How to Train Your Fact Verifier:
Knowledge Transfer with Multimodal Open Models

Jaeyoung Lee\spadesuit Ximing Lu\clubsuit\heartsuit♣ ♡  Jack Hessel\varheartsuit\varheartsuit\varheartsuit  Faeze Brahman\heartsuit
Youngjae Yu\blacklozengeYonatan Bisk\diamondsuitYejin Choi\clubsuit\heartsuit♣ ♡Saadia Gabriel\dagger\ddagger† ‡
\spadesuitSeoul National University  \clubsuitUniversity of Washington  \heartsuitAllen Institute for AI  
\varheartsuit\varheartsuit\varheartsuitSamaya AI  \blacklozengeYonsei University  \diamondsuitCarnegie Mellon University
\daggerUniversity of California, Los Angeles  \ddaggerNew York University
Correspondence can be sent to:, or

Given the growing influx of misinformation across news and social media, there is a critical need for systems that can provide effective real-time verification of news claims. Large language or multimodal model based verification has been proposed to scale up online policing mechanisms for mitigating spread of false and harmful content. While these can potentially reduce burden on human fact-checkers, such efforts may be hampered by foundation model training data becoming outdated. In this work, we test the limits of improving foundation model performance without continual updating through an initial study of knowledge transfer using either existing intra- and inter-domain benchmarks or explanations generated from large language models (LLMs).

We evaluate on 12 public benchmarks for fact-checking and misinformation detection as well as two other tasks relevant to content moderation - toxicity and stance detection. Our results on two recent multi-modal fact-checking benchmarks, Mocheg and Fakeddit, indicate that knowledge transfer strategies can improve Fakeddit performance over the state-of-the-art by up to 1.7% and Mocheg performance by up to 2.9%.

1 Introduction

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Visualization of our fact verification pipeline. Textual and visual evidence is embedded using a multimodal model, e.g. CLIP Radford et al. (2021), before passing through a classifier. Alternatively, a vision-language model such as LLaVA Liu et al. (2024) can also be utilized. An external explanation generation model can be used to augment the input. Here we show a true claim from the Mocheg dataset. Yao et al. (2022).

Top news stories rapidly go out-of-date and are replaced, e.g. during political election cycles. A recent study of Google Trends111 in 2018 found that popular news stories tend to stay relevant for a lifespan of only 7 days. The actual observed behavior of the general public seems incongruous with the current paradigm of automated fact-checking, which relies on static resources. Fact-checking organizations are increasingly turning to open pretrained language models like BERT Devlin et al. (2019) to scale up content moderation efforts Morrish (2023); Abels (2022). These systems, trained on fixed knowledge bases, are not guaranteed to remain relevant as media narratives shift over time.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Finetuning and evaluation datasets considered in this work, with a breakdown by dataset scale and domain (misinformation detection, stance detection or toxicity detection). Fakeddit Nakamura et al. (2020), Mocheg Yao et al. (2022), HatefulMemes Kiela et al. (2020) and MMHS150K Gomez et al. (2019) are all multi-modal datasets.

Motivated by previous approaches that have shown transformer-based models can effectively learn task-specific and linguistic reasoning skills from unified pretraining, e.g. for QA Khashabi et al. (2020) and small-scale text-only misinformation detection Lee et al. (2021), we conduct a large-scale study of transfer learning across diverse text-only and multimodal datasets to boost reasoning capabilities of misinformation detection systems. We consider intra-domain transfer from 6 misinformation detection and fact-checking datasets, as well as inter-domain transfer, where a fact verification model is jointly trained across other content moderation tasks (e.g. hate speech detection) to overcome brittleness to biases of fact-checking datasets. We also consider the impact of parametric knowledge transfer from larger-scale closed models like GPT-3.5-turbo OpenAI (2022) and GPT-4 OpenAI (2023) through generated explanations for a specific veracity label. We also address how transfer learning impacts a model generalization issue known as covariate shift Shimodaira (2000), when the test data distribution diverges from the training distribution despite consistency in labeling procedures. A very tangible example of this is when evaluated news topics change entirely from training data due to a major unforeseen event like the Covid-19 pandemic.

Given a claim like “The FBI warned that smart TVs can ‘spy’ on their owners,” Figure 1 shows how our full verification pipeline can be used to predict the reliability of a social media claim. The system consists of (1) a unified fact verification model MFCsubscript𝑀𝐹𝐶M_{FC}italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_F italic_C end_POSTSUBSCRIPT that predicts the veracity or potential harm (e.g. toxicity) of multi-modal inputs, and (2) an explanation model MEGsubscript𝑀𝐸𝐺M_{EG}italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_E italic_G end_POSTSUBSCRIPT prompted to generate explanations of claim veracity. Following from theories of human cognition and language interpretation, which relies not only on continuous learning of facts but on commonsense world understanding (e.g, Newell, 1973; Fillmore, 1976), as well as recent work showing the effectiveness of LLM explanations for countering misinformation Hsu et al. (2023); Chen and Shu (2023); Wan et al. (2024); Gabriel et al. (2024), we seek to supervise verifier training with examples of correct and noisy fact verification reasoning using MEGsubscript𝑀𝐸𝐺M_{EG}italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_E italic_G end_POSTSUBSCRIPT.

Conclusions & Resources.

