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Reprint Permission

Copyright or reprint permission for news material



The Gazette is happy to consider all requests for re‐use of our work.

Permission for re‐use considers the purpose of the reprint, its audience,

and the non‐profit or commercial status of the requestor. All material

published in The Gazette is copyrighted and protected by federal law.

In certain circumstances, The Gazette cannot grant re‐use permission.

• Gazette news material cannot be used for political purposes.

• Gazette news material cannot be used in advertising.

• The Gazette cannot grant copyright permission for material we did not create, such as

wire or freelance stories, illustrations and images. We are happy to help you find the

correct copyright owner.

• Gazette material may not be used on others' web sites. Others are welcome to link

to stories on our site.

• Gazette stories must be reprinted verbatim and in their entirety, including byline,

attribution to The Gazette and date of original publication. Graphics and photos must

not be altered.





We believe our work has value to us and to you. Most of the time we ask

a copyright fee in return for using our work. We have chosen our fees

with care and consideration and believe them to be fair.

Non‐profit For organizations providing proof of their charitable, 501 (c)

(3) status, usual fees are as follows:

• use of a story – $50

• use of a photo – $50

• use of a graphic – varies ($25 – $1,000)

For 501 (c) (6) organizations, copyright fees begin at $50 per story or


Use of video/audio/multimedia $30 for personal use only




For businesses, companies and organizations without non‐profit status,

fees begin at

• use of a story ‐$250

• use of a photo ‐$250

• use of a graphic ‐varies ($50 ‐$2,000)

• Use of video/audio/multimedia ‐$250+

PROCEDURE Steps in requesting re‐use permission

Step Action

1 Put your request in writing. Include:

• Who you are or who you represent

• What material you would like to use

• How you want to use that material (brochure, newsletter, annual report,


• How many copies you intend to make and distribute

• Your fax and telephone numbers and email

2 Fax to Pula Davis at 719‐636‐0202,



3 We will respond to you by phone with further questions,


We will fax or email an invoice for the copyright fees.

4 We will let you know permission is granted.

5 Send your check, money order or credit card information* to:

Pula Davis

Rights and Permissions

The Gazette

30 E. Pikes Peak Avenue, Suite 100

Colorado Springs, CO 80903

* credit card information must include your name, billing address, credit

card number and expiration date.

* checks should be made out to The Gazette


reprints of



The Gazette does not have the ability to create reprints of articles for

you. If you choose a copy and duplicating service, you will need to

provide them a copy of our copyright release, sent to you when your

request is approved.

If you have further questions, call 719‐476-1600