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Adaptive Control Strategy for Quadruped Robots in Actuator Degradation Scenarios

Published: 30 December 2023 Publication History
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    Quadruped robots have strong adaptability to extreme environments but may also experience faults. Once these faults occur, robots must be repaired before returning to the task, reducing their practical feasibility. One prevalent concern among these faults is actuator degradation, stemming from factors like device aging or unexpected operational events. Traditionally, addressing this problem has relied heavily on intricate fault-tolerant design, which demands deep domain expertise from developers and lacks generalizability. Learning-based approaches offer effective ways to mitigate these limitations, but a research gap exists in effectively deploying such methods on real-world quadruped robots. This paper introduces a pioneering teacher-student framework rooted in reinforcement learning, named Actuator Degeneration Adaptation Transformer (Adapt), aimed at addressing this research gap. This framework produces a unified control strategy, enabling the robot to sustain its locomotion and perform tasks despite sudden joint actuator faults, relying exclusively on its internal sensors. Empirical evaluations on the Unitree A1 platform validate the deployability and effectiveness of Adapt on real-world quadruped robots, and affirm the robustness and practicality of our approach.

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            DAI '23: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Distributed Artificial Intelligence
            November 2023
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            Published: 30 December 2023


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            1. Deep Reinforcement Learning
            2. Fault Tolerance
            3. Machine Learning for Robot Control
            4. Quadruped Robots
            5. Real-World Deployment.


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            DAI '23


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