA associated account and I will never look back.  This seems to be the only recourse I have at this moment but I am looking into my options.  You can not treat customers this way and think everything will keep moving along fine.  

Message 77 of 135 (2,602 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★★★★ Novice

Okay but point being why does EA want the player to obey the terms of service but they don't have to (providing the player a service for which they paid for) then ban/flag accounts without no justification nor proof the player violated terms of service other than just tell the player "it's a bug" or "they are working on it" my account has been locked for no reason and for 3 day now given nothing but excuses. I know we the players are just little fish in a big pond but sometimes if that little fish keeps getting snipped on or bit at it will eventually get mad and bite back along with a bigger school of fish to help attack the big fish..I know EA cares nothing for the players and that's fine. From a legal stand point they players do have some rights (not many EA covers that in TOS but there are still loop holes. As of now EA is taking advantage of paying players who do nothing but commit their time in playing a game and in return get banned without just cause nor justification which is nothing different than putting a person in jail because they feel the person is guilty even with out just cause is wrong...I understand EA and point on banning cheats,bots,ECT but EA should also understand the players also have rights and should not be BANNED then told excuses and lied to and say "you have no ban were looking into it" it's 3 days now for me and IV done nothing wrong other than play your game because I'm homebound...EA really needs to step up and treat players with some dignity but because of legal matters they know they can't outright tell you you have been banned without just cause so instead they lie and say "it's a bug you have no ban were working on it" in reality you are banned

Message 78 of 135 (2,593 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★★★ Novice

I was banned for 45 days so basically 2 weeks after the game came out. Just got un banned finally and all my coins were restored and all that. Was told I did nothing wrong. Glad I got my team back and the coins but if you really didn’t do anything wrong you will get everything back just be prepared to wait a long time like I did @Ju66alorydazbtch 

Message 79 of 135 (2,589 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★★★★ Novice

Same thing here...I really wish we the players come together and attack the big fish. We are just minnows in a big pond where the big fish gets away and eats up everything. But if those minnows came together and attacked the big fish or attempt to the big fish will eventually swim away...Point being ppl are being banned/blocked without just cause and when contacting EA all we do is get excuses...I do understand EA's stance on cheats,bots,ppl selling coins(I still don't know how they do that) but EA should atleast treat the players right and just come out and say it "your banned,we will look into it to see if you deserve to be" as opposed to getting the run around "you have no ban,it's a bug,were looking into it" ..I can honestly say I think myself and other players would prefer that the truth as opposed to getting the runaround...Again im in same boat as you gething the runaround

Message 80 of 135 (2,583 Views)