We evaluate our verification pipeline on 12 existing text-only and multi-modal fact verification, hate speech and stance detection benchmarks. Our results confirm that fact verification models trained on common benchmarks are extremely brittle to distribution shift and indicate data diversity is an important factor in high-performing fact verifiers over scale alone. Our best intra-domain mixture improves Fakeddit results by 1.7% F1, leading to a performance of 93.42 F1. We also find that knowledge distillation through GPT-4o and GPT-3.5-turbo explanations can boost Mocheg performance over the state-of-the-art by 2.9%. Beyond fact-checking, our study has implications for other important content moderation domains like hate speech detection, where we find knowledge transfer from fact-checking data can boost performance by 13.65%. We will release our code, pretrained models and evaluation data to encourage further research on robust fact verification.

2 Motivation & Related Work

Automated Fact-Checking

Given the rapid proliferation of misinformation on social media, there is a critical need for automatic tools that can assist human fact-checkers Nakov et al. (2021). Much of the earlier work in this area relied on linguistic cues or social media network features (e.g., Wang, 2017; Rashkin et al., 2017; Pérez-Rosas et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2019). Later work on detection of mis- and disinformation has considered transformer-based approaches, notably Zellers et al. (2019). Most similar to our work is Lee et al. (2021), which also does unified misinformation detection on a much smaller scale by training a model on various unimodal misinformation detection corpora. Seperately, a body of prior work also explores fact-checking explanations (e.g., Atanasova et al., 2020), and prior to us, Angeli and Manning (2014) draws a connection between claim verification and the natural logical inference underlying commonsense acquisition.

Robustness in Fact-Checking

Prior work has highlighted challenges to automated fact-checking like insufficient evidence Atanasova et al. (2022) or spurious correlations used for evidence retrieval Asai et al. (2022). We address these knowledge gaps by exploring the use of machine-generated explanations to aid in fact verification. This is similar to the motivation behind the VITAMIN-C dataset Schuster et al. (2021), however VITAMIN-C only considers Wikipedia revisions and is not multi-modal. Most recently, Caramancion (2023); Cao et al. (2023); Guan et al. (2023) have delved into the limitations of LLMs for fact verification, noting that while the ability of LLMs to verify inputs surpasses their ability to generate factual content, they are still far less reliable than human fact-checkers.

3 Transfer Learning Strategies

In this section, we first describe the basic experimental setup for multimodal fact-checking. We then describe transfer learning methodologies based on whether knowledge is being distilled from more diverse sources within the same domain, transfer of knowledge across domains (e.g. misinformation detection and toxicity detection), or from parametric knowledge through LLM-generated explanations.

3.1 Base Verification Architecture

For our base verification model MFCsubscript𝑀𝐹𝐶M_{FC}italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_F italic_C end_POSTSUBSCRIPT we use the vision-and-language classification model introduced by Yao et al. (2022). This model jointly encodes a textual claim, text evidence and image evidence using CLIP-base Radford et al. (2021). This representation is then used for the intermediate task of predicting the stance of the evidence towards the claim. The output stance representations are aggregated to predict the claim veracity using a final linear classification layer. We modify the base architecture with several larger embedding models: CLIP-large, CLIP-large-336 and 7B LLaVA-NeXT Liu et al. (2024) which we will refer to as LLaVA.

3.2 Dataset Mixtures

Figure 2 shows the 12 datasets considered in this work, along with their 3 respective domains (fact checking / misinformation detection, toxicity / hate speech detection and stance detection).222For Mocheg, we use the original training/val/test splits described in
For intra-domain analysis, misinformation and fact-checking datasets are normalized to have a shared label space (supported, refuted, nei). All results are reported using gold image and text evidence.

Refer to caption
(a) 2-dataset mixtures, Mocheg.
Refer to caption
(b) 2-dataset mixtures, Fakeddit.
Figure 3: Transfer learning results for both intra- and inter-domain 2-dataset mixtures used to train our largest multimodal model (CLIP-large-336). Due to the large size and computational demands of Fakeddit, we only evaluate intra-domain mixtures. Baseline results are shown for Fakeddit, Hateful Memes, Mocheg, PubHealth and Toxigen eval sets in light gray.

3.3 LLM Explanations

For the explanation generation model MEGsubscript𝑀𝐸𝐺M_{EG}italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_E italic_G end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, we use GPT-3.5-turbo or GPT-4o OpenAI (2023) with text-only inputs. We instruct the model to provide an explanation for why a claim x𝑥xitalic_x has a specific label y𝑦yitalic_y using the following system and user prompts:

System Prompt:

You are an AI assistant skilled in fact-checking. Your role is to generate justifications for relationships between claims and evidence. Analyze the information provided and explain why the evidence supports or refutes the claim based on the labeled relationship.

User Prompt:

Here is the information:

Claim: {claim}

Evidence: {evidence}

Relationship: {label}

# Task

Please generate a explanation that justifies the specified relationship between the claim and the evidence

# Requirements

- You should provide explanation without expressing the relationship explicitly.

- You should be concise and clear.

- The answer should be less than 100 words.

On the Mocheg dataset, GPT-3.5-turbo achieves 45.17 F1 and GPT-4o achieves 65.85 F1. Despite the strong performance of GPT-4o, we include the older GPT-3.5-turbo model in experimentation given that GPT-4o’s predictive abilities may be partly explained by dataset leakage of Mocheg in GPT-4’s training set.

4 Experimental Setup

4.1 Model Training

Refer to caption
Figure 4: Transfer learning results for intra-domain 3-dataset mixtures used to train our largest multimodal CLIP model (CLIP-large-336).

