Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

by EA_Blueberry

Original Post

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★★★★ Novice
@cooldudec4 This is only day 3 for me and I am done with it. I spend way to much money on this game to be treated like this. I will never support an EA product as long as I live. I have been gaming for over 30 years and have never been banned or even warned by any company in all those years. I will never give money to a company that does this to customers for no reason at all. I’ll spend my money with companies that care and treat their customers right.
Message 81 of 135 (4,198 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★★★★ Novice

That's the thing I'm not going to wait that long (but players have no choice) I did nothing wrong to be locked out of auction house I can honestly say if I did violate their rules okay fine I deserve a ban but I did nothing wrong but buy packs from them,complete missions from them,and yes I would sell of cards of no use to me or at times sell a card take a loss because there's a card I would want...I know/see/think what is happening to alot of players is like myself (I'm wheelchaired bound from home) those who play the game alot are getting useless bans. I lit play the game 14ish hours a day but I still suck,have 200,000 coins and pretty much 90% one team of players on my roster which are below 87 over...I think EA and their bots should be able to tell legitimate players all they have to do is look at and see who's on their roster,cards they sell or buy,their rank,and pretty much how broke/rich a player is...honestly still don't know how ppl sell their coins sounds to exhausting to me from what I'm looking up ppl sell like a mil coins for like 50ish bucks...For one I wish I could even get close to 500,00 let alone a mil coins you know how much work that person has to do to even try and cheat the system sounds exhausting to me...Point being EA hascaxcess to everyone account they should be able to tell the real players and the ones buying/selling/cheating the system...Im just saying after today which will be 3 days for me im done hearingvtheir excuses and will ask Playstaion for full refund...I love playing Madden esp during FB season but there is no point in waiting that long esp when the chase of that better card or player for your team is all you want esp when they have the lmtd packs for so long only and no fun playing building up wins/coins when you can't upgrade your players unless you buy a pack from store while your locked out of Auction house to me that's a way RA will try and get more money from you lock your auction house and make you buy packs and hope you get cards you need for your players...sorry long post I'm just ranting/venting I'm tired of getting no where with EA

Message 82 of 135 (4,218 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★★★ Novice

@persona555 hopefully it’s faster for you. It’s really frustrating no matter what you do it doesn’t make it go faster. I missed a lot of content luckily for me I had like 1.3mil coins at the time so I was able to jump right back in for the most part this week. It is truly unfair that they ban random players that do nothing wrong. The wait is terrible and unless you have a stockpile of coins your pretty screwed. It’s gonna be 30 days minimum I’d be surprised if you get un banned sooner than that. Hopefully it doesn’t take that long for you all but like I said 45 days here. Got to enjoy the game for barely two weeks lol. But I feel you I don’t spend money on the game anymore except for buying it or the occasional packs from the mut levels. I’ve been playing madden since I was 7, I am now 29. It’s really frustrating. Especially when you can’t do anything to defend yourself from a automated response. Their is a light at the end of the tunnel just really far away for most of us. If your a streamer tho you be h banned the same day 

Message 83 of 135 (4,203 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★★★★★ Novice
@cooldudec4 No way I’ll wait that long. Just gonna have to say see ya to madden forever if that’s the case…
Message 84 of 135 (4,199 Views)

Re: Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

★ Apprentice

@EA_Blueberry @I know you’re going to give me a very generic response but what are the chances of me receiving a refund for the game. I just want to ask you why I can’t even play the game offline if I get banned for online activity? I don’t think that’s how it should work so I’m going to try to get my money back since my game is basically inoperable now that I’m banned. I haven’t even received an email about a ban but I see that you’ve said multiple times that you have no info on the situations with the bans so I won’t pester you about it. I just don’t understand why I can’t use play now or any other offline game modes. Also, I see that it’s not just me but it seems to be the norm based on the pictures others are posting. Forget online play how has no one said anything about them basically restricting the entire game that you paid for. Online play is a privilege but I paid for the other game modes those are my possessions. 

Message 85 of 135 (4,181 Views)

Missing game modes madden 22 (MUT-Play Now)

★ Novice

Its been almost a week now and I'm completely missing all my game mode. I logged in my account and check, there no bans/suspended history. please can someone help me with this issue I've spent over $500 on this game. I contacted EA support however they couldn't find the issue nor how to fix this problem, I tried every solution. I never seen nothing this bad ever. 

Message 86 of 135 (4,167 Views)

Re: Missing game modes madden 22 (MUT-Play Now)

★★★★ Novice

Same here.

I still cant play the game since august 18th...

BOUGHT a game that doesnt work.



Message 87 of 135 (4,122 Views)

Re: Missing game modes madden 22 (MUT-Play Now)

Community Manager


As the pictures you attach indicate, please contact our Support team. 

Here is how to reach them:


EA Help on Twitter




Our Support team can pull up your account and verify any actions taken on your account and help create a case for you if you'd like to dispute the action taken on your account. Our forum staff are not able to assist in making any changes to accounts that have received action nor discuss any account details for privacy reasons. 

Message 88 of 135 (4,085 Views)

Re: Missing game modes madden 22 (MUT-Play Now)

★★★★★ Novice

Have you gotten anywhere with your issue at hand? As you see in attached file im in a similar situation,although not as long as you did EA give you any answers as to why your blocked/banned.

Message 89 of 135 (4,073 Views)

Re: Missing game modes madden 22 (MUT-Play Now)

★ Apprentice

@Ju66alorydazbtch wrote:

Have you gotten anywhere with your issue at hand? As you see in attached file im in a similar situation,although not as long as you did EA give you any answers as to why your blocked/banned.

Nope. This is all I received when I contacted support to escalate my case to the ToS team. Then my case was labeled fixed.

Message 90 of 135 (4,034 Views)