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Debiasing Recommendation with Personal Popularity

Published: 13 May 2024 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Global popularity (GP) bias is the phenomenon that popular items are recommended much more frequently than they should be, which goes against the goal of providing personalized recommendations and harms user experience and recommendation accuracy. Many methods have been proposed to reduce GP bias but they fail to notice the fundamental problem of GP, i.e., it considers popularity from a global perspective of all users and uses a single set of popular items, and thus cannot capture the interests of individual users. As such, we propose a user-aware version of item popularity named personal popularity (PP), which identifies different popular items for each user by considering the users that share similar interests. As PP models the preferences of individual users, it naturally helps to produce personalized recommendations and mitigate GP bias. To integrate PP into recommendation, we design a general personal popularity aware counterfactual (PPAC) framework, which adapts easily to existing recommendation models. In particular, PPAC recognizes that PP and GP have both direct and indirect effects on recommendations and controls direct effects with counterfactual inference techniques for unbiased recommendations. All codes and datasets are available at

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    Index Terms

    1. Debiasing Recommendation with Personal Popularity



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      Published: 13 May 2024


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      1. causal inference
      2. item popularity
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      • the University of Hong Kong
      • the HKU Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award 2022-23
      • Shenzhen Fundamental Research Program
      • the France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme 2020/21
      • the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory
      • the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust


      WWW '24
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      May 13 - 17, 2024
      Singapore, Singapore

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