We used publicly open models from Huggingface. Specifically, (1) openai/clip-vit-base-patch32 , (2) openai/clip-vit-large-patch14, (3) openai/clip-vit-large-patch14-336, and (4) llava-hf/llava-v1.6-mistral-7b-hf were used.

CLIP-based Verifiers.

All the CLIP-based verifiers were trained with 2048 batch size using grad-accumulation with minibatch size of 256. The models were trained with 50 epochs without early stopping. Adam optimizer was used. The learning rate was 1e-3. Models were trained on RTX3090, RTX4090, RTX8000, A6000, A100, and H100 GPUs.

LLaVA-based Verifier.

LLaVA models were trained using LoRA(rank=64, lora alpha=16, dropout=0.05), targeting all linear layers. For precision, bfloat16 was adopted. The max sequence length was 2048. The batch size was 32, using grad accumulation with the minibatch size of 1. AdamW was used for the optimizer, with the learning rate of 2e-5. For the scheduler, cosine-annealing learning rate scheduler was used. Models were trained on A100 and H100.

Other Details

All datasets are primarily in English and publicly available for research purposes. For all results, we report a single run. We use most recent version of NLTK and SciPy packages for pre-processing and analysis.

5 Evaluation Details

We evaluate claim verification, toxicity detection and stance detection performance using F1. For three-label dataset mixtures evaluated on two-label datasets, we map labels 0 and 1 between the datasets (e.g. supports \rightarrow benign, and refutes \rightarrow toxic). If the predicted label is 2, we determine y^^𝑦\hat{y}over^ start_ARG italic_y end_ARG for the two-label dataset from the model output probability distribution by finding the most probable label from 0,1. We consider 12 evaluation sets: Fakeddit (fak), HatefulMemes (ham), HateXplain (hax), MMHS150K (mmh), Mocheg (moc), Misinfo Reaction Frames (mrf), 3 temporal Nela-GT subsets (pre, pos, ukr) described in the next section, P-Stance (pst), PubHealth (ph), and Toxigen (tox).

5.1 Temporal Shift Evaluation

To test the robustness of misinformation detection systems to temporal shift, we consider three different filters on the NELA-GT 2020-2022 dataset Gruppi et al. (2021, 2023) which can be used to partition eval examples as in-distribution or out-of-distribution depending on the training cut-off of the underlying model. We relate these partitions to notable recent historical events, with pre representing news before the first vaccine release in December 2020, pos representing news from 2021 after the vaccine release, and ukr representing recent news from 2022 relating to the Ukraine-Russia war. Each evaluation set contains 1000 randomly sampled claims from the relevant subsets of NELA-GT.

6 Learning from Dataset Mixtures

In Figures 3 and 4,333We omit results from Fakeddit on Mocheg and PubHealth in Figure 3(b) since Fakeddit lacks nei labels. we show that the transfer learning mixture substantially impacts the in-distribution and out-of-distribution performance of CLIP-large-336 trained on fact-checking and toxicity detection benchmarks. While some mixtures (e.g. Mocheg + Fakeddit + PubHealth) actually decrease fact-checking benchmark performance of multimodal models, others (e.g. Mocheg + PubHealth for Mocheg, Mocheg + Vitamin-C + Fakeddit for Fakeddit) improve by up to 1.56 F1 over single dataset baseline results. We also find that fact-checking mixtures can lead to strong performance at hate speech detection (up to 72.75 F1 for MMHS and 82.22 F1 for HateXplain). In the next few sections, we discuss in-depth how model performance and generalization capabilities are affected by our dataset mixtures.

6.1 Learning within domain

Shown in Figures 3 and 4, fact-checking models are particularly brittle to domain shift. Dataset mixtures get close to random performance on temporal evaluation sets pre, pos and ukr.

Improvements from PubHealth Mixtures.

For PubHealth, no mixtures improve over the single dataset baseline (77.81 F1), though including PubHealth in 2-dataset mixtures improves performance for other fact-checking/misinformation evaluation sets: Fakeddit (+1.09 F1), Mocheg (+0.61 F1). Figure 3(a) shows that Fakeddit + Mocheg consistently outperforms or is comparable to other out-of-distribution mixtures.

Data Diversity Over Scale.

Notably, from Figure 3(b) Fakeddit does not generalize well on its own despite being significantly larger than other training datasets (1,063,106 samples), indicating there is still benefit from data diversity introduced by mixtures over a single large-scale dataset.

In-distribution Performance.

For fact-checking, unsurprisingly the strongest performance on a given eval set comes from mixtures including the associated training set. Interestingly, this is not always true for toxicity/hate speech benchmarks. We discuss this in the next section, and full results can be found in the Appendix.

