Re: the sims 2 | I had it on an old account. Can I have it on this one?

by EA_Pythia

Original Post

the sims 2 | I had it on an old account. Can I have it on this one?

★★★ Newbie

THE SIMS 2 | Okay so me and my mom shared an EA account for quite a long time, but we can't log back on because 1: she and I forgot the password, and 2: she deleted the email forever ago, and never switched the account over. Due to not being able to log in (we went through a bunch of her old passwords. I guess I either misspelled or they're not it) and couldn't get in. Anyway, we had the sims 2 on it, and I miss the game REALLY bad. It's always been my favourite out of the series, and I've love to have it back. Is there ANYWAY to get it back but through my current account?

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Re: the sims 2 | I had it on an old account. Can I have it on this one?

Community Manager

Hello @fbzcz9ev0i5v,


unfortunately, you'll have to regain access to the old account first - you can try that by contacting the EA Support, who will ask you a series of questions to confirm you are the account owner. 


Once you have regained access to the account, you can ask Support if it's possible to merge the old account into the new one, so all games that you owned on that account can be played with your current account. Or otherwise, once you have access again to the old account, you can also simply play through that account.


Unfortunately, there is no way of transferring the games from one account to the other without first confirming ownership of the old one through support.

Bitte schickt mir keine Direktnachrichten für Support - taggt mich im Forum @EA_Pythia
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