GenoTEX: A Benchmark for Evaluating LLM-Based Exploration of Gene Expression Data in Alignment with Bioinformaticians

Haoyang Liu School of Information Sciences, Haohan Wang School of Information Sciences,

Recent advancements in machine learning have significantly improved the identification of disease-associated genes from gene expression datasets. However, these processes often require extensive expertise and manual effort, limiting their scalability. Large Language Model (LLM)-based agents have shown promise in automating these tasks due to their increasing problem-solving abilities. To support the evaluation and development of such methods, we introduce GenoTEX, a benchmark dataset for the automatic exploration of gene expression data, involving the tasks of dataset selection, preprocessing, and statistical analysis. GenoTEX provides annotated code and results for solving a wide range of gene identification problems, in a full analysis pipeline that follows the standard of computational genomics. These annotations are curated by human bioinformaticians who carefully analyze the datasets to ensure accuracy and reliability. To provide baselines for these tasks, we present GenoAgents, a team of LLM-based agents designed with context-aware planning, iterative correction, and domain expert consultation to collaboratively explore gene datasets. Our experiments with GenoAgents demonstrate the potential of LLM-based approaches in genomics data analysis, while error analysis highlights the challenges and areas for future improvement. We propose GenoTEX as a promising resource for benchmarking and enhancing AI-driven methods for genomics data analysis. We make our benchmark publicly available at

1 Introduction

In biomedical research, gene analysis is crucial for understanding biological mechanisms and advancing clinical applications such as disease marker identification and personalized medicine. Advances in next-generation sequencing and other technologies have led to a surge in the volume of transcriptomic data. Genomics research is expected to produce between 2 and 40 exabytes of data in the next decade [26], greatly facilitating research and discoveries in genomics.

Despite the scientific value of gene data analysis, these tasks are often repetitive, labor-intensive, and prone to errors [5]. The rapid increase in transcriptomic data and potentially inefficient workflows lead to considerable financial burden [27]. The genetics research industry incurs an annual expense of around $848.3 million on manual data analysis tasks [44], with costs expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% [44] to 16% [45] by 2030. Bioinformaticians spend significant effort on these repetitive tasks, valued at around $29 per hour [41]. This high volume of routine tasks greatly impacts job satisfaction among bioinformatics professionals, as surveys show that data scientists, including bioinformaticians, prefer engaging in advanced analytical tasks rather than routine data processing. Currently, up to 45% of their work hours are spent on tasks that could be automated [65]. These financial and workforce challenges highlight the urgent need for more efficient and cost-effective data analysis solutions in genetics research [3].

Meanwhile, the increasing abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) [39] have enabled methods for automating certain data analysis tasks [33, 2], and relevant benchmarks have been proposed [50, 15]. However, these studies have mostly focused on simplified synthetic datasets, or specific steps in the analyze pipeline such as missing data imputation or hyper-parameter tuning. In contrast, analysis on real-world gene expression data involves complex domain-specific procedures, and inherently requires the flexible planning, troubleshooting, and domain knowledge inference typically performed by a human bioinformatician, posing higher demands on automatic methods.

To facilitate the evaluation and development of such methods, we propose the Genomics Data Automatic Exploration Benchmark (GenoTEX), a benchmark dataset for the automated analysis of gene expression datasets to identify disease-associated genes while considering the influence of other biological factors. Following the standards of computational genomics and based on the common practices of skilled human bioinformaticians, we unified the process of analyzing various gene expression datasets for solving different gene identification problems into a standardized pipeline with detailed procedures, documented in a guidelines file (Appendix B). We then trained and organized a group of bioinformaticians to manually perform the data analysis according to these guidelines, creating a benchmark dataset consisting of input data, annotated code, and intermediate and final analysis results. Based on this benchmark, we propose three tasks, namely, dataset selection, data preprocessing, and statistical analysis, with corresponding metrics for evaluating different aspects of the automatic exploration of gene expression data.

Furthermore, to provide baselines for these tasks, we propose GenoAgent, a team of LLM-based agents that simulate the behavior of bioinformaticians in gene data analysis. To tackle the challenges in gene data exploration, GenoAgent employs a collaborative workflow featured with context-aware planning, iterative correction, and domain expert consultation. The agents are instructed with the detailed guidelines to perform the full pipeline of data analysis for solving gene identification problems.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: The overview of the GenoTEX benchmark curation.

Our evaluation suggests that GenoAgent is able to automate the process of gene expression data analysis with good overall accuracy, affirming the promise of integrating LLMs into genomics research.

In summary, our contributions are as follows:

  • We propose a benchmark dataset, GenoTEX, that presents the analysis pipeline for a rich set of gene identification problems, with documented code and output. We believe it will serve as a useful resource for the evaluation and development of advanced methods for automatic gene expression data analysis.

  • We define three challenging tasks: dataset selection, data preprocessing, and statistical analysis, along with corresponding metrics, to support more systematic evaluation.

  • We propose a baseline method, GenoAgent, a team of LLM-based agents to collaboratively explore gene expression datasets. Our evaluation demonstrates the promise of LLM-based approaches in genomics data analysis, and error analysis reveals areas for future improvement.

2 Related work

LLMs for collaborative problem-solving

Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown the potential to achieve human-level intelligence [59, 38, 55, 56]. Research has tried to enhance their problem-solving abilities through techniques such as goal decomposition [64, 75, 16, 37], tree and graph structures [71, 23, 4], consistency [60], self-refinement [67, 34, 62, 10], and the use of external tools [32, 74, 43].

The collaboration of multiple agents can further enhance problem-solving capacities [63, 52, 14, 58], often through role-playing with distinct expertise [69, 13]. MetaGPT [24] promotes collaboration among various agent roles, and studies have shown the effectiveness of role-playing in software development [42, 13]. Other works explore sociological phenomena [48, 51, 76, 63, 31], such as virtual towns for interactions among AI agents [40]. Recent research emphasizes task management and feedback for performance improvement [25, 68, 20, 72], with task management shown to enhance multi-agent systems [52, 69].

LLMs for scientific discovery

Researchers have also been incorporating LLMs into scientific discovery in fields such as chemistry [6, 21], biotechnology [35], and medicine [49, 70] by training or fine-tuning LLMs on domain-specific data. In contrast to these works, we leverage current state-of-the-art LLMs without additional training. We employ structured prompting and communication strategies to equip LLM-based agents with the planning, analysis, and coding abilities required for scientific exploration.

To tackle the challenging tasks in our benchmark, we propose a baseline method that employs a team of LLM-based agents, each contributing their own expertise, to collaboratively conduct gene expression data analysis.

3 Benchmark

This section describes our GenoTEX benchmark. Specifically, we introduce our proposed standardized pipeline for gene expression data analysis, the process for creating and ensuring the quality of the benchmark, and the tasks and metrics defined for evaluation.

3.1 Standardized pipeline of gene expression data analysis

Our study aims to automate the gene expression data analysis process to address a class of important problems: What are the significant genes associated with a specific trait, given the influence of some condition? Here, a “trait” refers to a characteristic such as a disease (e.g., diabetes), and a “condition” refers to a factor like age, gender, or a co-existing trait (e.g., hypertension). This problem is scientifically important because the key genes linked to traits often vary based on the diverse physical conditions of patients. By incorporating these factors into our analysis, we aim to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the genetic underpinnings of these traits.