CLIP-base CLIP-large
Scenario ΔF14oΔ𝐹subscript14𝑜\Delta F1_{4o}roman_Δ italic_F 1 start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 4 italic_o end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ΔF13.5Δ𝐹subscript13.5\Delta F1_{3.5}roman_Δ italic_F 1 start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 3.5 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ΔF14oΔ𝐹subscript14𝑜\Delta F1_{4o}roman_Δ italic_F 1 start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 4 italic_o end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ΔF13.5Δ𝐹subscript13.5\Delta F1_{3.5}roman_Δ italic_F 1 start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 3.5 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
Random + 1.39 + 0.29 + 0.45 + 0.17
Opposite + 0.16 + 4.38 + 1.48 + 1.03
Always Supports + 2.79 - 1.02 + 1.60 - 0.69
Always Refutes + 1.39 + 0.21 - 0.90 + 0.04
Always NEI + 2.87 - 0.20 - 0.86 + 1.72
All + 1.39 - 0.78 - 0.69 - 0.86
Guided + 1.84 + 1.35 + 1.15 + 0.41
Oracle + 10.03 + 11.51 + 10.89 + 12.49
Scenario ΔF14oΔ𝐹subscript14𝑜\Delta F1_{4o}roman_Δ italic_F 1 start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 4 italic_o end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ΔF13.5Δ𝐹subscript13.5\Delta F1_{3.5}roman_Δ italic_F 1 start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 3.5 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
Random - 1.35 - 1.03
Guided + 1.84 - 0.70
Oracle + 30.38 + 23.67
Table 1: Mocheg test F1 after augmenting the training set with LLM explanations. ΔF14oΔ𝐹subscript14𝑜\Delta F1_{4o}roman_Δ italic_F 1 start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 4 italic_o end_POSTSUBSCRIPT denotes the difference between F1 results from the GPT-4o augmented model and the baseline F1, while ΔF13.5Δ𝐹subscript13.5\Delta F1_{3.5}roman_Δ italic_F 1 start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 3.5 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT denotes the difference from the GPT-3.5-turbo augmented model and the baseline model. Here we can consider Oracle as an upperbound on performance. The left table shows CLIP results and the right table shows LLaVA results.

6.2 Learning across domains

From Figure 3, we do not find that inter-domain knowledge transfer from toxicity/hate speech detection aids in fact-checking. This indicates that it may be most critical for future work to focus on development of diverse, high-quality fact-checking datasets rather than cross-task learning. However, inter-domain transfer from fact-checking datasets does improve toxicity/hate speech detection. For example, the Mocheg + HateXplain mixture improves HateXplain performance by 13.65% and also performs better than HateXplain alone (by 9.97%) on Toxigen, another hate speech detection dataset.

6.3 Discussion

For both intra- and inter-domain mixtures, discrepancies in the structure and label space of the datasets may harm generalization capabilities. For example, we observe that adding evidence-less datasets to mixtures including fact-checking datasets with nei labels leads to over-prediction of nei. A potential solution is dataset normalization, but this requires evidence retrieval. Our next section is motivated by this issue, where we explore effects of knowledge transfer from GPT-4o generated veracity explanations on Mocheg performance. This could be used to close the gap between evidence-augmented and evidence-less datasets.

7 Learning from Explanations

In the next section, we explore the use of GPT-4o and GPT-3.5-turbo explanations as silver evidence.

7.1 Explanation Scenarios

We consider 8 different scenarios which assume different levels of access to gold labels, and compare against baseline results without explanations. We evaluate with the following scenarios that assume knowledge of the gold label:

  • Oracle: We use the gold claim labels for generating explanations. This acts as an upper-bound on explanation performance.

  • Opposite: We generate explanations arguing for the opposite label to the gold label if the gold label is true/false. This tests the model’s ability to learn from contradictory information.

The next 6 scenarios are more realistic, and do not assume knowledge of the gold claim labels:

  • Random: We generate explanations using randomly selected labels for each claim.

  • All: We use explanations for all three possible claim labels.

  • Always Supports: We always use supports as the label to generate explanations.

  • Always Refutes: We always use refutes as the label to generate explanations.

  • Always NEI: We always use nei as the label to generate explanations.

  • Guided: We use the explanation generation model’s zero-shot predicted claim labels to generate explanations.

7.2 Verification Results

Table 1 shows effect on baseline Mocheg results (49.18 F1 for CLIP-base, 50.49 F1 for CLIP-large and 63.23 F1 for LLaVA) from training models on the Mocheg dataset and GPT4-o generated explanations. The smaller CLIP models always benefit from guided explanations with improvements of 0.41-1.84 F1, even though the accuracy of GPT-3.5-turbo is lower than Mocheg finetuned CLIP-large. We note that explanations generated using random labels also improve results slightly. Results for explanations generated using a single label are mixed, and will potentially be influenced by label distributions. Using explanations generated for every label was generally not beneficial, possibly because of information being ignored when considering the longer context.

Following our findings with CLIP, we see if these performance gains hold for LLaVA, a recent state-of-the-art vision-and-language model. While LLaVA results do not improve using GPT-3.5-turbo explanations, we do find that GPT-4o explanation augmented models consistently outperform the LLaVA baseline, leading to state-of-the-art open model results (65.07 F1) on Mocheg.444To the best of our knowledge.

7.3 Quality of Explanations

Evaluation Setup.

We conduct a human evaluation on the Amazon Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing platform 555 to assess how multimodal models may learn from GPT-4o and GPT-3.5-turbo generated explanations. We randomly sample 36 claims from the Mocheg eval set and consider pairs of GPT-4o and GPT-3.5-turbo explanations arguing for the same random label (supports, refutes or nei) for each claim. We then ask participants the following 6 questions to measure the reasoning capabilities of the two explanation generation models:

  • Q1: Does the AI explanation use inaccurate reasoning to prove the claim is true or false? (yes/no)

  • Q2: Does the AI explanation use commonsense reasoning to prove the claim is true or false? (yes/no)

  • Q3: Does the AI explanation use knowledge of specific events to prove the claim is true or false? (yes/no)

  • Q4: Does the AI explanation use domain knowledge (e.g. scientific or legal knowledge) to prove the claim is true or false? (yes/no)

  • Q5: Can you predict the claim label from the explanation? (the label is true, the label is false, the label is unprovable, no)

  • Q6: What is the overall quality of the explanation ? (1-5 scale)

We explicitly instruct the participants that they can make use of external sources (e.g. Google Search) when verifying explanation quality. Each explanation is assessed by 5 participants, who have prior experience working on misinformation detection tasks and have passed basic attention checks. We filter annotators who contribute to low inter-annotator agreement based on Fleiss’ κ𝜅\kappaitalic_κ for judgments of explanation quality. We observe fair agreement of Fleiss’ κ=0.276𝜅0.276\kappa=0.276italic_κ = 0.276 for GPT-4 explanation quality. For each claim and evaluation question except predictability, we take a majority vote over participant responses to determine the answer. For predictability, we check if at least 1 participant could identify the correct explanation label.

