Topic: “Democracy”

Posted in Behind the News

Strengthening democracy coverage in local newsrooms

, by Nicole Meir

In a new collaboration, AP and the University of Chicago’s Center for Effective Government will work together to help strengthen democracy coverage across U.S. newsrooms.

Posted in Behind the News

Reporting collaboration reveals complicated system behind public record disputes

, by Nicole Meir

This Sunshine Week, a joint reporting project from AP and CNHI News finds a prohibitive system behind public record requests.

Posted in Announcements

More news consumers to get real-time AP election results through INN collaboration funded by GNI

, by Lauren Easton

With support from the Google News Initiative, The Associated Press will offer nonprofit newsrooms that are members of the Institute for Nonprofit News access to U.S. election results as part of the organizations’ shared commitment to providing facts around the democratic process.

Posted in Announcements

An ‘indispensable role’ in US elections

, by Lauren Easton

As the 2024 presidential campaign gets underway, Washington Bureau Chief Anna Johnson and David Scott, vice president and head of news strategy and operations, outline AP’s election coverage priorities and focus on explanatory journalism.

Posted in Announcements

Matthew Brown named race and politics reporter

, by Nicole Meir

In a memo to staff on Monday, Race and Ethnicity News Editor Aaron Morrison announced Matthew Brown will join AP to cover the intersection of race and politics:

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