Evaluating the automatic exploration of this kind of problems is complex due to its nature. The combination of different traits and conditions leads to a multitude of gene identification scenarios, many of which remain understudied in biomedical literature. This absence of a clear “ground truth” complicates the evaluation of our analysis results. Moreover, while data-driven approaches provide valuable insights, they must ultimately be combined with interventional biological experiments or clinical trials to confirm the significance of identified genes. Defining the exact insights that should be extracted from our data analysis is therefore complex.

Given these challenges, instead of creating a benchmark to test whether the automated discoveries can align with a “ground truth” that can only be discovered through interventional methods, we designed the benchmark to evaluate how well the automatic analysis process and results align with those of a skilled bioinformatician following standard procedures.

Thus, to enhance the reliability of our benchmark, we have developed a standardized analysis pipeline. This pipeline mirrors the steps a skilled bioinformatician would follow, enabling systematic evaluation of the automated methods against established human expertise. By adhering to this standardized approach, we aim to facilitate not only the evaluation of our method but also the future development of more advanced methods. In the following subsection, we introduce this pipeline in detail and provide the necessary background knowledge to understand its significance and application in our research.

3.1.1 Data preprocessing

The preprocessing of gene expression data involves a comprehensive pipeline with several main steps such as dataset filtering and selection, gene data preprocessing, trait data extraction, and data linking. Below we introduce the preprocessing steps for gene expression data within our pipeline.

Dataset filtering and selection

In our paper, unless otherwise specified, a “dataset” refers to a cohort dataset, which is the overall collection of samples and their associated genetic and clinical information from a biomedical study. The selection of datasets involves three steps:

  1. 1.

    Initial filtering At the beginning of analysis, we start with a list of potentially useful datasets, and determine the relevance of each dataset to the problem by reading the metadata. This involves verifying the availability of gene expression data (as opposed to miRNA or methylation data) and the traits of interest.

  2. 2.

    Quality verification In case there are abnormalities in the dataset that were not handled successfully in the preprocessing step, we discard the dataset to ensure quality.

  3. 3.

    Dataset selection As gene expression data are often high-dimensional and scarce, the analysis can be bottlenecked by sample size. Therefore, if multiple preprocessed datasets are available for statistical analysis about a trait, we select the one with the largest sample size. If the analysis requires integrating datasets about two traits, we sort the possible pairs of datasets for both traits by the product of their sample sizes, and select the pair with the largest product.

Gene data preprocessing

In this step, we prepare a data table where each attribute represents the expression level of a specific gene within a sample. The preprocessing steps vary depending on the measurement technique. For microarray data, we start with raw datasets identified by probe IDs, which are DNA sequences complementary to the target RNA sequences used to measure gene expression. For RNA-seq data, we handle sequence reads that require alignment to a reference genome. In both cases, we map the initial identifiers to gene symbols using platform-specific gene annotation data. We then normalize and deduplicate these gene symbols by querying gene databases via APIs, to prevent potential inaccuracies due to different gene naming conventions. This process requires flexible planning and proficient use of bioinformatics tools to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Trait data extraction

The clinical information of samples is recorded in certain rows or columns of the raw data table with indefinite attribute names specific to each dataset. In this step, we identify the attributes containing the trait or condition information of interest, design conversion rules, and write functions to encode the attributes into binary, ordinal, or categorical variables. Often this information is indirectly given, requiring us to infer it based on domain knowledge about acronyms or jargon related to the trait, combined with an understanding of the data measurement and collection process described in the metadata. Some examples of this step are shown in Appendix C.

Data linking

In this step, we merge the preprocessed gene data with the extracted trait data based on the sample IDs. This integration creates a data table containing both genetic and clinical features for the same samples, ready for association studies to identify significant genes.

The preprocessing also involves common operations such as missing value imputation and column matching, some of which are substeps of the main steps. Please refer to our guidelines file in Appendix B for more details. Fig. 2 shows the pipeline of preprocessing a series dataset from the GEO database.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: The pipeline for preprocessing a GEO series dataset.

3.1.2 Statistical analysis

After preprocessing, one can perform basic regression analysis to identify the genes that are predictive of the disease (or trait) [18, 66]. Lasso [53] is often chosen as the model due to its ability to identify a sparse set of genes. In addition to directly using regression model, some other steps are often taken.

Confounding factor correction

To ensure reliable identification of genes, the pipeline often involves steps to correct potential confounding factors [30, 8]. One type of confounding factor arises when the distribution of gene expressions varies across subgroups within the data due to different background distributions rather than the disease itself [73]. This variation can introduce significant bias, leading to incorrect conclusions where the association between certain genes and the disease might be mistakenly attributed to differences in gene expression distributions across groups, rather than a true link to the disease [57].

Incorporating conditions in regression

Additionally, one can include additional covariates in the regression model, such as patient demographics and co-occurrence of other diseases [29]. Including these conditions allows for identifying gene expression patterns that are not only associated with the disease status but also modulated by these conditions. This nuanced analysis supports the development of more personalized treatment strategies by identifying how different conditions affect gene-disease relationships [46]. This practice is encouraged due to the need for “precision medicine” [22, 9].

3.2 Benchmark creation

This subsection describes our process of building the benchmark, including the design of gene identification problems, downloading data from open gene expression databases, the collection of manual analysis data, and quality control and assessment.

Gene identification problem design

To ensure the scientific relevance of our benchmark, we began by curating a list of human traits that are either important to public health or interesting to genomics research. A computational biologist compiled this list, resulting in 82 traits spanning 9 main categories such as cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders. This yields 82 problems in the form: What are the significant genes related to the trait? (hereafter referred to as "unconditional gene identification").

Next, each trait was paired with a condition, which could be another trait from the list or demographic attributes like age or gender, generating 6806 possible trait-condition pairs. We selected some of the more scientifically important pairs to frame problems in the form: What are the significant genes related to the trait when considering the influence of the condition? (hereafter referred to as "conditional gene identification").

To choose these pairs, we first applied manually designed criteria about which pairs must or must not be chosen based on the main categories or grouping of traits (Appendix D). For each undecided pair, we measured its trait-condition association by calculating the Jaccard similarity between the sets of genes related to the trait and the condition retrieved from the NCBI Gene database [7]. Pairs with a Jaccard similarity greater than 0.1 were chosen, as these pairs are more likely to share underlying genetic mechanisms, making them particularly valuable for understanding the complex interactions between traits and conditions in our gene identification analysis. This selection process resulted in 1064 pairs of significant scientific interest. Together with the 82 unconditional gene identification problems, this collectively forms the problem set of our benchmark.

Table 1: Descriptive statistics of our GenoTex benchmark.
Gene Identification Problems
Total problems 1146
Unconditional problems 82
Conditional problems 1064
Input Dataset
Total size 32.22 GB
Datasets 795
Samples per dataset 167±plus-or-minus\pm±121
Total samples 132,673
Manual Analysis and Results
Relevant datasets 181
Datasets successfully preprocessed 163
Lines of code for analyzing per dataset 90±plus-or-minus\pm±32
Total lines of code for analysis 71,669
Normalized gene features per dataset 14174 ±plus-or-minus\pm± 5851
Significant genes identified per problem 42±plus-or-minus\pm±65
Input Dataset

To address the formulated research problems, we downloaded cohort datasets containing gene expression and corresponding clinical data from public databases: (1) The Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) [11], the largest gene expression database currently available; and (2) The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) [54], the largest gene expression database focused on cancer. The TCGA data were acquired via the UCSC Xena platform [19]. Additionally, domain knowledge regarding gene symbols associated with traits was sourced from the NCBI Gene database [7]. For more detailed information about these data sources, please refer to Appendix E.