Refer to caption
Figure 5: Human evaluation questions 1-5 for explanation quality. We measure use of commonsense reasoning (com), use of domain knowledge (dom), use of event knowledge (event), accuracy of reasoning (acc) and label predictability (pred).


As shown by Figure 5, explanations use a combination of commonsense reasoning and domain-specific knowledge, as well as evidence retrieval from known events. Explanations were generally found to be accurate (86.11% of explanations for both models). Participants struggled to predict the label used to generate a given explanation, with the majority of participants able to predict the correct label in less than half of cases. When we consider cases where at least one participant could identify the correct explanation label, we find that GPT-4o explanation labels and GPT-3.5-turbo explanations have equal predictability. Quality is comparable between the models (4.00 for GPT-4o vs. 4.04 for GPT-3.5-turbo).

8 Conclusion

In conclusion, we test three different transfer learning strategies to measure impact on multimodal fact-checking performance and improve results on two widely used benchmarks. We also discuss future steps for robust fact verification, such as using closed LLMs to expand reasoning capabilities of open foundation models. We show that explanations generated from powerful LLMs like GPT-4o and GPT-3.5-turbo can boost performance of smaller models.

9 Ethics Statement & Limitations

Given our findings, we urge caution in selection of fact verification models. Even more so than other content moderation domains like hate speech detection, our study suggests that strong in-distribution performance of fact verifiers is not indicative of strong general performance. Users and researchers should bear this in mind when deploying out-of-the-box fact verifiers on unseen data.

While we provide a preliminary study on knowledge transfer from dataset mixtures and LLM-generated explanations, future work may expand upon this by considering an even broader range of datasets and tasks. Another future direction may be use of visual information in explanation generation.

10 Acknowledgements

We thank colleagues at UW, AI2 and NYU for thought-provoking discussions that contributed to this work, specifically Kate Starbird, Chandra Bhagavatula and He He. We also thank OpenAI for providing credits to access models.


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Appendix A Appendix

A.1 ChatGPT Usage

ChatGPT has been used for writing simple scripts, including normalizing datasets into common schemas or merging different tsv files into a single file.

A.2 Human Evaluation Details

Annotators were paid $0.20 per explanation evaluation, which we judged to be a fair wage based on estimated time required to complete the task. Full instructions given to annotators are shown in Figures 6 and 7. We obtained the appropriate IRB exemption approval for the study.

Refer to caption
Figure 6: Full Instructions for Amazon Mechanical Turk Task.
Refer to caption
Figure 7: Explanations for Answering Amazon Mechanical Turk Questions.

