[Workaround] Launching The Sims Medieval in windowed mode

by EA_Kent

Original Post

[Workaround] Launching The Sims Medieval in windowed mode

Community Manager

Hi all, 

If you've been having trouble running The Sims Medieval setting the game to run in windowed mode may allow you to play.


You can edit the game's options.ini file to set the game to launch in windowed mode using the steps below: 


  1. Locate the install folder for the game and open it
  2. Open the options.ini file (if asked to choose a program to open the file, select Notepad)
  3. Find the "fullscreen" option and replace the 1 with 0
  4. Save the file

Another option that may help is setting a command line argument to force the game to run in Windowed mode: 


  1. Right-click on the game in your Origin Library
  2. Select Game Properties
  3. Click the Advanced Launch Options tab
  4. Enter "-windowed" (without quotes) in the Command line arguments box
  5. Save the changes
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