Manual analysis

Four researchers in our team curated the problem list and extracted relevant input data from public sources. During the pilot stage, a computational biologist collaborated with a doctoral student to develop a guidelines file for the standardized pipeline and example code for solving problems related to two traits. This initial work was iteratively refined based on their experience with manual analysis on a subset of 200 problems.

In the subsequent phase of manual curation, nine bioinformaticians developed the gold standard for analyzing the input data for all problems in our benchmark. This involved writing code for data preprocessing and regression analysis, and compiling the analysis results. Equipped with detailed instructions in the guidelines file and example analysis code, these researchers crafted the gold standard over 12 weeks. The data for each trait were independently analyzed by two researchers, with an experienced researcher adjudicating the annotation by selecting the better analysis and making further refinements.

To evaluate the consistency of annotations, we measured the Inter-Annotator Agreement (IAA) between the two annotation versions. The results indicate high annotation quality, with an F1 score of 94.73% for the task of dataset filtering. We also used IAA as a baseline for human performance in gene data analysis, with additional results presented in Section 5.

3.3 Tasks and metrics

Dataset selection and filtering

We evaluate the performance of Dataset Filtering and Dataset Selection seperately. The former is a binary classification task, and we use F1 as the primary metric; For the latter, we use accuracy to measure the percentage of problems for which the method chooses the same dataset (or pairs of datasets) as the bioinformations did in our benchmark.


Due to the complexity of gene expression data preprocessing, both the attributes and samples of the resulting preprocessed data depend largely on the decisions made during this process. To evaluate the performance of different methods, we adopted the following metrics: (i) Attribute Jaccard (AJ) is the Jaccard similarity between sets of attributes of two datasets. It evaluates how well the method extracts attributes from the dataset by encoding clinical features and normalizing gene symbols. (ii) Sample Jaccard (SJ) is the Jaccard similarity between sets of sample IDs of two datasets. It measures how well the method integrates features of the same samples and handles missing values. Based on these metrics, we define (iii) Composite Similarity Correlation (CSC) as the product of the Attribute Jaccard, Sample Jaccard, and the Pearson correlation of the common feature vectors (common rows and columns) between the datasets. This metric captures both the structural and content similarity of the resulting datasets, so we consider it as the primary metric for evaluation preprocessing alignment.

Statistical analysis

The goal of statistical analysis is to identify sigificant genes related to traits. To evaluate this process, we adopt multiple metrics such as precision, recall, and Jaccard index. The Jaccard index evaluates the similarity between the sets of genes identified by our method and the gold standard. We also consider gene identification as a binary classification problem of predicting whether a gene is related to the trait, and use Precision, Recall, and F1 to measure the performance.

4 Method

Recent studies have attempted to leverage LLM-based agents to tackle challenging problems [25, 72], including a range of data analysis tasks [33, 2]. While these methods each have their own novelties and strengths, our preliminary experiments reveal that none of them can generate functional code that runs data analysis on our benchmark. This is not surprising, considering the full complexity of the analysis required for solving real-world gene data analysis problem, a more tailored approach is probably needed. This section describes our method for exploring and setting up a baseline for this task.

4.1 Motivation and role design

When a human expert writes programs for gene expression data analysis, they exhibit the following abilities: (i) Context-aware planning. They complete a task step by step, planning the next action based on the overall goal and the results of previous steps; (ii) Tool utilization. They select and use library functions to assist with data preprocessing and statistical analysis; (iii) Domain knowledge inference. They observe the metadata of the dataset and intermediate processing results, using domain knowledge to infer the desired information from the data and use these observations to check whether their code works as expected; (iv) Error correction. they analyze the errors in program execution and correct them.

We believe that integrating these components is essential for enabling agent systems to effectively tackle the complex task of gene expression data analysis. Thus, to propose reasonable baselines for our benchmark, inspired by the workflow of human bioinformaticians in gene data analysis, we propose GenoAgents, a team of LLM-based agents, each playing different roles in a genomic data science team and contributing their own expertise to the problem. A Project Manager coordinates the analysis process for solving each gene identification problem, assigning tasks to agents with the standardized pipeline in our benchmark as instructions. Two programming agents, Data Engineer and Statistician, focus on the data preprocessing and statistical analysis tasks, respectivey. To enable context-aware planning, the agents maintain a task context recording the text instruction, code, and the execution output for each of the previous steps. Before taking a step, the agents observe the current task context, and then decides whether to perform or skip the next step, or revert to a previous step if necessary. If it chooses to write code to perform a step, it can read the source code of function tools in a library file and choose to use them as needed. A Code Reviewer agents help the programming agents debugging code and verifying that their code follows the instructions. A Domain Expert agent provides professional knowledge consultation to programming agents when required for data processing.

4.2 Collaboration among LLM agents

This subsection introduces the two main patterns of collaboration between agents.

Code review and iterative debugging

This process involves the interaction between the Code Reviewer and a programming agent (Statistician or Data Engineer). If the execution fails, the Code Reviewer evaluates the code based on its execution result, error-free status, and compliance with the given instructions. Then it makes a decision to either approve the code, or reject it with detailed feedback for revision and improvements, as shown in Figure 4 in Appendix. Based on the feedback, the agent iteratively refines the code, extending the context with new versions until approval or the maximum debugging rounds are reached. This mechanism facilitates troubleshooting and also improves adherence to task instructions.

Domain-guided programming

The second collaboration pattern involves a Data Engineer consulting a Domain Expert for data preprocessing tasks that require specialized knowledge. The Data Engineer sends questions to the Domain Expert, providing the necessary context such as metadata, summary information about a dataset, or other intermediate results in data processing. The Domain Expert then provides answers in the form of executable code. This type of programming also undergoes a debugging process, but the execution results are sent back to the same Domain Expert. Some questions are complex enough that the Domain Expert may not provide the correct answer immediately, necessitating further refinement based on the execution results.

5 Experiment

This section describes our experiments to evaluate GenoAgent and other baseline methods on the GenoTEX benchmark. We conducted an end-to-end evaluation where methods process raw input data to complete the full analysis for solving gene identification problems. Additionally, we assessed the performance of each task individually to gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. The tasks and metrics used are defined in Section 3.3. All experiments were conducted on a RunPod cluster [47] with two 16-core CPUs and 62 GB RAM. GenoAgent utilizes GPT-4o [39] models accessed via the OpenAI API.

5.1 Results

End-to-end performance

We evaluated the end-to-end data analysis capabilities of GenoAgent and baseline methods by measuring their performance in gene identification from raw input data. The results in Table 3 show that GenoAgent achieved an F1 score of 51.19%. While this is promising given the task difficulty, there is still a significant gap compared to human inter-annotator agreement scores, indicating substantial room for improvement. Ablation results demonstrated the importance of the collaborative approach involving the Code Reviewer and Domain Expert agents, as well as the number of review rounds. Additionally, we included a simple baseline where GPT-4o was directly asked to answer the significant genes in each problem, resulting in low performance (2.4% F1), which highlights the difficulty of this task. For completeness, we also reported the trait prediction accuracy of the agents’ models, reflecting the validity of the data and models they used.

