« first day (1811 days earlier)   

12:00 AM
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by President James K. Polk
But now I have instant solution to most of my coding problems. I doubt it. More likely is that you come to SO every day you code, multiple times per day. — President James K. Polk 57 secs ago
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Suncatcher
yes, exactly like this — Suncatcher 53 secs ago
12:17 AM
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Henry Ecker
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Suncatcher
thanks, didn't notice this Q. This bug is already 5 yo, but nobody cares to fix it, lol — Suncatcher 44 secs ago
12:55 AM
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by no comment
"my answer may be lost after the question is published" -Not really "lost", it's just harder to see/find. You can still get it via the history. — no comment 21 secs ago
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Ryan M
@nocomment that only works for people able to access Staging Ground (and, I assume, the asker?); people who don't meet the qualifications to review Staging Ground posts cannot get to that. — Ryan M ♦ 10 secs ago
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Security Hound
@NareshChaurasia - Given the complexity of your questions, I have no doubt you believe, the responses ChatGPT have provided you are correct. — Security Hound 43 secs ago
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Ryan M
@M-- That's now done. I'm not going to merge them just yet, because that can't be undone, and while there seems to be a preference for this approach, there's not an overwhelming consensus, and people who feel strongly may appear once the change is made. — Ryan M ♦ 40 secs ago
1:51 AM
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by no comment
@RyanM Ah, didn't realize that's a "privilege" (in quotes because I find SG posts rather bothersome). — no comment 58 secs ago
2:39 AM
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by user4581301
And if you're doing basic programming and doing older challenges on online judge sites, it's highly likely that you'll have a really good success rate with LLM, but sooner or later you'll get to the bread-and-butter stuff that people will pay for because they couldn't get GPT to spit out anything that worked. Basically, if a robot can do your job, it's only a matter of time before the robot does your job. What do you bring to the table, human? — user4581301 56 secs ago
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by user4581301
Long time ago I was standing at a bus stop between my parent's house and an old folk's home, and two of the ol', WWII vintage, guys were discussing robots taking people's jobs. One of them asked something along the lines of, "Hey, young fella, you worried about a robot taking your job?" "No sir," I replied. "Going to school to learn to build robots." — user4581301 29 secs ago
3:17 AM
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Karl Knechtel
We get reports about false alarms from this error all the time, but I think this reproduction is novel. — Karl Knechtel 1 min ago
2 hours later…
5:21 AM
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Bending Rodriguez
reading this question is very tough — Bending Rodriguez 54 secs ago
5:39 AM
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by no comment
What do you mean? — no comment 27 secs ago
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Dev-iL
@chivracq TB = "Too broad", CW = "Community Wiki" — Dev-iL 1 min ago
6:00 AM
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by chivracq
@Dev-iL, oh, Thanks...! Oops, I knew "Community Wiki" but always "forget" about it... And, ah-OK for "Too Broad", that Close Reason doesn't exist anymore (is "Needs Focus" now), I wouldn't have found it... — chivracq 1 min ago
6:40 AM
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Thom A
No they can't, but I specifically asked for the feature for them to be able to be be added. — Thom A 57 secs ago
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Thom A
The Question, @nocomment, is *I imagine they could, and can't check it myself". That's not a question. — Thom A 52 secs ago
6:57 AM
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by VLAZ
"I read the question How can I delete my custom search filter? and no, it DOES NOT WORK for me." along with this screenshot of yours and "I assume this happens because the filter were created for the email that is no longer in my account. Is it?" custom filters and the network-wide tag filters are two completely different features. There is no overlap in functionality. Network filters don't show up as custom filters and vice versa. — VLAZ 29 secs ago

« first day (1811 days earlier)