A.3 Supplementary Results

Dataset Mixture MC FK PH Pre-V Post-V U-R MRF HX MMHS TX HM PS
FK 54.87 89.31 43.36 52.70 44.80 53.50 57.77 54.89 65.77 49.15 50.00 47.98
FK + PH 39.23 88.73 76.16 43.30 44.30 44.60 60.86 63.77 63.80 47.55 50.00 51.65
FV 38.25 60.76 60.66 49.40 48.00 50.40 47.92 38.62 52.70 54.04 48.40 50.12
FV + FK 36.69 87.99 59.01 49.80 50.30 48.70 41.92 38.72 63.44 52.55 50.40 49.24
FV + FK + PH 38.78 88.07 74.61 48.40 49.90 49.90 39.01 28.33 62.30 57.77 52.80 47.47
FV + NGT 32.88 60.33 52.23 35.30 24.20 17.20 74.16 70.32 74.06 53.62 50.20 51.97
FV + NGT + FK 36.16 90.72 63.08 41.90 32.60 23.70 69.82 72.45 69.19 50.11 51.60 52.80
FV + NGT + MC 46.03 60.41 56.59 35.40 25.90 18.70 78.55 72.25 39.28 50.21 50.00 52.20
FV + NGT + PH 32.27 60.37 72.19 32.70 24.40 16.90 75.19 68.24 74.02 54.79 50.00 53.41
FV + NGT + VC 29.36 60.37 34.01 32.80 25.60 16.10 74.47 70.06 74.01 52.23 50.00 52.25
FV + PH 37.80 59.29 74.61 60.30 59.20 60.00 44.16 32.07 71.92 51.81 50.20 42.10
FV + VC 35.50 39.70 48.64 50.00 50.40 49.80 37.62 26.20 25.89 55.53 50.00 47.57
FV + VC + FK 35.42 89.11 37.98 49.30 45.30 51.30 49.57 48.49 66.31 51.38 51.20 51.09
FV + VC + PH 39.03 39.45 64.92 50.10 50.30 50.10 35.20 26.35 26.50 55.85 49.60 47.43
HX 57.61 60.46 42.25 48.50 47.60 46.40 65.56 80.67 43.83 54.89 48.80 53.92
MC 49.18 39.66 35.95 50.00 50.00 50.00 37.75 26.20 25.88 56.28 50.00 47.84
MC + FK 47.87 87.34 32.66 44.70 45.60 46.50 57.55 69.39 58.01 55.96 51.00 52.43
MC + FK + PH 49.63 89.22 73.06 48.10 50.40 51.60 59.70 68.04 64.61 49.04 51.40 50.72
MC + FV 45.13 62.18 47.58 47.40 50.60 49.00 48.32 41.53 48.82 58.09 48.20 45.34
MC + FV + FK 46.56 89.01 47.97 49.30 49.80 49.60 38.69 28.90 64.18 56.38 51.40 48.08
MC + FV + PH 48.81 39.71 76.55 50.10 50.10 50.10 38.47 26.51 25.88 56.17 50.00 47.84
MC + FV + VC 46.23 40.30 40.99 49.90 49.90 50.00 37.80 26.51 25.94 56.17 49.80 47.94
MC + HX 49.06 40.53 41.18 40.00 44.90 44.60 64.53 80.15 26.84 58.30 49.60 59.99
MC + PH 47.50 39.69 76.16 50.00 50.00 50.00 37.75 26.20 25.98 56.28 49.60 47.84
MC + TX 49.84 40.38 32.56 44.90 51.20 44.80 64.89 73.96 30.83 50.43 49.20 53.36
MC + VC 45.74 48.48 43.02 49.50 48.80 49.50 41.78 28.69 33.52 54.68 51.00 47.57
MC + VC + FK 43.00 89.45 36.34 48.50 49.30 52.70 38.42 31.86 67.58 56.60 51.00 48.22
MC + VC + PH 45.41 46.22 68.02 50.00 49.30 50.00 37.89 26.40 33.57 56.49 51.80 47.66
PH 37.88 55.78 76.36 50.00 50.10 49.00 62.11 73.39 48.60 43.83 48.80 52.11
TX 48.90 60.54 52.79 49.30 48.90 48.70 39.72 57.90 62.56 70.43 49.00 53.41
VC 35.38 57.84 41.09 50.60 51.00 50.40 37.04 28.38 36.70 56.17 50.60 47.24
VC + FK 35.22 89.40 39.83 46.30 51.70 50.20 46.04 38.88 66.61 50.32 51.40 45.11
VC + NGT + FK 33.33 89.22 31.01 41.40 31.80 23.30 56.92 52.60 62.82 48.83 50.00 51.69
VC + NGT + MC 44.55 62.78 38.37 34.70 25.20 19.50 71.20 65.85 64.11 52.77 52.40 53.13
VC + NGT + PH 36.69 62.17 70.45 31.90 25.60 19.80 72.59 65.28 62.61 54.04 49.20 53.36
VC + PH 34.73 60.45 65.79 49.50 49.10 50.20 37.98 26.20 73.93 56.06 49.80 47.66
VC + PH + FK 38.37 88.43 70.45 45.50 51.30 49.30 58.49 56.91 60.92 53.40 51.20 49.79
Table 2: The results from the CLIP-based verifier are shown above. Abbreviations include: FK - Fakeddit, FV - Fever, HM - HatefulMemes, HX - HateXplain, MC - Mocheg, MMHS - MultiModal Hate Speech 150k, MRF - Misinformation Reaction Framework, NGT - NelaGT2022, PH - PubHealth, PS - PStance, TX - Toxigen, VC - VitaminC.
Dataset Mixtures MC FK PH Pre-V Post-V U-R MRF HX MMHS TX HM PS
FK 57.13 91.41 46.10 50.90 47.90 49.40 61.71 72.71 70.36 44.36 51.20 51.65
FK + PH 39.35 91.21 72.48 40.30 42.50 36.90 59.43 65.12 64.37 47.66 52.00 48.86
FV 38.41 39.66 58.91 49.40 52.90 48.30 47.83 48.65 25.88 42.45 50.00 46.96
FV + FK 36.69 91.37 59.59 49.50 49.60 49.80 38.83 27.44 65.82 55.64 50.40 48.40