Table 2: Performance of GenoAgent on dataset filtering and selection. We use F1 and Accuracy for the two subtasks, respectively, where DF stands for Dataset Filtering, and DS stands for Dataset Selection
Methods DF (%) DS (%)
GenoAgent (Ours) 87.32 80.25
GenoAgent (Rounds=1) 85.29 76.04
GenoAgent (No Reviewer) 82.13 69.57
GenoAgent (No Domain Expert) 84.28 78.63
Inter-Annotator Agreement 94.73 90.26
Dataset filtering and selection

The performance of dataset filtering and selection is shown in Table 2. The agents show decent performance, likely because determining dataset relevance based on metadata often does not require complex inference. However, errors in this step can propagate to subsequent steps, impacting overall performance.

Dataset preprocessing

We evaluated the preprocessing performance of GenoAgent by comparing its output with that of human bioinformaticians in our benchmark. The results are presented in Table 4. GenoAgent generally performed well in preprocessing gene expression and merged data, achieving high CSC scores (80.63% for genes). However, preprocessing of trait data was significantly weaker, with a CSC score of 32.28%, due to the complexity of clinical data extraction and the need for nuanced knowledge inference.

Table 3: End-to-end performance of GenoAgent on the gene identification problems in our benchmark; additional evaluation on trait prediction performance and the efficiency of LLM API requests for our experiments. Code execution time excluded from the time measurement. We did not include other baseline LLM-as-agent methods such as MetaGPT [24], because none of them are able to generate runnable code for the preprocessing of gene data, after extensive attempts and given detailed instructions and function tools (Appendix F).
Methods Benchmark Performance Trait Prediction Efficiency
Prec.(%) Rec.(%) F1(%) Jac.(%) Acc.(%) Prec.(%) Rec.(%) F1(%) Tk.(k) Time(s)
GenoAgent (Ours) 54.64 52.28 51.19 48.07 94.40 91.97 89.48 86.26 31.90 183.36
GenoAgent (Round=1) 50.38 49.48 48.37 43.18 89.82 79.26 81.78 82.84 26.44 152.47
GenoAgent (No Reviewer) 21.35 20.20 20.10 18.77 62.81 57.76 62.58 59.31 23.85 128.63
GenoAgent (No Domain Expert) 47.94 43.80 41.33 37.19 27.82 24.68 26.59 24.79 29.23 158.37
Inter-Annotator Agreement 75.58 70.64 69.66 68.64 - - - - - 10.74
GPT-4o zero-shot 8.47 0.12 2.41 2.69 - - - - 0.06 8.32
Table 4: Performance of GenoAgent on the preprocessing tasks.
Methods Merged Data Gene Data Trait Data
AJ(%) SJ(%) CSC(%) AJ(%) SJ(%) CSC(%) AJ(%) SJ(%) CSC(%)
GenoAgent (Ours) 89.82 86.98 79.71 92.80 89.87 80.63 46.81 63.71 32.28
GenoAgent (Round=1) 87.04 82.15 74.43 88.04 82.34 76.11 45.04 59.25 30.74
GenoAgent (No Reviewer) 35.18 35.06 32.73 36.01 35.7 33.62 24.02 32.58 6.45
GenoAgent (No Domain Expert) 78.54 75.93 70.01 80.79 76.38 69.67 25.14 23.48 4.68
Statistical analysis

For the statistical analysis task, we used datasets preprocessed by human bioinformaticians and instructed various baseline methods to perform statistical analysis following our standardized pipeline. The results are shown in Table 5. Unlike data preprocessing, this task primarily involves leveraging Python libraries for generic statistical modeling, allowing several LLMs or agent-based models to achieve decent performance.

Table 5: Performance of baseline methods on the statistical analysis task.
Methods Benchmark Performance(%) Trait Prediction(%)
Prec. Rec. F1 Jac. Acc. Prec. Rec. F1
GenoAgent (Ours) 68.18 62.84 67.08 68.67 57.7 57.73 58.67 57.42
MetaGPT [24] 64.90 67.20 70.28 67.14 60.63 60.85 57.04 58.55
GPT-4o [39] 61.61 62.75 60.48 63.85 55.39 50.72 52.50 50.42
Llama 3 (8B) [36] 8.29 10.42 8.58 12.68 8.36 8.90 5.54 5.45

5.2 Discussions

While the results demonstrate the potential of LLM-based methods in gene analysis, they also highlight the limitations of current approaches.

Instability of the feedback mechanism

For complex tasks, the ideal scenario is for the agent to iteratively improve its code based on feedback to eventually reach the correct solution. However, the results in Table 3 indicate that while a single round of feedback significantly improves performance compared to no feedback, additional rounds provide marginal benefits, leaving a notable gap compared to human performance. By examining the agents’ operations (Appendix G), we found that feedback from the Code Reviewer agent often varied randomly and was sometimes incorrect. RLHF-tuned large models appear susceptible to being misled rather than adhering to initial insights. A promising direction is to design collaborative modes that encourage agents to discuss differing opinions iteratively to enhance their understanding of the task.

6 Conclusion

In this work, we introduced GenoTEX, a benchmark dataset designed to facilitate the automatic exploration of gene expression data for identifying disease-associated genes. GenoTEX encompasses a comprehensive analysis pipeline, reflecting the standards of computational genomics, and includes annotated code and results curated by expert bioinformaticians. By defining three core tasks—dataset selection, data preprocessing, and statistical analysis—we provide a robust framework for evaluating and developing automated methods. Furthermore, our proposed GenoAgent, a team of LLM-based agents, demonstrates the potential of integrating large language models into the field of genomics. Our experiments highlight both the strengths and limitations of these agents, underscoring the need for further research to address challenges in nuanced human judgment and data anomalies. GenoTEX is poised to be a useful resource in advancing AI-driven genomics data analysis, promoting efficiency, accuracy, and scalability in biomedical research.

Acknowledgments and Disclosure of Funding

This research was supported by the Accelerate Foundation Models Research (AFMR) initiative funded by Microsoft Research. We used the Microsoft Azure OpenAI service for our experiments and are thankful for the computation credits and technical support provided.


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Supplementary Material

The supplementary material is organized as follows:

  • Appendix A describes the dataset accessibility, documentation, and maintenance of our benchmark.

  • Appendix B introduces the guidelines file used to standardize the manual curation of our benchmark.

  • Appendix C provides examples of manual analysis on trait data extraction.

  • Appendix D outlines the criteria for forming trait-condition pairs for gene identification problems in our benchmark.

  • Appendix E describes our data acquisition process.

  • Appendix F presents our preliminary experiments highlighting the challenges faced by existing LLMs and agent-based methods on our benchmark.

  • Appendix G discusses the limitations of GenoAgent on our benchmark.

Appendix A Dataset accessibility, documentation, and maintenance

A.1 Documentation and intended uses

GenoTEX is documented following the Datasheets for Datasets [17] framework, providing a comprehensive description of the data collection process, preprocessing steps, and statistical analysis methods employed. The detailed datasheet is available here. Each step of the pipeline aims to mirror the standards of computational genomics, ensuring that the dataset is both accurate and reliable. The intended uses of GenoTEX are broad, encompassing the evaluation and development of AI-driven methods for genomics data analysis. By providing a standardized benchmark, GenoTEX aims to facilitate the advancement of machine learning models capable of automating the complex task of gene expression analysis. Researchers in bioinformatics and related fields can leverage this dataset to benchmark their algorithms, fostering innovation and improving the scalability of gene identification processes.

