
Support for all dimensions of well-being.

Working to advance wellness

U of T is committed to supporting wellness in the workplace. Our work enhances processes through the lens of wellness and ensures access to timely and appropriate services for our tri-campus community.

Wellness Hub

Stay well at U of T.

Organized by Integrated Wellness, the Wellness Hub offers a variety of ongoing tri-campus services, supports, and resources to advance employees’ physical, emotional, social and financial well-being.

Health & Well-being Programs & Services

Health & Well-being supports employees and managers involved in sick leave, long-term disability, occupational health issues, workplace injuries, and workplace accommodation for employees with disabilities.

Contact Health & Well-Being

Equity Offices

Support, awareness, and advocacy

Our Equity Offices are part of our University-wide network that together advance EDI and meet the complex needs of our tri-campus community. They provide resources and guidance, conduct education and awareness initiatives, and help ensure all voices are heard.

Integrated Wellness

We offer an array of programming designed to support our community and ensure all members thrive. Our sustainable staff wellness initiatives help meet the full spectrum of staff wellness needs.

Our work is part of the University’s commitment to improve the supports for mental and physical health along with other aspects of wellness. Subscribe to the Wellness Listserv .

Family Care Office

The Family Care Office provides confidential guidance, resources, referrals, educational programming and advocacy for the University of Toronto Community and their families. We raise awareness of family care issues central to the achievement of education and employment equity at the University of Toronto.

The Family Care Office is guided by the key values of respect, caring and supporting for diverse family needs using an inclusive definition of family.