Re: “Please reset your password”

by Guru-RR-Phantom

Original Post

Re: “Please reset your password”

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

I went through all of this. Turns out I left my account idle too long and due to inactivity they wanted me to reset my password. I did it multiple times. BUT THE REASON IT DIDNT WORK was because I had opened that ea account back when I had a ps3 under a different email. Therefore I had two accounts and didn’t know it. This may be your issue to especially if you use multiple platforms like I do. I ended up having them delete my other inactive account from previous gaming years and now only have my one account. Unless you know the existing email address the account is under you won’t be able to add that platform to a different account without having ea delete the previous “inactive” account 

Message 21 of 27 (3,013 Views)

Re: “Please reset your password”

★★★ Newbie

Can you please put out a fix for it? I've reset my password literally 100 times.. are your servers just unplugged or what? I can't imagine this is a profitable experience losing hundreds of customers due to bug in your services platform...

Message 22 of 27 (2,020 Views)

Re: “Please reset your password”

★★★ Newbie

Yeah.. this problem still persists. This should be submitted to a higher tier of tech support. The fix initially provided in this thread no longer works.


For reference I am trying to play Grid Legends on PS5.

Message 23 of 27 (1,673 Views)

Re: “Please reset your password”

★★★ Newbie

Same thing is happening to me right now, December 19, 2023 on madden 24. What an absolute joke.

Message 24 of 27 (827 Views)

Re: “Please reset your password”

★★★ Newbie

Same problem still.. its 2024 now. Wth EA.. I just want to play BF5 with my buddies

Message 25 of 27 (510 Views)

Re: “Please reset your password”

★★★ Newbie

load of *, it doesn't work

Message 26 of 27 (392 Views)

Re: “Please reset your password”

★★★ Newbie



Click on the EA Help link provided and navigate your way to message or text an employee or assistant something of that sort. Apparently it's likely because your entire account expired. I did this and they got me back in order off to play Battlefield 4 mwahahahaaa

Message 27 of 27 (210 Views)