A.2 Open access and maintenance

To ensure the accessibility and usability of GenoTEX, we have made the dataset publicly available here. The dataset is hosted on GitHub, ensuring long-term availability and ease of access. The metadata associated with the dataset is documented here using the Croissant Metadata Record [1], providing a structured and detailed overview of the dataset’s features and attributes. We have structured the metadata according to the JSON-LD standard [28] to enhance interoperability and organization. We will maintain the dataset with regular updates and ongoing support to address any issues or improvements that may arise.

A.3 Licensing and responsibility

The GenoTEX dataset is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license [12], which allows for broad usage while protecting the rights of the creators. The authors bear full responsibility for ensuring that the dataset adheres to this license and for any potential violations of rights. This responsibility includes ensuring that all data included in GenoTEX is ethically sourced and legally compliant. Throughout the curation process, we engaged in extensive discussions and consultations to address ethical considerations and legal requirements. Despite our best efforts, we remain aware that ethical landscapes can be complex and evolving, and we continually ask ourselves whether we are meeting the highest standards. This involved careful examination of each dataset to ensure the absence of personally identifiable information and compliance with all relevant standards. Our approach aims to ensure that GenoTEX meets the ethical and legal standards expected in the field of machine learning and computational genomics research.

A.4 Data format and persistent identifiers

GenoTEX is provided in open and widely used data formats, including CSV and JSON, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of analytical tools and platforms. Detailed instructions on how to read and use the dataset are included in the documentation, making it accessible to both novice and experienced researchers. To enhance the dataset’s stability and ease of reference, we have minted a DOI for GenoTEX. This DOI will serve as a reliable means of access and citation for the dataset, promoting its use in academic and professional research.

A.5 Reproducibility

To support reproducibility, we have included all the necessary datasets, code, and evaluation procedures in our documentation. We have worked diligently to ensure that others can replicate the results of our analyses. By our commitment to transparency and reproducibility, we hope to facilitate the wider adoption and validation of AI-driven methods in genomics research.

Appendix B Guidelines for gene expression data analysis

To tackle the complexities of gene expression data analysis, we have established a set of comprehensive guidelines shown below. These guidelines try to replicate the detailed processes of a skilled bioinformatician, covering dataset preprocessing, selection, and statistical analysis. By following these standardized procedures, we seek to improve consistency and reliability in our manual benchmark curation.

This document describes the standardized pipeline for analyzing gene expression data for identifying disease-associated genes, involving dataset preprocessing, selection, and statistical analysis. These steps follow the practices of computational genomics and ensure the reproducibility and reliability of the analysis.
Data Sources and Organization:
- Gene expression data are sourced from two public databases, organized by trait in specific subdirectories:
- Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO): Data are downloaded under certain criteria and saved under the path "{data_root}/GEO". Within this directory, datasets related to each trait are organized in subdirectories named after the trait.
- The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data via the Xena platform: Data are saved under the path "{data_root}/TCGA". Similar to GEO, datasets related to each cancer type are organized in subdirectories named after the specific cancer trait.
Problem Setting Differentiation:
- If the problem is to identify significant genes predictive of a trait (optionally conditioning on age or gender, but not involving another trait), prepare the data related to this trait.
- If the problem is to identify significant genes predictive of a trait while conditioning on another trait, prepare data for both traits. These datasets will be integrated in a two-step regression process.
PART I. GEO Data Preprocessing
Step 1: Initial Data Loading
1. Identify the names of the SOFT file and Matrix file of the Series data.
2. Read the Matrix file to obtain background information and clinical trait data. This involves extracting the text data of series titles, summaries, and overall designs, as well as the tabular data of sample characteristics.
3. Get the unique values of all attributes in the sample characteristics table into a Python dictionary.
4. Print the background information and the sample characteristics dictionary for later observation.
Step 2: Dataset Analysis and Clinical Feature Extraction
1. Read the metadata to determine if the dataset is likely to contain gene expression data (which does not include miRNA data or methylation data).
2. Based on the metadata and the sample characteristics dictionary, for each of the variables of interest (e.g., a specific trait, age, gender):
a. Assess the availability of data.
b. If available, identify the key in the sample characteristics dictionary where unique values of this variable are recorded.
c. Choose the appropriate data type (continuous, binary, or categorical) and design conversion functions to encode the features into that type.
3. Conduct initial filtering. If either the gene data or trait data is not available, discard this dataset; otherwise, continue with the following steps.
Step 3: Gene Data Extraction
1. Read the Matrix file to extract the tabular gene expression data into a dataframe.
2. Print the first few row identifiers in the dataframe for later observation.
3. Determine if the row identifiers are human gene symbols or other types that require mapping.
Step 4: Gene Annotation (Conditional)
1. If gene mapping is required, extract the gene annotation table from the SOFT file.
2. Preview the gene annotation table for later observation.
Step 5: Gene Identifier Mapping
1. If gene mapping is required, identify the columns for the identifiers and gene symbols from the gene annotation table.
2. Create a mapping dataframe and apply it to the gene expression data. Handle many-to-many relationships between probe IDs and gene symbols by splitting concatenated strings of symbols using separators such as semicolons (;), vertical bars (|), double slashes (//), and commas (,). Assign the corresponding expression values to each gene symbol linked to an identifier. Finally, aggregate the expression values for each gene symbol by averaging the values from multiple probes, with the aim of accurately representing the expression level of each gene symbol.
Step 6: Data Normalization and Merging
1. Normalize the gene symbols in the gene data by querying databases with the Python MyGene library, setting the scopes parameter properly. Remove data corresponding to genes that cannot be normalized. For genes that normalize to the same symbol, deduplicate by averaging their expression values.
2. Merge the clinical data with the normalized gene data on sample IDs.
3. Handle missing values. Drop records with the clinical trait missing or with more than 20% of the gene features missing. Use mean imputation for other missing values in the gene expression data.
4. Observe the resulting dataset for quality verification. If the dataset is successfully preprocessed, save the merged data to a CSV file.
PART II. TCGA-Xena Data Preprocessing
Step 1: Initial Data Loading
1. Identify the names of the clinical data file and the genetic data file, and load them into two separate dataframes. For gene expression, we choose the gene expression RNAseq dataset instead of its PANCAN normalized or percentile versions.
Step 2: Clinical Attribute Selection
1. Print and observe the column names of the clinical data file. Identify all columns that might hold relevant data for age and gender from the list of column names.
2. Inspect the first few values of all candidate columns. Select a single column from the candidate columns that accurately records age and gender information, respectively, considering meaningful values and minimal missing data.
3. Based on metadata of the TCGA database, use a simple rule to convert the trait (whether the sample has the particular type of cancer) to binary values.
4. Conduct initial filtering. If all samples have the same target values, or if the clinical dataset shows other abnormalities, discard the dataset. Otherwise, continue with the next step.
Step 3: Data Processing and Merging
1. Normalize the gene symbols in the gene data by querying databases with the Python MyGene library, setting the scopes parameter properly. Remove data corresponding to genes that cannot be normalized. For genes that normalize to the same symbol, deduplicate by averaging their expression values.
2. Merge the clinical and genetic datasets on sample IDs.
3. Handle missing values. Drop records with the clinical trait missing or with more than 20% of the gene features missing. Use mean imputation for other missing values in the gene expression data.
4. Observe the resulting dataset for quality verification. If the dataset is successfully preprocessed, save the merged data to a CSV file.
PART III. Statistical Analysis
Step 1: Data Selection and Loading
1. Select the best input data relevant to the gene identification problem, and load the data into a dataframe. If multiple preprocessed datasets are available for statistical analysis about a trait, we select the one with the largest sample size.
2. If the analysis requires integrating datasets about two traits, we sort the possible pairs of datasets for both traits by the product of their sample sizes, and select the pair with the largest product. Load data for the trait and condition into separate dataframes and select common gene regressors.
Step 2: Data Wrangling
1. Extract the relevant data columns and convert into numpy arrays for analysis. Get the data matrices of features, the target variable, and also the condition when applicable.
2. For two-step regression, this needs to be done twice. In the first step, the features are the common gene regressors, and the target is the condition, and we need to extract these matrices from the condition dataset. The second step follows other cases for extracting relevant data.
Step 3: Condition Prediction (Only for Two-Step Regression)
1. Determine the variable type (binary, continuous, or categorical) of the condition.
2. Select a simple regression model based on the type of the target variable, and train it to regress the condition on the common gene regressors in the condition dataset.
3. Use the trained model to predict the condition values in the trait dataset using the common gene regressors. Remove the columns in the trait dataset corresponding to the common regressors, and add the predicted condition values to it as a new column.
Step 4: Model Selection Based on Batch Effect
1. Assess whether the dataset shows batch effects by observing gaps in eigenvalues. Choose the appropriate model based on the presence of batch effects. Use a Linear Mixed Model (LMM) if batch effects are detected. Otherwise, use a Lasso model.
Step 5: Data Normalization
1. For the feature matrix, and the condition matrix (if applicable), apply Z-score normalization so that each feature has a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1. Make sure this is done every time before training the model.
Step 6: Hyperparameter Tuning
1. Do 5-fold cross-validation, and perform hyperparameter search on the logarithm scale with base of 10. Record the best hyperparameter settings.
Step 7: Model Training
1. Train the model on the entire dataset, with the best hyperparameters found during cross-validation. For conditional analyses, incorporate the condition matrix into the model.
Step 8: Model Interpretation
1. Interpret the trained model to identify significant factors and effects. For Lasso, choose gene variables with non-zero coefficients. For LMM, apply the Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple hypothesis testing, and select variables whose corrected p-value is less than 0.05.
2. Save the regression output to a JSON file, with the identified genes and the corresponding coefficient or p-values.
Listing 1: Guidelines file for gene expression data analysis

