This week, Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX won three national Edward R. Murrow Awards in the network radio category for investigative reporting, news documentary and excellence in diversity, equity and inclusion. 

The Murrow Awards, issued by the Radio Television Digital News Association, are recognized as one of the most prestigious accolades in journalism, celebrating reporting that echoes the excellence that Edward R. Murrow established as the gold standard in broadcast news. 

In a statement, the association’s president and chief executive officer, Dan Shelley, said: “The Edward R. Murrow Awards serve as a testament to the unwavering dedication of journalists who illuminate the world with their stories. These awards celebrate not just excellence, but the very essence of journalism that shapes our understanding of events and fosters a more informed society.”

The following stories were included in our winning Murrow entries:

This year, stories from Reveal have won 10 awards across seven different national competitions. Other awards announced this year:

About The Center for Investigative Reporting

Founded in 1977 as the nation’s first nonprofit investigative journalism organization, The Center for Investigative Reporting has earned a reputation for being among the most innovative, credible and relevant media organizations in the country. We publish our multiplatform work on our website, Reveal public radio program and podcast, and social media platforms, reaching over a million people weekly. We produce documentaries and television news stories, publish in-depth investigative reports, and partner with local and regional outlets to support and empower local news coverage. Our reporting ignites real-world change, from civil and criminal investigations to new laws and policies, the instigation of public discourse, and solutions-oriented community action.

Correction on Aug 18, 2023

A previous version of this press release cited an Edward R. Murrow Award for continuing coverage. After publication, Murrow administrators informed Reveal this was awarded in error.