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A Feature-space Multimodal Data Augmentation Technique for Text-video Retrieval

Published: 10 October 2022 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Every hour, huge amounts of visual contents are posted on social media and user-generated content platforms. To find relevant videos by means of a natural language query, text-video retrieval methods have received increased attention over the past few years. Data augmentation techniques were introduced to increase the performance on unseen test examples by creating new training samples with the application of semantics-preserving techniques, such as color space or geometric transformations on images. Yet, these techniques are usually applied on raw data, leading to more resource-demanding solutions and also requiring the shareability of the raw data, which may not always be true, e.g. copyright issues with clips from movies or TV series. To address this shortcoming, we propose a multimodal data augmentation technique which works in the feature space and creates new videos and captions by mixing semantically similar samples. We experiment our solution on a large scale public dataset, EPIC-Kitchens-100, and achieve considerable improvements over a baseline method, improved state-of-the-art performance, while at the same time performing multiple ablation studies. We release code and pretrained models on Github at\_VideoRetrieval.

    Supplementary Material

    MP4 File (MM22-fp2827.mp4)
    Presentation video of the paper "A Feature-space Multimodal Data Augmentation Technique for Text-video Retrieval". We propose a multimodal data augmentation technique for semantic text-video retrieval which works in the latent space. This raises several advantages when compared to techniques working on raw data, including less problems (privacy, copyright, etc) with data sharing, and easier applicability of the same technique to multiple modalities (e.g. video and text). Several comparison and experiments are performed to show the advantages compared to previously published techniques, while also improving state-of-the-art-techniques on two public datasets.


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