Appendix C Examples of manual analysis

In addition to the guidelines file, we provide example files to the participants of our benchmark curation. These examples include code and results for analyzing gene identification problems related to traits such as Breast Cancer and Epilepsy. These illustrations have proven helpful in familiarizing participants with these tasks quickly. Among the many steps in the analysis pipeline, a key step is the trait data extraction during the preprocessing of GEO data. This step requires biomedical knowledge and an understanding of the dataset collection process described in the metadata. In this section, we will introduce the part of the manual analysis examples related to this crucial step.

C.1 Problem statement

Our goal was to extract clinical traits from GEO datasets. For each trait of interest, we aimed to determine its availability and develop encoding rules to automate the extraction process. Below are two examples focusing on Breast Cancer and Epilepsy, respectively.

C.2 Breast Cancer example

C.2.1 Input data

!Series_title "Unlocking Molecular mechanisms and identifying druggable targets in matched-paired brain metastasis of Breast and Lung cancers"
!Series_summary "Introduction: The incidence of brain metastases in cancer patients is increasing, with lung and breast cancer being the most common sources. Despite advancements in targeted therapies, the prognosis remains poor, highlighting the importance to investigate the underlying mechanisms in brain metastases. The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in the molecular mechanisms involved in brain metastasis of breast and lung cancers. In addition, we aimed to identify cancer lineage-specific druggable targets in the brain metastasis. Methods: To that aim, a cohort of 44 FFPE tissue samples, including 22 breast cancer and 22 lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) and their matched-paired brain metastases were collected. Targeted gene expression profiles of primary tumors were compared to their matched-paired brain metastases samples using nCounter PanCancer IO 360 Panel of NanoString technologies. Pathway analysis was performed using gene set analysis (GSA) and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). The validation was performed by using Immunohistochemistry (IHC) to confirm the expression of immune checkpoint inhibitors. Results: Our results revealed the significant upregulation of cancer-related genes in primary tumors compared to their matched-paired brain metastases (adj. p<=0.05). We found that upregulated differentially expressed genes in breast cancer brain metastasis (BM-BC) and brain metastasis from lung adenocarcinoma (BM-LUAD) were associated with the metabolic stress pathway, particularly related to the glycolysis. Additionally, we found that the upregulated genes in BM-BC and BM-LUAD played roles in immune response regulation, tumor growth, and proliferation. Importantly, we identified high expression of the immune checkpoint VTCN1 in BM-BC, and VISTA, IDO1, NT5E, and HDAC3 in BM-LUAD. Validation using immunohistochemistry further supported these findings. Conclusion: In conclusion, the findings highlight the significance of using matched-paired samples to identify cancer lineage-specific therapies that may improve brain metastasis patients outcomes."
!Series_overall_design "RNA was extracted from FFPE samples of (primary LUAD and their matched paired brain metastasis n=22, primary BC and their matched paired brain metastasis n=22)"
Listing 2: Background information for breast cancer
0: [’age at diagnosis: 49’, age at diagnosis: 44’, age at diagnosis: 41’, age at diagnosis: 40’, ...],
1: [’Sex: female’, Sex: male’],
2: [’histology: TNBC’, histology: ER+ PR+ HER2-’, histology: Unknown’, histology: ER- PR- HER2+’, histology: ER+ PR-HER2+’, histology: ER+ PR- HER2-’, histology: ER- PR+ HER2-’, histology: adenocarcinoma’],
3: [’smoking status: n.a’, smoking status: former-smoker’, smoking status: smoker’, smoking status: Never smoking’, smoking status: unknown’, smoking status: former-roker’],
4: [’treatment after surgery of bm: surgery + chemotherpy’, treatment after surgery of bm: surgery + chemotherpy + Radiotherapy’, treatment after surgery of bm: surgery + chemotherapy + Radiotherapy’, treatment after surgery of bm: surgery’, treatment after surgery of bm: surgery + chemotherapy + Radiotherapy’, ...]
Listing 3: Sample characteristics for breast cancer. Some long lists are truncated for brevity.

C.2.2 Inference process

The dataset summary indicated that tissue samples from primary breast cancer (BC) and lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD), along with their matched-paired brain metastases, were included. By examining the sample characteristics dictionary, combined with domain knowledge, we identified subtypes such as ’TNBC’, ’ER+’, ’PR+’, and ’HER2+’ associated with breast cancer, and ’adenocarcinoma’ associated with lung cancer. Based on this, we developed a rule: tissues labeled with ’TNBC’, ’ER+’, ’PR+’, or ’HER2+’ are coded as having breast cancer (1), while ’adenocarcinoma’ is coded as not having breast cancer (0).

def convert_trait(value):
if ’TNBC’ in value or ’ER+’ in value or ’PR+’ in value or ’HER2+’ in value:
return 1 # Breast Cancer
elif ’adenocarcinoma’ in value:
return 0 # Not Breast Cancer (LUAD)
return None # Unknown
Listing 4: Python function to encode Breast Cancer trait

