I've read the many possible causes and solutions for this problem, but I don't see that any of them can help me.

I'm making a change to an already-existing project that uses jQuery-2.2.4 and jQuery-mobile-1.4.5

Somehow, the jQuery-mobile is interfering with the <input type='file' ... element from binding to the model. Commenting out the following line of code in my View's _Layout allows successful model binding:

<script type="text/javascript" 

This also breaks the layout of the existing UI. Converting the project to Bootstrap et al is not do-able any time soon.

Updated jQuery to 3.6.1, but this breaks jQuery-mobile 1.4.5 which is locked to jQuery 2.n.n

Updated to jQuery-mobile-1.5.0rc. It seems compatible with jQuery-3.6.1, but none of this fixed the model-binding issue for the HttpPostedFileBase ...

Somehow jquery-mobile is preventing MVC from binding the posted data. I can also see by way of Fiddler that the element is getting posted as NULL.

In the MVC Model:

[Display(Name = "Certification Photo")]
public HttpPostedFileBase UploadedPhoto { get; set; }

In the Razor View:

@Html.TextBoxFor(r => r.Sitter.Certifications[i].UploadedPhoto,
    new {
        type = "file",
        data_certindex = i,
        accept = "image/gif,image/png,image/jpeg,image/jpg,image/bmp",
        style = "visibility: hidden; position:absolute;",
        @class = "form-control"

When I select a file, I can see that the value= attribute of UploadedPhoto gets populated as expected, but when the form is posted Fiddler shows that UploadedPhoto is submitted empty and seen as NULL in the controller.

When I remove the jquery-mobile script, everything works perfectly.

I'm stuck with using jQuery-mobile for the time being. Does anyone know what causes this, and/or how to work around the issue?

UPDATE: Is there a way to disable jquery-UI events on a single control or the entire form? I've tried data-role=none but that doesn't seem to disable jQuery-UI events completely.

  • have you tried data-ajax=false on the form?
    – Omar
    Commented Nov 14, 2022 at 9:16


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