Re: Offensive line not blocking properly

by b1hunnet

Original Post

Offensive line not blocking properly

★ Apprentice

FAR too often the offensive Tackles will literally do nothing, or double team someone without me telling them too, and the player their supposed to block doesn't even get touched. Also interior offensive linemen have zero logic in the run game, why do they hardly ever go block linebackers? I don't want them to double team the nose tackle, I want them to get to the linebacker and there's no way to make them do that consistently or predictably. There should be a function, like double team, but instead you can tell which guy for your specific lineman to block, to avoid bad AI decisions. 

Message 1 of 6 (2,863 Views)

Re: Offensive line not blocking properly

Community Manager


There can always be improvements for our offensive AI. Does this happen a lot when you shift your blocking to one side of the line and/or when you use the option to identify the mike? Those two options have had improvements over the previous title which can help for situations where linebackers are able to beat the line. 

Message 2 of 6 (2,731 Views)

Re: Offensive line not blocking properly

★ Apprentice

Honestly I try to use the oline controls as little as possible, because they only seem to cause more problems than they solve. For example, I try to tell my rt and rg to double team an xfactor D-end, and then the rest of the oline won't slide over to compensate for them double teaming a guy and even tho they only rush 4, someone comes at my QB untouched. Or I identify the Mike on a run play, basically telling my line I WANT HIM BLOCKED and they will literally run towards him then at last second turn away to block someone completely different and then boom lost yards. Completely illogical reactions by the Oline on all madden difficulty, when they need to be at their best. 

Message 3 of 6 (2,723 Views)

Re: Offensive line not blocking properly

★★ Guide

I TOTALLY agree. 


O lineman consistently just don't ENGAGE with the front seven defenders. 


And it's not a "ratings issue" either. I've seen the likes of Trent Williams or Quenten Nelson completely ignore the guys right in FRONT of them or if they do acknowledge them, they run past them without laying a finger on them at all. This vs players rated MUCH lower than they are. 



Message 4 of 6 (2,294 Views)

Re: Offensive line not blocking properly

★★ Guide

And don't get me stared on the "light box spam". Now that the "Pancake block penalty" has been removed folks are stopping the run with Dime and Dollar VERY well vs base sets...CONSISTENTLY. 

Message 5 of 6 (2,292 Views)

Re: Offensive line not blocking properly

★★★ Newbie

Sliding the blocking assignments and ID miking the  LB you want to block doesn't work either. The AI act doesn't not pick up the blocking assignments properly. The movements of the running backs are very stiff and I di t understand how a lineman or LB can catch someone that have a 96 speed rating. This is by far the worst madden ever made and I wish the fans of this game would never purchase it again until you guys fix it. No gamer should have to deal with glitch plays that's unstoppable or have defensive backs not defending their "zone". 2K sports would have done a far better job than EA. When 2K sports made nba2k, everyone stopped purchasing nba live. EA sports went to crap and I'm never purchasing another EA game if my life depended on it. Fire all the staff and games testers and start over. You guys butchered this classic of a game and should be ashamed of yourselves

Message 6 of 6 (230 Views)