C.3 Epilepsy example

C.3.1 Input data

!Series_title "Integrated analysis of expression profile and potential pathogenic mechanism of temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis"
!Series_summary "To investigate the potential pathogenic mechanism of temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (TLE+HS), we have employed analyzing of the expression profiles of microRNA/ mRNA/ lncRNA/ DNA methylation in brain tissues of hippocampal sclerosis (TLE+HS) patients. Brain tissues of six patients with TLE+HS and nine of normal temporal or parietal cortices (NTP) of patients undergoing internal decompression for traumatic brain injury (TBI) were collected. The total RNA was dephosphorylated, labeled, and hybridized to the Agilent Human miRNA Microarray, Release 19.0, 8x60K. The cDNA was labeled and hybridized to the Agilent LncRNA+mRNA Human Gene Expression Microarray V3.0, 4x180K. For methylation detection, the DNA was labeled and hybridized to the Illumina 450K Infinium Methylation BeadChip. The raw data was extracted from hybridized images using Agilent Feature Extraction, and quantile normalization was performed using the Agilent GeneSpring. We found that the disorder of FGFR3, hsa-miR-486-5p, and lnc-KCNH5-1 plays a key vital role in developing TLE+HS."
!Series_overall_design "Brain tissues of six patients with TLE+HS and nine of normal temporal or parietal cortices (NTP) of patients undergoing internal decompression for traumatic brain injury (TBI) were collected."
Listing 5: Background information for Epilepsy
0: [’tissue: Hippocampus’, tissue: Temporal lobe’, tissue: Parietal lobe’],
1: [’gender: Female’, gender: Male’],
2: [’age: 23y’, age: 29y’, age: 37y’, age: 26y’, age: 16y’, age: 13y’, age: 62y’, age: 58y’, age: 63y’, age: 68y’, age: 77y’, age: 59y’, age: 50y’, age: 39y’]
Listing 6: Sample characteristics for Epilepsy

C.3.2 Inference process

The dataset summary indicated that brain tissues from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (TLE+HS) and control samples were included. By examining the sample characteristics dictionary, we identified tissue types such as ’Hippocampus’, ’Temporal lobe’, and ’Parietal lobe’. We inferred that ’Hippocampus’ and ’Temporal lobe’ tissues are associated with TLE+HS (epilepsy), while ’Parietal lobe’ tissues are from control samples. Based on this, we developed a rule: tissues labeled with ’Hippocampus’ or ’Temporal lobe’ are coded as having epilepsy (1), while ’Parietal lobe’ is coded as control (0).

def convert_trait(value):
if ’Hippocampus’ in value or ’Temporal lobe’ in value:
return 1 # Epilepsy (TLE+HS)
elif ’Parietal lobe’ in value:
return 0 # Control (NTP)
return None # Unknown
Listing 7: Python function to encode Epilepsy trait

C.4 Validation and conclusion

By executing the provided Python functions, we confirmed the accuracy of our trait extraction process. For instance, applying the convert_trait function for the epilepsy dataset, we verified the presence of exactly six samples with the positive Epilepsy trait, consistent with the metadata description. Similarly, for the breast cancer dataset, the function accurately identified 22 samples with the Breast Cancer trait. These examples highlight the dataset context understanding and domain knowledge inference required for the accurate preprocessing of gene expression data.

Appendix D Criteria for manual correction of trait-condition pairs

To ensure the scientific validity of our benchmark questions, we apply specific rules for including and excluding certain trait-condition pairs. Each biomedical entity in our list can be considered a trait and paired with a condition, where the condition is either another entity from the list or a demographic attribute like "age" or "gender." The following criteria are designed to maintain scientific relevance and robustness:

  • Trait-Condition Role Assignment: Entities such as language abilities, Vitamin D levels, and bone density are included only as conditions and not as traits. This distinction ensures that the primary focus remains on traits with more direct clinical implications, while these entities serve as influential factors that could affect those traits.

  • Universal Conditions: Entities such as obesity, hypertension, and mental disorders like anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder are designated as conditions to be paired with all other traits. This is because these conditions are widespread and significantly impact various health outcomes, making them critical factors to consider in any genetic analysis.

  • Gender-Specific Considerations: Gender-specific entities such as prostate cancer, endometriosis, and breast cancer are not conditioned on gender. Furthermore, entities from different genders are not paired. This approach respects the biological distinctions between genders and ensures that the resulting questions remain relevant and meaningful.

  • Cancer Category Exclusion: Pairs where both the trait and the condition belong to the cancer category are excluded. This is because investigating genetic factors behind one type of cancer conditioned on another type of cancer is often less scientifically important. The focus is placed on broader, more impactful genetic relationships that offer greater insight into cancer biology.

These criteria are used in combination with the Jaccard similarity of related genes (Section 3.2), to uphold the scientific integrity and relevance of the benchmark questions, facilitating meaningful and insightful gene expression analysis.

Appendix E Details about the data sources


The Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) [11] is a public archive for high-throughput gene expression data and various other types of genomic data. We leveraged the Entrez programming utility to perform a systematic search of the GEO database for human series data relevant to each trait on our list, prioritizing datasets with large sample sizes. We downloaded both SOFT and matrix files for each series and used heuristic evaluations of file sizes to pinpoint datasets likely containing gene expression data. When automated searches failed to yield results for specific traits, we conducted manual searches using expanded synonyms from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms.


The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) [54], accessed through the Xena platform [19], offers a rich repository of RNAseq gene expression and clinical data for numerous cancer types. We obtained data for 36 traits from the TCGA cohort using the UCSC Xena platform, which provides high-quality, cancer-related gene expression and clinical data linked by patient IDs.


The NCBI Gene database [7] is an important resource for comprehensive information on gene sequences, functions, and their links to diseases and conditions. For each trait, we queried the database to compile sets of gene symbols associated with the trait. This data was crucial for identifying disease-disease associations for question generation and for selecting common regressors in two-step regression analyses.

Appendix F Challenges faced by existing methods on our benchmark

Gene expression data analysis is a complex and specialized task. Despite their problem-solving abilities, state-of-the-art LLMs and agent-based methods struggle with gene expression data. Our evaluations of methods such as GPT-4o [39], MetaGPT [24], and CodeAct [61] revealed consistent failures across various settings.

We tested these methods under three different settings: (i) providing general task instructions, (ii) providing detailed task instructions used by GenoAgent, and (iii) providing detailed task instructions and all necessary library functions as in GenoAgent. Each setting was tested on a subset of 50 gene identification problems. Our results show that none of the methods generated runnable code for preprocessing datasets downloaded from GEO. Persistent errors in the generated code prevented testable outputs, regardless of the level of detail provided.

First, we find that when preprocessing GEO data, these methods often fail at dataset loading in the initial steps. The gene expression data files follow special formats. The agent struggles to extract tabular data embedded in the text file by identifying special markers, skipping metadata rows, and setting other parameters correctly, resulting in data reading failures.

import pandas as pd
from typing import Tuple
from utils import Utils
class DataLoader:
DataLoader class is responsible for loading clinical and genetic data from given file paths.
def load_clinical_data(self, filepath: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
Loads clinical data from a specified file path.
:param filepath: The path to the clinical data file.
:return: A pandas DataFrame containing the clinical data.
clinical_data = pd.read_csv(filepath)
Utils.log(f"Clinical data loaded successfully from {filepath}")
return clinical_data
except FileNotFoundError:
Utils.log(f"File not found: {filepath}")
except pd.errors.EmptyDataError:
Utils.log(f"No data: {filepath} is empty")
except Exception as e:
Utils.log(f"An error occurred while loading clinical data: {e}")
Listing 8: Failure example of MetaGPT in reading datasets

We manually corrected the data loading code for the baseline methods and continued with the tasks. However, they were still unable to conduct the inference required to extract clinical features. This step is inherently difficult and often requires at least one round of debugging by the Domain Expert agent in our GenoAgent method to achieve a higher success rate.

def convert_trait(self, value: str) -> str:
Converts a trait value to a standardized string format.
:param value: The trait value to convert.
:return: A standardized string representation of the trait.
# This is a placeholder for the actual conversion logic, which would
# depend on the specific requirements for trait conversion.
# For example, it could map various synonyms to a canonical form.
standardized_value = value.strip().lower()
return standardized_value
Listing 9: Failure example of MetaGPT in encoding Breast Cancer trait
def convert_trait(value):
if value in [’TLE+HS’, ’control’]:
return 1 if value == ’TLE+HS’ else 0
return None
Listing 10: Failure example of CodeAct in encoding Breast Cancer trait. ’TLE+HS’ is indeed related to epilepsy according to the metadata, but this is not the way the trait information is recorded for each sample. Moreover, these functions didn’t strip the content before the colon. As a result, the code will convert all trait values to None.