FV + FK + PH 38.17 92.27 75.39 49.10 49.50 49.70 38.83 30.04 70.92 55.74 50.20 48.22
FV + NGT 37.26 39.41 57.56 31.00 22.40 16.10 76.18 69.70 26.99 52.02 49.80 52.53
FV + NGT + FK 36.45 92.32 62.50 32.50 26.60 17.80 79.98 72.61 70.18 53.19 50.80 52.43
FV + NGT + MC 48.28 58.93 60.95 28.30 22.30 17.60 76.62 68.50 48.23 53.94 50.60 52.39
FV + NGT + PH 40.50 39.68 76.65 31.40 22.40 16.00 77.03 69.70 25.88 51.60 49.80 51.55
FV + NGT + VC 35.14 52.80 36.82 31.10 23.90 18.10 74.07 71.83 40.54 48.40 51.20 51.32
FV + PH 40.66 39.66 74.42 50.30 50.00 50.00 62.16 73.80 25.88 43.94 50.00 52.16
FV + VC 34.93 39.66 32.85 51.70 50.80 49.20 42.68 42.67 25.92 52.45 50.00 44.51
FV + VC + FK 35.71 91.81 40.21 54.30 48.20 52.00 37.84 28.59 67.61 56.38 51.80 47.52
FV + VC + PH 39.84 39.66 67.64 50.10 50.00 49.60 40.62 30.15 25.88 53.94 50.00 47.61
HX 57.43 39.66 50.96 44.90 46.50 43.80 49.75 81.44 25.88 65.11 50.00 55.49
MC 50.49 48.52 41.96 50.00 50.00 50.00 62.25 73.80 44.73 43.72 48.60 52.16
MC + FK 48.16 91.44 36.92 49.50 49.20 49.10 38.11 27.81 64.63 56.38 50.60 47.89
MC + FK + PH 50.08 92.46 73.84 49.50 49.60 49.90 38.47 35.86 71.82 56.60 50.80 50.02
MC + FV 49.02 43.25 42.44 50.00 48.60 49.90 42.59 28.79 29.68 56.91 53.20 48.31
MC + FV + FK 47.05 92.10 53.68 50.00 50.00 49.90 37.80 26.25 69.55 56.28 51.20 47.89
MC + FV + PH 50.86 61.18 74.81 50.90 49.60 51.00 46.62 31.86 51.11 55.43 49.80 47.52
MC + FV + VC 42.30 49.27 43.31 51.20 50.20 50.60 50.56 43.97 33.40 52.55 49.80 48.86
MC + HX 50.04 55.27 35.37 49.30 48.30 49.10 68.25 75.94 59.49 48.30 51.00 53.41
MC + PH 51.68 43.53 75.97 50.00 50.00 50.10 37.80 26.40 28.22 56.17 50.60 47.57
MC + TX 49.26 39.87 32.66 50.00 48.00 48.90 64.44 73.80 26.50 51.49 51.60 52.76
MC + VC 43.61 46.90 53.20 50.60 45.40 49.60 47.56 60.50 47.16 56.60 52.00 52.11
MC + VC + FK 47.75 91.94 41.96 43.00 43.90 47.50 63.14 62.73 68.07 54.36 51.00 52.39
MC + VC + PH 46.52 43.66 70.93 48.50 47.80 49.90 39.54 33.16 39.01 54.79 52.60 48.77
PH 41.40 39.66 76.45 50.70 46.60 52.70 66.32 68.04 25.88 53.94 50.00 47.66
TX 59.99 39.66 46.71 49.10 49.70 50.60 62.61 73.91 25.88 46.60 50.00 52.85
VC 35.79 39.66 36.82 50.30 51.50 51.50 44.74 41.74 25.87 52.34 50.00 48.77
VC + FK 33.70 92.27 35.47 49.00 50.00 49.50 38.78 28.27 70.61 56.49 51.20 49.61
VC + NGT + FK 34.81 91.95 37.89 34.90 27.50 22.70 68.61 63.36 69.35 49.68 50.60 51.60
VC + NGT + MC 46.52 45.32 42.34 33.30 28.20 18.30 74.88 66.53 39.40 51.91 52.40 53.27
VC + NGT + PH 37.76 39.65 68.22 32.30 24.50 17.70 73.26 67.62 25.88 54.36 50.00 53.08
VC + PH 37.84 39.88 69.19 48.60 50.10 49.60 43.48 32.90 28.72 55.43 49.00 47.61
VC + PH + FK 36.57 91.13 71.80 43.70 45.10 46.50 52.40 35.65 71.64 56.91 51.00 50.16
Table 3: The results from the CLIP-large verifier are shown above. Abbreviations are same as Table 2.
Dataset Mixtures MC FK PH Pre-V Post-V U-R MRF HX MMHS TX HM PS
FK 58.10 91.87 49.75 46.20 47.80 43.80 62.38 58.58 63.78 47.34 50.80 50.86
FK + PH 39.84 92.96 75.97 45.50 46.50 47.50 43.62 58.26 70.90 60.43 51.00 51.23
FV 37.59 39.66 58.62 48.00 52.70 46.40 42.32 48.18 25.88 46.49 50.00 45.57
FV + FK 37.26 92.63 57.36 50.30 49.00 50.10 38.42 27.18 71.95 56.17 50.40 48.35
FV + FK + PH 39.93 91.62 74.22 50.00 50.00 50.10 37.89 26.20 70.13 56.28 51.00 47.80
FV + NGT 37.71 39.89 55.23 33.80 23.90 17.20 69.28 63.20 25.99 53.09 50.00 52.85
FV + NGT + FK 34.68 92.34 61.05 31.30 23.80 17.70 79.85 72.40 72.19 51.17 50.00 53.41
FV + NGT + MC 48.85 44.45 56.69 31.70 22.10 15.40 75.91 69.49 31.95 53.40 50.60 52.20
FV + NGT + PH 40.21 39.66 74.13 32.00 24.80 17.90 73.58 61.49 25.88 54.15 50.00 52.76
FV + NGT + VC 35.54 44.78 33.53 31.00 27.50 15.10 74.12 67.31 30.46 51.17 50.80 53.41
FV + PH 39.56 40.35 75.00 48.40 53.00 50.00 40.53 26.77 25.94 55.32 50.00 48.49
FV + VC 36.73 39.66 39.63 51.10 50.10 49.90 41.42 33.58 25.89 56.06 50.00 47.15
