Re: The sims 2 - PC DVD ROM - it does not work

by Tremayne4260

Original Post

The sims 2 - PC DVD ROM - it does not work

★★★ Novice

I bought the Sims 2 videogame online, to my biggest surprise it is the one CD-only version, I can't find any information that can help me in the software installation process, the video game seems to have installed, it asked me to say my code but then if I try to start the videogame I get an error irreversible and widens my screen.

It could be a compatibility issue since I have Windows 10, I tried, as many do, to make it compatible with Windows XP Service Pack 2, but I can't open it even with this.

I remember having the same problem when installing my old copy of the Sims 3, but by changing the compatibility I managed to make it work.


I can't provide you with a screenshot of the screen when it freezes, but to describe it better: my application icons get bigger including the Windows app bar and then the screen turns purple and gives me a window that says "an irreversible error has occurred, the application will be closed"

can anyone help me?

Message 1 of 3 (350 Views)

Re: The sims 2 - PC DVD ROM - it does not work

★★★ Novice

I tried to understand how to do it, but I'm worse off than before, now I can't even uninstall it Standard smile

Message 2 of 3 (334 Views)

Re: The sims 2 - PC DVD ROM - it does not work


@_wxhell__ , have you tried to apply the patches to the game? They can be found archived on many fan sites.

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Message 3 of 3 (274 Views)