The challenges faced by methods like MetaGPT and CodeAct in processing gene expression data primarily stem from their difficulty in handling specialized data formats and the absence of flexible feedback mechanisms. MetaGPT, primarily designed for software engineering tasks, operates with an independent execution model and limited context-awareness, which can impede dynamic adaptation during task execution and lead to errors when dealing with the nuanced formats of gene expression datasets. CodeAct, while effective at generating executable code through structured prompts, lacks the context-aware planning and iterative refinement necessary for the intricate steps involved in gene expression data preprocessing. Its static approach does not easily accommodate the dynamic adjustments required for diverse and complex gene expression data, leading to errors during initial data loading and clinical feature extraction.

In contrast, GenoAgent employs a team of specialized agents that maintain a comprehensive task context and leverage expert consultation, allowing for context-aware planning and iterative correction. This enables GenoAgent to handle the complexities of genomics data analysis more effectively, improving its reliability in data preprocessing.

Appendix G Discussion on the limitations of GenoAgent

Refer to caption
Figure 3: The collaboration between Data Engineer and Code Reviewer.
Refer to caption
Figure 4: The collaboration between Data Engineer and Domain Expert.

This section discusses the observed limitations of our baseline method, GenoAgent, on the GenoTEX benchmark. We identified that certain steps are inherently challenging, and instability in the feedback mechanism may hinder the agents’ iterative improvement process. Figures 4 and 4 illustrate the two types of feedback mechanisms in GenoAgent.

G.1 Error example in preprocessing

The results in Table 4 of the main paper indicate that the preprocessing performance of GenoAgent is primarily constrained by the clinical feature extraction step, which shows a CSC of only 32.28%. This step is conducted through Domain-Guided Programming (Section 4.2), where the Domain Expert iteratively improves its output based on feedback from the execution environment. Although one round of self-review significantly enhances performance, increasing the maximum review rounds from 1 to 2 yields only marginal benefits. Detailed examination of the agent system’s operation log at this step across different experimental runs reveals that the Domain Expert’s answers to the same question can vary randomly. During multiple rounds of self-review, it often provides feedback that contradicts previous suggestions, making it difficult to achieve consistent task performance.

For example, consider the following function used to encode the Breast Cancer trait:

def convert_trait(value):
if ’breast cancer’ in value.lower():
return 1
elif ’lung adenocarcinoma’ in value.lower():
return 0
return None
Listing 11: Failure example of GenoAgent for encoding Breast Cancer trait

In one run, the code review provided the following feedback:

*Issue*: The convert_trait function assumes that the input string will always mention either "breast cancer" or "lung adenocarcinoma," which might not always be the case. The current data may not explicitly have such a field.
*Suggestion*: Update the function to be more flexible by incorporating biomedical knowledge. Since the dataset deals explicitly with breast cancer and lung adenocarcinoma, we can assume breast cancer is present based on the context or use a default binary value.
*Final Decision*: Approved
Listing 12: Code review that didn’t correctly find the issue, and approved the code

However, in another run with the identical setting, the code review provided different feedback:

*Issue*: The convert_trait function does not conform to the instructions. The traits should be inferred from the histology field.
*Suggestion*: Adjust the function to check for breast cancer subtypes in the histology field. The current implementation checks for "breast cancer" and "lung adenocarcinoma" in the value, which might not directly map to the provided sample characteristics. A more context-aware approach, utilizing the provided histology information to infer the presence of breast cancer, would be more effective.
*Final Decision*: Rejected
Listing 13: Another run of code review, which correctly analyzed the issue and rejected the code

G.2 Error example in statistical analysis

Analysis of failure cases during the statistical analysis task reveals various low-frequency random failures, including errors in extracting data matrices from dataframes and incorrect parameter passing to the regression model. Although no single bottleneck was identified, the cumulative error risk significantly impacts performance, resulting in a suboptimal F1 score of 67.08%. This task involves collaboration between the Statistician and Code Reviewer (Section 4.2). Similar to preprocessing, we observed unstable and inconsistent feedback from the Code Reviewer.

The following is an example of erroneous code generated by the Statistician agent:

from utils.statistics import *
# Set directory and trait, omitted here.
# Step 1: Load input data about the trait into a dataframe
trait_data, _, _ = select_and_load_cohort(data_root, trait, condition=None, is_two_step=False)
# Step 2: Extract X and Y for regression analysis
Y = trait_data[trait].values
X = trait_data.drop(columns=[trait]).values
# Step 3: Selecting appropriate model based on batch effect
batch_effect_detected = detect_batch_effect(X)
model_constructor = LMM if batch_effect_detected else Lasso
# Step 4: Hyperparameter search
param_values = [10 ** i for i in range(-6, 1)] # powers of 10 from 1e-6 to 1e0
var_names = list(trait_data.columns)
if batch_effect_detected:
fixed_params = {"fit_intercept": False}
fixed_params = {"fit_intercept": True, "max_iter": 10000}
best_config, _ = tune_hyperparameters(
model_constructor, param_values=param_values, X=X, Y=Y, var_names=var_names,
trait=trait, gene_info_path=gene_info_path, condition=None, Z=None, fixed_params=fixed_params
# Step 5: Normalize X
X_normalized, _ = normalize_data(X)
# Step 6: Train the model with best hyperparameter on whole dataset
model = ResidualizationRegressor(model_constructor, best_config), Y)
# Step 7: Interpret trained model for significant genes and save results
significant_genes = interpret_result(model, var_names, trait, condition=None, print_output=True)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, normalize_trait(trait)), exist_ok=True)
save_path = os.path.join(output_dir, normalize_trait(trait))
significant_genes, output_dir=save_path, condition=None
[Execution Error]:
__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument ’fit_intercept’
Listing 14: Failure example of the Statistician agent

The randomness observed may stem from the LLM itself, suggesting a need to prevent one agent from misleading another. During the development of our baseline methods, we implemented several prompt engineering techniques to mitigate this issue: (i) Limiting the Reviewer’s feedback to three main suggestions to focus on problem-solving rather than providing numerous distracting comments about code quality, and (ii) Encouraging the agent receiving the review to critically evaluate the feedback and possibly retain its original code. While these measures have alleviated some issues, they persist to some extent in our GenoAgent baseline. A promising future direction involves designing collaborative modes that foster iterative discussions among agents to reconcile differing opinions and enhance their task performance abilities.

We hope this discussion highlights the challenges of our benchmark tasks and encourages future work to address these issues.