FV + VC + FK 33.58 92.22 32.17 51.50 47.80 45.80 41.24 45.63 69.84 53.83 50.80 49.42
FV + VC + PH 39.80 39.66 70.25 50.50 50.00 50.50 39.50 29.11 25.88 55.32 50.00 47.20
HX 59.44 39.66 43.26 48.10 48.10 49.40 38.42 72.35 25.88 64.04 50.00 49.10
MC 50.61 39.78 27.33 49.40 49.70 50.00 38.42 26.35 25.86 55.74 49.80 48.08
MC + FK 50.82 92.80 38.18 49.90 50.20 51.40 59.34 68.81 69.78 48.19 50.20 51.97
MC + FK + PH 47.83 91.66 74.03 50.50 51.40 50.30 38.51 38.46 68.78 57.02 51.40 47.94
MC + FV 49.47 49.47 46.71 50.40 50.30 49.70 42.10 28.17 30.28 55.96 50.40 47.94
MC + FV + FK 49.18 92.49 50.19 51.20 50.00 50.40 41.02 37.84 69.54 57.55 49.40 52.25
MC + FV + PH 48.69 58.42 72.19 49.10 48.60 49.50 42.01 36.49 50.58 54.89 52.00 48.08
MC + FV + VC 46.11 48.21 51.55 50.30 49.70 50.60 37.89 26.92 40.99 55.11 50.40 47.71
MC + HX 50.45 45.31 40.02 43.90 45.40 43.90 45.32 82.22 34.60 70.43 54.20 53.55
MC + PH 51.23 39.71 75.68 50.00 50.10 50.00 37.62 26.46 25.90 56.06 50.00 48.08
MC + TX 50.20 39.68 26.94 49.90 48.90 48.70 64.17 73.86 26.06 48.72 50.00 52.43
MC + VC 41.40 47.31 44.48 51.90 50.80 48.20 42.45 45.69 49.21 55.96 54.40 48.45
MC + VC + FK 47.46 93.42 44.57 51.00 49.60 51.30 37.35 33.89 71.73 54.57 50.60 47.24
MC + VC + PH 45.37 41.18 67.44 48.60 49.10 50.10 38.56 32.48 37.28 55.53 51.80 49.42
PH 41.52 39.66 77.81 50.20 50.20 50.10 66.23 72.40 25.88 47.98 50.00 50.86
TX 60.05 39.66 43.26 49.10 49.60 50.20 62.70 73.80 25.88 45.85 50.00 52.57
VC 35.38 39.43 34.40 51.00 47.90 48.30 52.35 65.44 27.17 45.74 50.60 51.65
VC + FK 32.15 92.19 45.25 49.70 49.20 52.60 33.05 34.46 71.72 49.15 50.60 47.38
VC + NGT + FK 32.92 92.67 41.28 33.70 27.00 22.50 79.09 74.12 72.75 50.11 50.20 51.88
VC + NGT + MC 44.88 55.55 49.61 35.70 25.00 18.90 68.20 61.80 52.28 54.89 55.20 52.16
VC + NGT + PH 39.11 39.67 67.64 29.40 21.40 16.50 75.41 63.62 25.92 54.68 50.00 52.90
VC + PH 39.39 39.66 70.25 49.50 47.30 48.80 49.71 46.57 25.88 51.81 50.00 51.18
VC + PH + FK 39.15 91.95 68.51 47.20 47.10 45.50 45.45 41.68 69.15 53.51 49.20 48.22
Table 4: The results from the CLIP-large-336 verifier are shown above. Abbreviations are same as Table 2.
Model Method F1-Score
CLIP-base Baseline 49.18
CLIP-base Random 49.47
CLIP-base Opposite 53.56
CLIP-base All 48.40
CLIP-base Always Supports 48.16
CLIP-base Always Refutes 49.39
CLIP-base Always NEI 48.98
CLIP-base Guided 50.53
CLIP-base Oracle 60.69
CLIP-large Baseline 50.49
CLIP-large Random 50.66
CLIP-large Opposite 51.52
CLIP-large All 49.63
CLIP-large Always Supports 49.80
CLIP-large Always Refutes 50.45
CLIP-large Always NEI 52.21
CLIP-large Guided 50.90
CLIP-large Oracle 62.98
CLIP-large-336 Baseline 50.98
CLIP-large-336 Random 52.09
CLIP-large-336 Opposite 51.72
CLIP-large-336 All 52.99
CLIP-large-336 Always Supports 50.66
CLIP-large-336 Always Refutes 52.33
CLIP-large-336 Always NEI 51.35
CLIP-large-336 Guided 51.64
CLIP-large-336 Oracle 62.69
Table 5: The Mocheg results with CLIP models with explanations generated by GPT-3.5-turbo.
Model Method F1-Score
CLIP-base Baseline 49.18
CLIP-base Random 50.57
CLIP-base Opposite 49.34
CLIP-base All 50.57
CLIP-base Always Supports 51.97
CLIP-base Always Refutes 50.57
CLIP-base Always NEI 52.05
CLIP-base Guided 51.02
CLIP-base Oracle 59.21
CLIP-large Baseline 50.49
CLIP-large Random 50.94
CLIP-large Opposite 51.97
CLIP-large All 49.8
CLIP-large Always Supports 52.09
CLIP-large Always Refutes 49.59
CLIP-large Always NEI 49.63
CLIP-large Guided 51.64
CLIP-large Oracle 61.38
CLIP-large-336 baseline 50.98
CLIP-large-336 Random 50.04
CLIP-large-336 Opposite 53.07
CLIP-large-336 All 45.54
CLIP-large-336 Always Supports 53.77
CLIP-large-336 Always Refutes 51.23
CLIP-large-336 Always NEI 51.64
CLIP-large-336 Guided 54.22
CLIP-large-336 Oracle 62.61
Table 6: The Mocheg results with CLIP models with explanations generated by GPT-4o.